Rin's Skipping School/ Shura and Yukio

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The morning routine had changed slightly as hourly Shiro would go back to the boy's room and try to wake up Rin.

"That's it Rin last call or I'm dragging you out of bed myself! GET. UP." He said firmly over the messy child tangled in his sheets that answered him with a groggy grunting noise.
After five minutes Yukio stood over him shaking him, "Nii-San, get up dad is gonna get mad!"
"I don't wanna." Rin answered back pulling a pillow over his head.
"Alright that's it kiddo I warned ya!" Shiro came back ripping the blankets off of him and snatched his ankles dragging him from the bed and held him upside down over his back.

"No dad stop it!! Let me down!" Rin screamed wiggling in his grip.
"I told you to get up!"
"I'm up! I'm up!!" Rin insisted and was pulled up from over his dad's shoulders and placed back on his feet, "ugh what do you want?"
"What do you mean what do I want? I want you up and ready for school." Shiro answered.
"You didn't even ask if I'm feeling well today!" Rin crossed his arms.
"Okay, how are you feeling?" Shiro lifted a brow.
"Forget it, you don't really care if you have to be told to do it." Rin sighed.
"You're tryin to guilt trip me you little snot." He glared back at his short son pouting in front of him.
"Well you should! Because I don't feel good! I have a head ache and my stomach hurts, and now that you held me upside down I see little fireflies in my eyes and I think I'm going to throw up!"
"Is that so?"
"Oh my goodness you're right, how could I have been so blind not to see it!" Shiro playfully face palmed himself, "it's just all over your face."
"Eh w-what is?"
"The words, 'I don't want to go to school, let me play hooky.' Not fallen for it kiddo now stop yellin at me and yourself ready, you're gonna be late."
"N-no they aren't! I-I really am sick!" Rin flushed, how is it this man always sees through his lies? He began to force himself to cough and gag as if he was going to vomit.
"Rin! Knock it off, you're not sick!" Shiro growled grabbing him in a head lock, "and if you make yourself throw up I will make you clean it."
"I am sick! I bet I have a fever!" Rin squirmed in his arm.
"Fine we'll take your temperature-"
"At the school nurse."

"Nii-San why do you give poor dad such a hard time?" Yukio asked adjusting his glasses and slipping his books inside a back pack.
"I don't want to go to school! I hate it! I wish, I wish it word burn down and all of the students and teachers were trapped inside and the building will crumble down on them!" Rin pulled free from Shiro.
"Rin, that's not very nice..." Shiro sighed with a frown.
"They aren't nice!"
"Nii-San, did you know that dad is a teacher he works at another school teaching big kids." Yukio said, "how would you feel if someone said that about him?"
Rin stayed silent.
"Ah, and your teachers are mothers, and fathers with children of their own, going to school just like you. I don't think those kids would feel too happy knowing someone would wish that upon their family..." Shiro agreed.
"Okay Geez!! It's not like I was gonna do it or anything!" Rin huffed loudly hugging onto Shiro, "but I don't feel good dad."
"Well I'm sorry you don't feel well, but unless you have a temperature or a doctor tells me so, then I can't keep you from school."
Rin sighed finally giving up and dragged his feet about getting ready already in a crabby mood everyday of school was becoming more of a nuisance to him. And if it wasn't for his father and Yukio's help for after school home work he thought he probably would have failed every grade on his own.

"What am I doing here..?" Rin mumbled to himself at his desk sitting alone, although it was more of a question to his whole purpose of life. "I don't belong here... There's something I think I'm missing or misplaced, but nothing fits right, no mater where I am, unless it's at home. Maybe I'm scared of people.... Na, that can't be it." His day dreaming began the moment the teacher took attendance. When class let out for recess Rin found a break in the fence and managed to slip out unseen and able to lounge about in a few trees or under them and fall asleep on his thoughts.
Mean while Yukio was thriving in advancements. He would work fast, and finish all his work even in the advanced classes he was put into. Once he was finished with his school work he brought another large text book, cracked it open and went to reading and taking down notes, pulling more paper from his bag and filling them out.

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