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The babies flailed about on the blanket that was spread out on the floor. Shiro sat at the end of the blue blanket holding a little bear with rattle tummy and a phone pinched between his ear and shoulder. On the other end of the phone line was the familiar voice of the chairman, Mephisto.

"How are things in your 'new' life Shiro?" He asked.
"It's different." He answered softly shaking the bear getting the babies attention and toothless grins. "It's strange, like too peaceful yet a whole new level of chaos."
Sir Pheles chuckled over the phone leaning over his desk and picking at the sweet moist cake on the small plate in front of him, "Well I do find myself intrigued with chaos, tell me all about it."
"Ah well it's more like just hearing me complain really. I haven't had a full nights sleep in ages, I swear my eyes are starting to look as hideous as yours."
"Hey!" Mephisto whimpered, "hideous is such a sharp word! But forgive me if I'm mistaken you're the one who complimented on my eyes when we met."
"Just the color, don't take it like I was flirting with you. Otherwise you can hold groceries in the bags under your eyes.." Shiro smirked watching Rin wiggle furiously to get off his back. "Anyway aside the lack of sleep, there's nothing more frustrating and leaves a little dagger in my heart when they start crying and I can't figure out why. They aren't hungry, or dirty and even if we pick them up they won't stop! Yukio is the first one to cry just about all the time."
"Well crying has never killed anyone. Besides its good for them, builds their lungs and works the vocals."
"I feel so horrible leaving them to cry though!" He pouted keeping a close eye on Rin who finally managed to wiggle onto his tummy and started trying to pick up his head.
"They'll be fine." Mephisto assured, "Now then, how have you been in terms of your hideous smoking habits? As I remember you quit right on the spot of your decision to keep the twins."
"Ah, 'hideous' is a sharp word..." He echoed his words, "Yeah I quit completely. I took the pack I had left and tossed it. I guess it was something to hurry myself into the grave because I never felt I had something to live for."
".....oh?" Mephisto hummed enlightened by such a deep comment, "And now you do?"
"...Yeah I do. These kids have no one else but me now... With out me to stand in the way they would face death by the hands of the True Cross Order and as far as I'm concerned, they're no different than any other human offspring I've seen."
"D'aawe!!~~ Shiro! I'm so proud of you!" The chairman gushed a sarcastic amount of emotion, much like he did when entranced in an anime.
"Thanks 'mother'.. " Shiro rolled his eyes shaking his head annoyed. He reached over bringing a small pillow and propped it under Rin who by now was holding his head up and looking around curiously at all the 'giant' things around him.
"Have you used the money I gave you yet?" Mephisto asked through a mouth full of cake.
"N-no.. That's too much! I don't understand why you gave me so much! What do you want me to do buy a house with it or something!?!"
"Haha, that isn't nearly the money you'll need to get a house! But that's good you haven't used it yet. But...just notify me when you do, okay?"
" know something." Shiro stated getting more serious, "I hate it when you give me future predictions, they always end up being terrible!"
"I haven't gave you my entire prediction!" Mephisto said with a sly smirk stretched on his face, "all I have told you was that I trust that you will use the money I gave you correctly. That doesn't tell you the future in the least!"
Shiro sighed but now a dark omen hovered over the near future. Only quick distraction came to his rescue, "Oh! Meph I gotta go, he's crawling! Someone grab a camera!!" He disconnected in a hurry leaving only the dial tone for the demon to hear.


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