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The preschool years seemed to fly so quickly and potty training was surprisingly but very much appreciated to catch on well and quickly. All for Yukio who during the day had no problems but wet the bed at night. And even though he tried his hardest, the twins always ended up in his bed, Shiro's poor mattress was stained and smelled of the many accidents that the twins made.. However until he was able to get them to stay in their own beds he couldn't get a new mattress for it would just be ruined yet again. To compromise Shiro came up with a deal for the boys. He made a pallet on the floor and laid down on the spread that stayed in between the two boys' beds.

"This way you can stay in your own bed, and I'll be right here." He said rocking the boys softly.
"All night?" Yukio asked half asleep.
Shiro had originally planned to sneak out once they had fallen asleep but hearing Yukio feel so afraid of being with out him during the night made his heart pinch and he gave in, "All night." He nodded.
"Okay..." Yukio nodded back soon falling asleep, his glasses still pressed to his face while resting against his father's chest. Shiro made sure to gently slip the glasses of the young boy's face as he laid him in his own bed folding them up and placed them on the desk tucking Rin in after that was fast asleep and drooling on himself. Later he settled down on the floor, nothing foreign to him, many missions he'd been on had him in plenty of uncomfortable positions, sleeping on the floor was the least thing he'd consider an uncomfortable sacrifice. He placed his glasses next to Yukio's and Rin's sunglasses; or rather what was left of the scrapped up bent frame of the shades.

When closing his eyes trying to settle his thought of upcoming elementary school and balancing the budget of school supplies and house supplies along with groceries he found himself slipping into a dream. No, a nightmare... He started off in darkness and silence. From a distance there was a blue light flickering. Squinting in the dark his body felt heavy like led but he managed to move his feet stepping closer to the light, and the light came closer, a light of burning flame shinning brightly blue. He knew very well what this flame was and what it could do how ever it seemed calm as the both stepped to each other but a foot of separation.

"I'm taking my child." The flame breathed in a deep raspy voice.
Of course this put Shiro on defense right away but he became curious, "child... Only one?"
"This is not going to be a deal exorcist, your petty soul is nothing of my interest, I'm taking only Rin."
"Because he's stronger, inherited most of me, he is my son. Yukio... He's weak in every way, under my influence he'll die anyway. I have no use for a scrawny sickly offspring."
"No he isn't! And you can't have either of them no matter their differences in strength!" Shiro growled.
"Tch, who are you to stop me!? They're my sons and I shall do as I please and take what I want. I will have them sooner or later you will see." The flame began to rise feeling the power of intimidation from the priest.
"You will NEVER have them! They are NOTHING like you!"
"I will have them!! Yukio will not go far in this life, and Rin will soon clear my gateway to make Assiah mine!" They began to argue all the while the flames began to grow and surround him. "However I find it interesting as well that a man in your position have taken such care for my offspring."
"As far as I'm concerned they are nothing of yours, you abandoned Yuri while she gave birth and she died! Then you left both of your sons in which you suddenly care for and want to have so desperately, abandoned them in a cold mountain cave you sorry bastard you won't have anything to do with them so long as I'm in the way to stop you!!"
"YOU stop ME!?!" The flame flared higher now all around Shiro but even in all the heat and the evil power soaking the atmosphere the smoke in the air making it thick and hard to breath the flame no matter how high and large it became did not touch him but left a circle around him of clear black where it was unable to reach. "I will have my son even if I have to corrode and break you down slowly, painfully of everyday of the rest of your short meaningless life you conspiring exorcist, you can't change anything!"

Shiro's eyes flew open looking at the blurred ceiling hazed with a shade of blue for a moment he thought the house was on fire. His ears tingled and perked listening for the fire alarm but there was nothing only Yukio whimpering and mumbling to himself on the bed coughing and his little teeth chattering violently.
"Yukio!" Shiro sat up reaching for his glasses quickly and kneeled at the side of the bed, "what's wrong Yukio?!"
"I-I d-don't feeeel good.." Yukio spoke between shivers and his teeth, "a-and I throwed up."
"Let me see." Shiro quickly raveled up the soiled blankets and checked over the thin arms of the little boy and his legs lifting his shirt and on the back of his neck but there were no signs that this was something of a demonic possession. But his temperature was alarmingly high and he started to heave as if going to vomit again.
"D-daddy I-I'm c-cold!" He whined gasping for breath unable to bring anything up from his stomach.
"Shh it's okay Yukio. I'm going to have to take you to the hospital." He said quickly snatching him up feeling him shake in his arms. He woke the other priests telling one to come with him and another to stay with Rin. After he rushed into the hospital Yukio was admitted and put in intensive care. His poor thin pale arms were stuck with needles and an IV while a mask covered his face and a blood pressure cuff squeezed his other arm and they began tests and covered him in ice packs to bring down his temperature quickly.

Yukio was stunned in a shock being snatch from his father's arms so quickly and all the doctors around making him more uncomfortable than he already felt. He looked around finally Shiro held his tiny hand tightly running his fingers through the dark hair on his head.
"Yukio, it's okay I'm right here." He said softly.
"A-all night?" Yukio cried behind the plastic mask.
"All night." He nodded showing a smile and holding back his tears from his panic.
"I'm s-scared. Don't fall a-a sleep." Yukio's eyes still darted around red and glossy from crying.
"Don't worry, I promise I'll be wide awake." Shiro promised wiping away Yukio's tears, "I'll be right here with you until they say you're all better and I can take you back home."

Shiro stayed up all morning with little news of what exactly was going on with Yukio and how he got this sudden illness. The phone was handed to him by a doctor, "it's your other son."
"Oh, thank you." He took the phone pressing it to his ear, "Rin?"
"Daddy where are you? Where's Yukio?"
"Yukio got very sick last night, daddy had to take him to the hospital. I'll be away for a while okay, I have to stay with him."
"Will he be okay?" Rin asked.
Shiro glanced over at Yukio his chest rising and falling slowly his little body crowded in wires and machines feeling his hear drop to his feet and his eyes stung with tears again, "I-I don't know Rin..." He said trying to hide his shaking voice, "I can't say for sure.."
"Daddy are you crying?" Rin asked with concern and worry in his voice.
"I'm just worried, and scared." He said forcing again to pull himself together.
"I'm scared for your brother. But don't you worry Rin, Yukio needs you to be strong for him okay."
"Okay!" Rin smiled on the other line nodding his head, "and it will help him get better?"
"Yes, it would make him feel better."
"Okay.. I miss you daddy."
"I miss you too Rin-kun." He was able to smile with comforting of the child, "everyone there will take care of you while I'm away, but call me when you get home from school okay?"
"I will daddy!"
"Do you promise?"
"I prowmis." Rin agreed.
"Okay, have a good day at school okay."
"I will. Bye bye daddy. I love you!"
"I love you too Rin, bye bye." He hung up the phone feeling the lack of sleep again while he watched over Yukio in the hospital bed.


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