Babies First Bath

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Little Yukio's eyes were fixated on Shiro's as he held Rin in his other arm. The little rattle toy was covered in drool; as any baby knows that the correct thing to do with anything you get your hands on is to put it in your mouth!

"I think it's about time for a bath... You guys smell like drool and sour milk." Shiro grumbled trying to huff the smell out of his nose. Surprisingly all those years of being a heavy smoker which had the high probability to dull the sense of smell, left his just fine if not better. So he set them down back in their crib to get a bath ready.

"Oh my gosh their first bath!?" One of the priests gasped, "adorable! We have to get this on video!"
"Video???" Shiro asked filling up the kitchen sink after making sure it was well cleaned.
"Yes! A lot of people record their babies baths! Just think Shiro, one day they'll be so grown up that you won't be able to carry them in your arms anymore, or fit them in the kitchen sink. It'll be hard to believe they started out so itty bitty tiny and small!" He rummaged through a box quickly picking out the huge camera labeled 'Cannon' and popped open the side sliding in a blank cassette and turned the knob looking through the eye scope and pulling off the black lens protector. "Great I have a good charge and ready to record!"

"That thing is huge, like it's one of the cameras to film the news or something." Shiro watched him but in thought of what he had said before, about the twins being grown up and too big to carry. It made him feel... Alone, and he knew he'd be older as well but how old was too old to stand as a firm shield to protect them, as he started calculating the math of age and years, he was already 35; although everyone much to his liking said he looked much younger... By the time they are only five years old he'd be forty and most people that age are well a grandparent by now or possibly a great grandparent.

"Um, Fujimoto? Are you alright?" His friend asked looking up from the camera noticing he hadn't moved from the sink area.
"Y-yeah I'm fine!" He snapped out of his mathematical thinking. "I'll go get the boys now." He turned dipping his hand in the water one last time to check the temperature.

Once he brought Rin and Yukio to the kitchen strapping Rin in a baby seat on the floor. The baby was quickly distracted by the hanging toys from the arch on the chair and batted at them with flailing hands.

The camera beeped as the record button was pressed and started on Rin.

"Rin-kun!" He said playfully behind the camera getting the baby to squeal and babble, "you are going to be quite the talkative one." The camera view moved to Shiro dipping Yukio in the water slowly for the baby's soft sensitive skin to adjust to the water.
"Yukio-kun's first bath! Look at that face, he doesn't know what's going on!" He laughed as Yukio's big blue eyes stared at the camera with his mouth slightly popped open feeling the water on his body and held on tightly to Shiro's thumbs. Shiro smiled feeling the little boy shiver as he cupped the water in one of his hands and poured it over his back. Finally used to the water Yukio began squirming flailing his legs with a big smile of gums in his mouth.
"He's a guppy." The voice said behind the camera, "liking the water."
The camera turned back to Rin, his fist in his mouth kicking his legs.

"Hey take Yukio, it's Rin's turn." Shiro held up the sparkling clean baby and wrapped him in a soft towel handing him over while slipping Rin out from the chair and out of the diaper.

"Hello Yukio~" the camera viewed a closer image of the baby's face, reflecting his mother's similar features.

"Ack Rin!" Shiro yelped, the camera shot up seeing a fountain of pee come from the baby followed by a squeal of laughter.
"Ooh what a little bugger!"
"Take my glasses..." Shiro looked over at the camera the lenses speckled in Rin's surprise attack.
"Oh no!" He laughed taking them off for him.
"Rascal Rin." Shiro smiled now washing the baby who was splashing in a fit of joy and soaked the counter, floor, Shiro, and even a little bit of the camera; but not enough to damage it.

Finally both the twins were cleaned and swaddled in warm blankets fell fast asleep back in their crib. Shiro sprayed his glasses down with the cleaner and gave the lenses a thorough scrub until clear and dry, then proceeded to change his soaked clothing.

"Just wait till they have girl friends! We're totally gonna break this out to embarrass them!"
"No don't do that." He chuckled shaking his head.
"All good parents do it!"
'A good parent... Will I be a good parent? I'm not their actual parent I'm just a guardian. They don't have to call me by the title of 'father' if they don't want to. I'll have to tell them about what happened to them sooner or later.'

"Fujimoto you're lost in thought again. Is something bothering you??"
"No no, I'm alright! I'm fine." He jumped back out of his thoughts, "just a little tired that's all. I'm gonna take a nap okay?"
"Oh, okay. Sleep well then."


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