Like A Train With No Breaks

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It was dark, Shiro didn't know where he was. If he was standing or sitting, the possibility of floating was even a thought. Were his eyes even opened, yes suddenly to his far right came a light then the sound of a heavy steam engine quickly coming closer. He was standing, his eyes were indeed open, and he'd been in an under ground train station. The big black train pulled into the station squeaking it's breaks to a halt and a sizzle of steam hissed from the engine. the doors slid open and it was silent once more.
"A phantom train?" Shiro looked inside the doors only to his surprise found it empty, not one soul aboard. He stepped back wondering why or how, this demon train must be starved being so empty why wasn't its power to beck and call passengers inside not so over whelming that he hadn't a choice to decide for himself to step on? He followed the long train to the front trying to see inside the engine car for the driver. Only it was empty of course, this is a ghost train after all.

"Shiro!!" His name was called from the very back of the train causing him to quickly turn around and reach for his gun.
"Yuri?!" He saw the deceased exorcist poking her head out from the caboose and waved him over.
"Hurry up you're making everyone wait!" She said and pulled at him as he got close enough in her distance.
"What do you mean, there's no one on the-- hey stop it I'm not getting on there! Are you crazy!?"
She tossed her head back in laughter, and then he figured she must be... She apparently 'fell in love' with Satan and had his two children, as if he needed anymore sons to add onto his eight kings. Of course she's crazy...
"Shiro, hurry up get up here with me!" She pleaded again and held out her hand with a smile as if everything would be alright. "Don't make us wait anymore, we can all be together." She said as she watched him drop his gun back in the holster and his hand slowly grasped hers and she pulled him up on the train.
"Who?" He asked after climbing over the rail and Yuri leaned over to wave at the front of the train, as if there was a driver. And as she did so the whistle blew and the engine began to chug once again. And as it pulled from the station it felt as if his soul was already being taken from him and he wanted to jump off. His hand went for his gun again, only stopped by Yuri as she led him inside the train.
"Oh, I know why..." She suddenly turned back to him and reached up taking his glasses off his face, "mhm, don't you see them now?"
"I-I can't see with out my glasses..." He mumbled trying to reach for them again but when he glanced to the seats he saw, people! "Hey, no one was on this train before.." He said, though he could see them their faces were all blurred to where they only looked like masses of bodies, and dark circles of where their eyes should be.
"Of course they were here silly, you just couldn't see them from out there, and with these things on, trust me you don't need them."
"Oh come on! Over here!" She took him further jumping a car over where there were more souls trapped in the train.
"Wait Yuri, what time is it?" He pulled away trying to look around through his blurred vision and find a clock. The trick to a Phantom Train is time, as it was the Kin of Samael, King of time. At exactly 12am the train will turn and show its true form while opening a portal back to Gehenna. If he could exorcist the train or get off it before then he'd be safe. But this doesn't explain why Yuri is here!
"Time doesn't matter anymore." She smiled answering so carefree, "I need to give you something. You're strong enough to take it, if you fight back though that's what will kill you." She answered again opening another door to a car on the train. This car was altered to having all mirrors in place of its seats.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Yuri spun around and began to dance as if hearing a silent tune, she laughed and pulled at his hand again come dance!
"No stop it! We, or uh I need to get off this train now." He pulled out of her hand and went for the door, only the demon train was beginning to take its form and the handles turned into snapping creatures ready to lock onto your wrist and hold you there until your final destination.
"No, let's all be together!" Yuri stopped her dancing and then looked at a mirror as a blue flame flickered in her reflection.
"YURI!!" Shiro yelled kicking his heal at the snapping handle making it yelp in pain as he kicked the door trying to force it open, "I will not stay here, to be with you, or anyone else you're talking about!"
"Oh but you must! The children need you, they need us. Rin feels so alone in this world, he knows he doesn't belong here. Yukio may be fine, but he's much to fragile. I fear you're pushing him too hard..."
"You have the children aboard!?!" He quickly turned back to see her smile.
"Yes our two wonderful children, they're just in the next car waiting for us. With out you I'm sure they'll be quite afraid because they don't know who I, or they're real father are."
Shiro ran to the other side of the car to get to the one ahead be the door seemed to have disappeared.
"You can't escape it, just accept him." She said as the flame in her reflection grew and spread to the other mirrors, using them as vessels and would consume the reflection using it as a gate way to the real body. He had to escape the mirrors if he didn't want to be taken over.
"Just be with us Shiro, you'll be okay, if you don't fight just like me."
"I don't want this Yuri, it's not going to happen!" Shiro drew his gun again and shot the mirrors which were easily cracked and shattered to the floor, only it hardened stopped the flames, it only produced more in each shard of reflecting glass.
Yuri hid her smile laughing into her hand, "Way to make it worse for yourself. I told you, you can't escape him."
"Yeah, great." He muttered looking at the glass. There really was no way to stop it, any of this. The train would keep going as if it had no breaks into the portal back to its home, and Satan had him cornered, Rin and Yukio was trapped in the next car with out him, he couldn't save them from being consumed by the train. Once his mind started running deep into doubt and helpless thoughts the blue flame struck him knocking him off his feet and quickly blinding his already blurred vision.

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