Trouble with Rin/ Friendly Backup

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As it went into the second day of Yukio's stay in the hospital Rin had started elementary and was on his second day of class and was already getting trouble from the children in his class. It was bad enough a twin with out the other was off balanced and he felt like something deep within was missing, and all he would get of his father was phone calls after school.

The children seemed to stay distant from Rin whenever he tried to interact and play, it was nothing like preschool. The children became more aware and listened to their parents and spreading rumors even though they didn't understand what everything correctly meant, they just knew it was frowned upon by their parents so they should hate it too.

"Bastard." One of the kids muttered passing Rin. At first Rin dismissed the comment not knowing what it was or if it was directed at him. "Hey! Didn't you hear me?"
Rin turned around now and tilted his head, "What?"
"I said you're a bastard." The other child hissed again.
"....what's that?" Rin asked already feeling hurt just by the way the word was being stabbed at him.
"Your mommy wasn't married to your daddy when she had you, that makes you nothing but a bastard child! Bastard children shouldn't be in school!" And with the final blow the child stuck his tongue out and went to leave. Only he was grabbed back by the small hand and was wrestled to the floor. Spotting the beginning fight the teacher broke them apart quickly and seeing no serious injuries she set them in time out. But his new enemy saw him as an easy target to get the reaction and attention he wanted. He over heard Rin explaining to the teacher that he had a twin brother but he was sick in the hospital.
"Your brother is sick because you're a demon." The kid shot again. This time Rin leapt into action taking the other child to the floor making him hit his head on the little chairs on the way down and a shriek came from the child as Rin's finger nails scratched and clawed at the kids face and slapped and tried to hold down the flailing hands to punch his face.

"Okumara Rin!!!" The teacher screamed he moved too fast before she could realize it and pried him away from the bloody scrapped up child. "I'm calling your father! A-and the nurse!" She saw the other child sit up freaking out from all the blood.

Meanwhile at the hospital Shiro was softly speaking to Yukio telling him a story when the doctor walked in.
"Fujimoto we have some good news, and a little ...'alarming' news."
Shiro told Yukio to hold on for just a moment and he'd be back at his side. They walked into the hall for confrontation.
"Gimme the good news first..."
"Well Yukio seemed to have contracted the Kawasaki disease. It is actually common in children his age and effects those with a low immune system. The good news is that it is treatable as we administer a drug that boosts and builds the immune system. And at the stage you brought him in as a fast reaction he'll most likely suffer little to no damages from this in the long run."
"Oh thank god.." Shiro gave a deep sigh of relief, "then... What's the alarming news?"
"Well... The hospital over night stays, and the treatment is costly." The doctor handed over a paper with numbers strung in a column tallying a large number that made the priest light headed.
"This.. This is the bill???!" His eyes couldn't break away from the large total.
The doctor bit at his lip while nodding his head, "Honestly father I'm not the one who charges these things it's the hospital as a company. I can maybe refer you to companies that could loan you money if you don't have enough--"
"No." Shiro shook his head swallowing hard and trying to remember the last budget he configured, "shit.." He whispered between them, "I have at most a little over half saved away for repairs around the church when they arise but that's fine that can go with out. I guess I can cut the food in the house for the month to pinch an extra yen or so..."
"Are you sure you don't want-" the doctor started but was cut off by a nurse handing the phone to Shiro quickly saying, "It is about your other son!"
"Ah, hello?" Shiro answered.
"Fujimoto sir! Your child Okumara Rin has taken a child to the floor and sent him to the nurse with a bloody face and screaming frenzy!! The children in the classroom are terrified in a corner I demand you pick him up and take him back home NOW!!"
"Please come right away! He will be in the front office waiting for you!" She harshly hung up the phone.
"Damn it!" He handed the phone to the doctor, "I have to go. I'll be back with what ever I can afford and even if I have to I'll start making payments if I can, just make him better!" He hurried in the room and back to his sons side, "Yukio, can you hear me?"
The little boy nodded feeling drained of energy.
"Okay listen to me alright. Daddy has to leave, Nii-San is having trouble at school and I need to pick him up okay. And once I have him I'll be right back here with you okay. I promise."
Yukio hesitantly nodded again as Shiro wrapped his pinky with his as he stated his promise.
"I'll be right back." Shiro rushed out the door.

Rin jumped up when he saw his father walk in through the doors and started crying as he hid his face on his leg.
"Rin, Rin stop crying." He kneeled down taking him into his arms, "just, let's go home." He picked him up on his back.
"Are you mad at me?" Rin asked his voice quivered from crying as they walked on the side walk to the monastery only a few blocks away.
"Rin... Why did you hurt that other kid?" Shiro asked feeling his heavy eyes get blurry even with his glasses on.
"H-he called me a bastard child, a-and a demon. That's why Yukio is sick..." He began to whimper, "Dad.. I'm not a demon am I?"
"No Rin..." He answered softly, "You are every bit human as I am. And you're my little boy... Okay?"
Rin sniffled looking at the slow passing houses as he rested his head on Shiro's shoulder and gave a soft nod. When they reached the house Shiro had broken into the money he'd been setting aside and even pulled from the grocery bill after notifying the others they even pitched in all that they could spare and still Shiro sat at his desk holding his head in his hands writing and counting and rewriting and pulling money from anywhere he could but was still far from paying the whole bill. He was about to give up and cry knowing that the money they had couldn't cover the bill of treatment for little Yukio when suddenly he remembered...
He put it at the bottom of the first aid kit to keep it hidden and as a reminder for emergencies only; and this called for one! He opened the box and found the roll of money that Mephisto had given him the day he brought the twins home. After counting it out and adding it to what he already had he found the total matched perfectly.

--True Cross Academy: Faust Mansion 12:00am--

The pink cellphone jingled and long thin boney fingers slid around it and pressed the button. "Shiro, I've been expecting your call." The demon slid a smile on his face before the other voice had time to answer.
"You knew..." The voice of his friend came on the other end.
"I didn't. I just knew you would be needing it. You sound tired."
"...Yeah.." He said the line on his end was silent.
"Well now you're completely tight on money right now, am I correct?"
Shiro stayed quiet, this game the demon was playing didn't deserve answers.
"Well then don't worry, as far as everything goes here, the twins don't exist and you can take private missions. After all you have to show activity on the board so that another Paladin isn't elected as they believe you simply dropped off the face of the earth. I will take care of everything Fujimoto you just take the files I give you and do your job. That damn 'Author Auguste Angel' thinks he's already deserved to take your place." He said exaggerating the 'fancy' accent used in the name, "oh he has about gotten on my last nerve!~ Just shut him up for me and I'll consider us paid back even."
Shiro sniffled on the other line silently, "Sure.... Hey Mephisto.. Thank you."
"E-EH??" Mephisto's smirk widened, "don't go being cute now Shiro. Crying to me over the phone like this."
"I just mean thanks for helping me out, I'm not crying over your 'generous' way to persuade and preplanned intentions for me to go back to work, I'm just under a lot of stress now.. The kids are picking on Rin at school and Yukio is finally getting his treatment. Yes now I am tight on money now and I don't know how I'm going to keep food in the place or to send the kids off with their lunches for school...."
"Oh my it sounds like a lot of parent issues." Mephisto hummed sounding now as if he was munching on some kind of candy.
"Tch, Yeah soooo understanding." Shiro grumbled, "and Satan came to me in a dream the night before, or I think it was a dream..."
"Ooh did he??"
"He wants Rin. He said Yukio might as well die, but he's going to take Rin."
"Hmmm.... What will you do Shiro?"
"I won't let him... Not as long as it's possible to protect them both, nothing like that is going to happen."
"Ah so is that your move?" Mephisto seemed to purr, "I'm liking this so far. But now to a more personal note Shiro, I'm feeling a little concerned about your sleep. So I will let you go now to get an hour or so that you very much need and deserve. And I hope to be seeing you again soon, Good night!"


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