Lessons Learned in the Summer

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"Why..." Yukio asked picking himself up from the floor as Rin tackled the other child off of him, "why does everyone hate me? ... Is it because of Nii-San, just because we are brothers, because of what he is..."

"Yukio, I'm not sure how to explain this to you.." His father had told him after Rin was well asleep snoring loudly in his bed. "So I guess the only way is to put it bluntly.."
"What's that mean?" He asked looking up.
"To say things with out sugar coating it, to be straight forward.. The straight out truth."
"Okay. Is it bad?"
"It could be... It would all just depend on how you choose to go about it."
"Tell me." He nodded ready for what ever he was about to say.
"Your brother and you are the children of Satan. Which means you both are half demon." His voice became a soft whisper in case Rin was to wake up, "that's what everyone is so afraid of."
Yukio was silent at the moment he didn't know how to handle something like this, what does it mean, will he turn into the scary monsters too?
"This doesn't make you a bad person, do you want to hurt any body?"
Yukio shook his head.
"Of course not you have no reason to. It doesn't mater who your parents are, ultimately we are all different people and we choose what we become. Before I took you and your brother in everyone thought I was crazy to do something like this, they don't know what I saw... And from what I saw both of you were nothing demonic, possibly two little angels ready to be taught how to fly." He smiled softly patting Yukio's head, "one day you will, so high that it could vanquish even Satan himself... But I'll have to teach you, and you can't leave your brother."
Yukio tried to imagine how his father would teach him to fly even though they both clearly didn't have wings. "I won't. Nii-San and I, we'll be together forever."

-School ground-
"Rin!" The teachers shouted trying to pull him off the other child with out getting hit from the thrashing fists, "call his father again!"
"Nii-San!!" Yukio wiped his running nose holding back the tears from his eyes, "stop it! Daddy has to work so he can bring in money so we can have things like food and light!"
Rin stopped his breath heaving roughly looking at his brother.
"Don't you want to stay in a house? You can't keep making daddy take off of work like this!"
"Well these guys need to stop messing with you!!" Rin yelled back upset for his own brother scolding him for protecting him.
"I'm okay Nii-San...." Yukio picked up the crushed glasses from the floor and slid them in his pocket, "thank you."
Rin grumbled being set back on the ground having calmed himself and was met by a hug from Yukio.

"Well your father can't come to pick you up but your staying the quiet room." The teacher huffed having been denied the easy escape of having Rin taken off her hands. Rin didn't mind the room it was a little too small but he had time to think things over in his mind, 'why is it the bullies never get caught and sent in here? Why was it always him?'

-True Cross Academy
"If you don't mind me asking, who was that?" Mephisto hummed behind the computer of his desk.
"It was the boys' school. Some kid keeps picking on Yukio and Rin sorta beat the shit out of him."
Mephisto just smiled waiting for their previous conversation to continue.
"..Anyway, as I was saying with your given permission I'd like to-"
"Take my hand in marriage~"
"Meph... This is serious, stop it." Shiro's brow twitched in aggravation, "why would you say something like that?"
Mephisto chuckled sitting back in his chair and crossed his legs and folded his hands, "Take a joke will you~ Anyway I think that will be quite interesting. A spawn of Satan to become an exorcist... But he's quite young don't you think?"
"I believe he can handle it, besides Rin has inherited most of Satan as far as I've seen his flames might be sealed away but his strength is inhuman and he never gets sick unless it's a possible runny nose, it's understandable I suppose you're sensitive to dust."
"So Yukio possesses no inhuman powers you say? In that case it's a defiant approval from me, you may home school him or bring him here to listen in on your teachings. Those who encounter him will be sworn to secrecy, you'll be moved to a private class. I suppose I'll have to meet him later and see more of him when he can 'legally' enroll in our beloved school. Until then train him well and he better pass the entry exam, prove to me this isn't a waste of my staff's time."
"Thank you." Shiro nodded.

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