Preschool/Yukio's Glasses

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By the time the twins were three, they began preschool. Their first day was unnerving. The first time being away from each other even if it was only for a half a day. It didn't matter how he occupied himself his eyes always shot to the clock checking the time. On the first day the teacher of the preschool, a very young and kindhearted woman had the handle on most of the 2 and 3 year olds but had taken note Yukio kept to himself. For the first hour after Shiro had dropped them off, not wanting to leave them himself, Yukio stayed near the door waiting observing every face that walked through and out of it. His waiting became restless and he started calling for him.

"Dad!" He shouted and waited for a few seconds. When his fathers familiar face and voice didn't come he yelled again, "dad!" And waited once more.
"Ah, Yukio-Kun why don't you come join nii-San and play with the blocks?" The teacher kneeled down seeing his worried face.
But the little boy ignored her and walked a little bit away looking around figuring his dad shouldn't be far, as he never was too far away if not just in the next doom.
"Daddy!!" He called again this time for sure thinking it would work.
"Aw honey, your daddy will be back. He wants you to play, and make friends." She followed after him, "it would make him happy if you had fun, don't you want daddy to be happy?"
Finally Yukio's head bowed terribly shy and not sure of this stranger lady, but she sounded nice, "Yes." He answered.
"Of course." She smiled, "and Nii-San would have more fun with his little brother, you don't want to leave him alone do you?"
Yukio spotted Rin stacking colorful block on top of each other, and it sure looked like fun, "no."
"No it wouldn't be fun without you here. Come on let's go play, and I promise you that I will let you know when your daddy comes back okay?"
"Okay." He slowly walked toward the other children staying close to his brother.

"Yuke, play with block too?" Rin handed over a yellow block to his brother. Yukio hesitantly took the block still looking around the unfamiliar place and wishing any moment now the nice lady would come back with his father. And she did come back, only 'daddy' wasn't with her.

"What do you have there?" She asked hoping to distract him from missing his guardian, "is that a yellow block? Can you say yellow?"
Yukio looked in his hand and repeated the word, "lellow."
"Oh very good, what color does Nii-San have? Is that blue?"
"Boo." Rin nodded.
"What else is blue? They sky is blue!" She said.
"Sky boo." Rin said tired of waiting for Yukio to add his block onto his tower and tried grabbing it away.
"Now now, Rin be nice we don't grab things away from people." She frowned, "but Yukio I think he wants you to add your block, can you put it on the top?" She pointed to the tip of the tower, a little too high for him to reach.

Mean while at the monastery, Shiro paced the floor glancing at the time.
"Ah Shiro, want to play Jenga with us?" His friends asked to help him pass the time of waiting for the boys. Only a game of Jenga could only last for so long, as well as cards, and dominos. For the remanding part he was left to read or do a little house work such as making beds and cleaning up the toys littered about the house. Until finally it was time to pick them up just a little after lunch time.

"Yukio, Rin." The teacher said sweetly waking the boys from their nap, "guess who's here." She smiled sweetly. They both looked passed her to see their father and sprang to their feet running quickly into his arms.
"Oh my boys! I missed you!!" He hugged then tightly, "did you miss me?"
"Yes!" They both nodded with large smiles.
"Oh but did you have fun?"
"Yes." They nodded again.
"Was your cute teacher nice?" He smiled making the young woman blush and giggle.
"Yes." The answered back again.
"Do you want to come back here tomorrow?"
"Yes." Rin nodded looking between Shiro and the teacher.
"No." Yukio shook his head.
"No? Aw why not?" He asked, "Nii-San wants to come back he had fun. Didn't you Yukio?"
He just shook his head hiding his eyes by resting on his fathers shoulder.

"Aw but I will miss you Yukio-kun, you're such a smart little boy." His teacher said sounding sad.
"You just miss me too much?" Shiro nuzzled him softly placing a kiss on his head as he got a nod in response. "Well you can try again tomorrow for me okay? And I'll be back again to pick you up just like I am now."
Yukio didn't know how to feel about this and feeling a bit pressured his fingers went in his mouth messing around with his baby teeth.
Shiro left taking them back home and finished the rest of the day normally only with questions of what they did during their school hours.

With preschool progressing there had to be doctor check ups to make sure of their over all wellness. That's when they discovered Yukio had a little trouble seeing.
"Yukio-kun you're going to get glasses!" Shiro said happily.
"Glasses?" He question.
"Like daddy has." He pointed to the circular lenses on his face and metal frame.
"I want glasses too!" Rin complained feeling left out.
Yukio decided that if his father had them and it was something his brother wanted but couldn't have, it made him very special and he liked it! So he agreed to go pick out some glasses.

"I want some too daddy!!" Rin yanked on his father pant leg jealously watching Yukio stair up at the many frames of glasses for children.
"I'm sorry Rin, but you don't need glasses, you can see just fine." Shiro pat his head softly, "if you had glasses it would actually mess up your eyes and you would look like this." He crossed his eyes together making a funny face.
"Nu uh!" Rin refused to believe him.
"Oh yeah, here try on mine then." He pulled his glasses off his face his vision became a blur of color and his distances were off. He handed them down to Rin as the little boy snatched them away determined to prove him wrong and held the glasses over his eyes.
"See!" Rin said proudly and stomped up to a mirror to look at himself, only the glasses tossed his whole equilibrium off and he stumbled and slapped himself right into the mirror. Shiro was there to help him up checking to make sure he was alright and then took his glasses back that suffered only a few smudges on the lenses. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"Y-yeah." Rin rubbed his nose as it throbbed from the impact of the mirror.
"Uh oh... Your eyes stayed crossed!" Shiro gasped.
"What?! Oh no!!" Rin jumped up looking in the mirror again stretching his eyes open to see them, "no they're not." He realized in relief, "daddy you tricked me!"
"Oh then maybe it was just my eyes." Shiro laughed cleaning the glasses and put them back on his face fixing his vision. By the time he turned back around he saw Yukio talking to a woman that worked at the eye wear store.

"I want this one please." Yukio held a simple black frame.
"Are you sure that's the one you want young man?" She asked taking the small frame surprised that a child so young would go with something that looked so mature out of all the colorful frames with sparkles and cute characters on them.
"Yes, I'm sure." He nodded.
"Okay. I will ring them up then." She smiled going to the computer behind the desk and typing in the frame to get the price. "4000¥ please." (Approx 40-37usd)"
"Hey nice pick kiddo." Shiro took out his wallet.
"Can I pay for it?" Yukio asked.
"Of course my little man they are your glasses after all." He handed the money to Yukio and picked him up so that he could hand the money to the woman behind the counter. She smiled taking the cash and got up, "give me one moment I'll put the proper lenses in them and have them out to you."

"Look!" Rin turned around with a pair of green circular sunglasses on, the ones where the lenses flip up.
"You can't have glasses." Yukio said keeping a straight face.
"But I can see with these! Please daddy!!!!" Rin begged jumping up and down. Shiro felt bad for letting Rin feel so left out, he had no idea the struggle of keeping up with glasses and he was getting a little reckless ending up in scrapes and bruises just as a kid his age should be. But a pair of sunglasses couldn't hurt and always helped young eyes stay protected against the sun so he couldn't resist. "Alright bring em up here." He sighed taking the shades and put them on the counter as the woman came back handing the glasses to Yukio.
Yukio slid them on his face and looked around seeing every image sharp and clear, solid and at the right distance.
"Feel better?" Shiro asked with a smile after dishing out more money to pay for Rin's glasses and handed them down to him as Rin slapped them on his face excitedly. Yukio smiled and nodded.

He took them home where thousands of pictures by an old Polaroid camera were taken of them with their new glasses. And Yukio was exited as well as Rin to show off their new style to their teacher at preschool.


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