Adjusting to being 'dad'/ baby talk

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The twins babbles became more pronounced, in other words they were beginning to talk. Which means the camera was rolling.

The first words in their high pitched squeaky voice was, "DAD!" With the extra 'a' added to the end at times. Depending on how set they were on getting his attention is was, 'Dadadada' with the addition of hitting a spoon on the trays of the high hairs and screaming.

But being called 'dad' was taking some getting used to. Rin had climbed to a level too high for his comfort on a dresser and decided the best thing to do was call out for dad. Yukio joined in as well after the first few calls didn't seem to work. "Dad! Dad!"

One of the priest tapped his shoulder, " 'Dad' they're calling you." He noted.
"What?" Shiro looked up from his work now hearing the desperate calls, "Oh!!" He jumped up quickly finding Rin stuck like a kitten in a tree. "Get down from there you could fall." He attached the boy to his hip, "what's up there that you want Hm? Do you see something?"

Rin tried his best to tell him that the bear was on the third shelf and he was trying to reach it. But all that really helped was if he pointed at the object. "This?" Shiro took the bear.

"Dis." Rin repeated and snatched the bear from his hands.
"You want the bear." Shiro said.
"I wan.. Beawr.." Rin repeated looking at the toy.
"Very good. Go play with your bear." He set him down as the older twin waddled away with his bear and Yukio stayed looking up at Shiro. "Dad." He said again.
"What?" Shiro knelt down patting the boys head softly.
"Dad." He repeated.
Shiro smiled, "Yukio.. Do you want a toy too?"
"Toy. Dad." He looked up on the shelf his eyes shinning as he was lifted up to point to a toy on the shelf. He grabbed for a purple hippopotamus that made a musical jungle when shaken.
"The hippo?"
"Ippo, dad."
"Yes the hippo."
"Eeppo." He said again trying to copy the word.
"Hehe close enough, go play.." Shiro sat him down and watch him run off to join his brother.

"So, do we have to start calling you 'dad' now too or what?" One of the priest asked.
"What? Why would you do that? That's awkward and... Weird!" Shiro shook his head.

"Daad!!" The little voices called again. "Daad!"

Shiro got up once more to check on them and they ran to him with open arms but their talking stopped. "What is it?" He asked waiting for them to gesture or babble something. Instead in their silence he got a whiff of something, something not so pleasant smelling.

"Uh oh, one of you made a stinky." His nose wrinkled leaning down to sniff at their butts. Yukio was fine, but a little wet, which meant Rin had the grand package in the back of his diaper.
"Ooh man! Found it, you little stinker! We have got to start potty training on you soon..." He held his nose laying Rin on his back and quickly went to change his diaper and after Rin was all clean changed Yukio from his wet diaper.

The day was never with out the little calls for 'super dad', sometimes even being called for no reason, it was just their favorite word to yell out. But it just took time getting used to it all. Being called 'Father' from the church members is one thing they don't say it like that was his name, being called 'Dad' was different. These were his first kids after all and even at the park he would sometimes forget that he was to answer to dad and like all the other parents wondered who's kid that was going crazy calling for their father only to realize it was his.

To help him get used to it the others began to call him 'dad' as well. Which was a little off to everyone but they managed. Shiro wasn't sure about having them call him 'dad' for the rest of their life, but he was the only thing of a father they had, and it shows just how much they've grown attached to him as well. They might as well call him dad because he hadn't agreed to Mephisto's option of putting them for adoption. He loved them already like his own sons and already introduced them to others as his own, so everything just for so perfectly.

"Yukio, Rin are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" He asked at dinner.
"Eat!" They nodded running over and climbing up in the high chairs by themselves. They got better at using their own spoons and having a little more solid food in their diet, but still ever so messy. Rin would always feed the rest of his face and clothing before he got anything in his mouth. And the kitchen sink was becoming a little bit too small for the growing boys. The crib was being replaced by toddler beds, only now that they could walk and weren't trapped by crib bars, Shiro found himself with company during the night. They would creep in his room, their little feet thumping on the floor as they ran to his bed and slapped their hands on the mattress calling "dad! Dadadada!" Until they woke him up and he would help them climb into bed and feel them nuzzle and curl up as close as they possibly could with out becoming one with his body, and fell fast asleep. Although small it was a little hard to get used to being squished with one child on each side of him, or unable to switch positions through the night because they were using him as a pillow, and they looked too comfortable that it would break his hear to disturb them. Only he paid for it in the morning with a sore back having to do extra stretches to work out pinched muscles and pain. And of course the bed would be soaked on either side from the still not potty trained twins. Every morning the laundry would be full of Shiro's bed dressings and all three of their clothing to wash, and to make things easy Shiro would bring them into the bath with him to clean them all off from their accident.

"Feeling okay 'dad'?" He was asked after walking into the kitchen for a morning cup of coffee.
"Yeah, only I feel old. Back aches and waking up with piss all over me, even though it's not mine, it gives me a panic when I first wake up and feel it." He yawned stirring the cup and brought it to the table. "I think I got the hang of it by now, you can stop calling me dad..." He added.
"Are you sure?"
He looked up annoyed, "I'm positively sure I got this."

The twins arrived with their bottles in hand both trying to crawl into his lap.
"Hey now don't get comfortable, we're going for a walk this morning." He set them down finishing the cup and stood up as the kids followed him out to the door. "What do you want to do ride in the stroller or the wagon?"
"Wagon!" They cheered holding up their bottles. He picked them up setting them in the classic little red wagon. As soon as they began strolling down the sidewalk they seemed to get a little bored with the quietness and began picking on each other.
"Rin, Yukio what was that song again about the broken little wagon?" He asked pulling the handle behind him.
"Wagon song!!!" They jumped to attention and began to bounce in their seats.
"Ah that's right the wagon song. Do you want to help me sing it?"
They nodded their head once, "dad start."
"Okay.." He smiled successfully distracting them from fighting and fussing with each other. "I need someone to fix the wagon, who will fix it?"
"Nii-tan!" Yukio placed his hand on Rin.
"Nii-San what will you fix the wagon with?"
"My ham!"
Shiro laughed, "hammer?"
"Ammer." Rin repeated making the fixing motion with his hand.
"Okay. Rin is going to fix it with his hammer." He continued singing as the rounded the corner and came up on an Ice cream stand.

"Eam! Ice eam!!" Yukio pointed, "dad!"
"Okay okay, you've been good and helped me fix the wagon." He pulled them up by the stand and ordered them two small ice cream cones letting them eat as he pulled them back home in the wagon.


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