These Last Days

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"That man took us in." Rin mimicked Yukio's words angrily after a lecture from him as he nursed his wounds after a fight he had once again managed to get involved in and then fired from a job he just managed to get hired onto, "is this how you show him your gratitude for all the hard work he's done?!" Yukio's words still echoed in his head.
"I never asked for 'that man' to save me." He growled just passing Shiro's room on his way to the kitchen to start dinner only because he was hungry.

Mean while Shiro was asleep, having been very tired as of late. A god of the underworld always looming over your sheer will power drains a person completely. However thankfully this dream was full of happy memories of the twins growing up and even if Shura.

"Good morning daddy!!" Yukio had slid off the little bed into his lap when he had slept on the floor in their room. "Look daddy I brought you coffee!!" Rin held out a cup, only it was ice cold and over sweetened.
"Gah!" He forced himself to swallow the sip he took from the cup, "oh thanks kiddo!" He coughed, "it's perfect.. Yeah just the way I like it." He set it on the little night stand unable to tell the truth about the horrible mix in the cup and gave the boys a hug.
"My tooth!" Yukio cried, "it's loose!!"
"Mine too!!" Rin screamed.
"Let me see?" Shiro watched the two boys wiggle their teeth, "oh my they're ready to come out."
"No! Don't take it out its mine!" Rin clamped his lips shut over his tooth.
"But you'll have more that grow in."
"Yes, grown up teeth."
"You mean I won't be a kid anymore once I have my grown up teeth!?"
"Ha! You'll always be my kids." He laughed.
"Come on Yukio! Come down the slide!!" Rin called up on the water slide in the big bath house.
"No you're crazy! That's only for kids anyway."
"Nu uh daddy's up here!" Rin slid himself down the edge of the slide splashing through and in the pool squealing.
"Dad! You're crazy!" Yukio watched as Shiro came sliding down after Rin and grabbed him up in a hug as the laughed.
"It's raining..." Rin sighed.
"Make another teru teru bazu." Yukio held up a little ghost like doll.
"Ugh I've made ten of them already!"
"And they are adorable!" Shiro answered stepping behind them, "but how about somethin else, like a pillow fort in the living room and a movie!"
"Yeah!! Pillow fort!!!" Rin threw his arms up and cheered, "wait how do we make one?"
"I'll teach ya."
"Where did all my beer go, I could have sworn I had at least two left." Shiro mumbled looking in the fridge.
"Beer?" The voice of a young Shura answered back with a blush on her face and dazed eyes.
"Oh no! Shura did you drink that!?"
"I-I was thirsty!"
"Ah no use now.... So how ya feeling?"
She hiccuped and stumbled to a chair and looked up laughing, "Freckin cool!"
"Aye, looks like we'll take this day off. But you're still underage to drink!!"
"Awe cool it Sensei, I'm not gonna tell anyone!" Shura hiccuped and fell into the chair giggling in the buzz from the alcohol.

It was all very nostalgic, and he'd finally gotten a good sleep before Yukio had come to wake him for dinner.

"So Rin," he asked, "how'd the job go today?"
Rin stayed silent looking away.
Shiro sighed, "What happened...?"
"It wasn't my fault okay. I just so happen to be stopping by a woman getting threatened to be robbed in the store. I didn't want the guy to get away with it so I just took action, but because he hadn't stole from her then I'm charged with assaulting him..."
"Well, we have all summer."

And all summer it took. But both Rin and Shiro were becoming a little more than aggravate and impatient with the vicious cycle of failing jobs. No matter how hard he tried he was either too clumsy, either with nerves or just being himself, and described as a Neanderthal when he'd find himself engaging in fights, and what would really get on Shiro's nerves was when they sent him charges for all the damage Rin had caused.
But finally a break through, Rin thought as he delivered the last paper on the bicycle.

"Just keep your eyes on the road ahead of you," his manager told him, "Ya don't even have to talk to anyone really, at most just smile and wave."
And that's exactly what he did, there wasn't much interaction with people and he would be going by bike to have no time to assess any fights. It wasn't the best paying job but it was easy and he couldn't be picky. Just as he'd been so happy with himself on his way to return the bike and clock out for the night he had been walking past a tennis court with four boys.

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