Summer Camp: Day two

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"Dad it's time to wake up." Yukio shook his dad on the bed. Just as well Rin was fast asleep next to him.

"Five more minutes." They both grumbled Rin moving in closer as Shiro wrapped his arms around him and hugged him like hoarding him away from the world.
"But dad, everyone is awake now and we don't want to miss breakfast!"
"Not hungry.." Rin mumbled.
"Stayed up late.." Shiro sighed. But at that moment there was a knock on the door from Ninghong.
"Fujimoto-San!? Are you awake yet?! Breakfast is ready!"

"Dad that scary lady is at the door!" Yukio said.
"Tell her we'll skip out on it." He grumbled.
Yukio sighed and shyly answered the door.

"Oh, Yukio-kun? Where is your daddy??"
"H-he won't wake up, said he stayed up too late and isn't hungry..." He looked down sadly.
"Oh really?" She looked at the sad child and pat his head as Chi came running up to greet him. She took out a whistle from her pocket, "this is my morning whistle, it wakes people up when they won't get out of bed, watch.." She smiled as Chi had an annoyed face sticking out his tongue. She stood over the white haired man and took a deep breath and blew the whistle loudly causing both the boys to jolt out of their sleep and sit up.

"Stupid lady..." Rin growled pulling on his clothes.
"No wonder you're single." Shiro teased.
"No, my man would get me out of bed and never had to ask twice. Up on you're feet old man why does true cross still employ such elderly people!?" Although that wasn't what she had thought yesterday.
"Cause I'm the best weapon and guard dog they have."
"Yeah right you can't even get yourself out of bed!" She teased back, "let's go before your breakfast get's cold!"

After breakfast they did a light hiking trip to a lake and waterfall. The children didn't hesitate to jump in and play of course dragging their parents along.

"The fish are biting at my toes!!" Yukio screamed though the koi didn't hurt but gave a weird pecking sensation on his feet. Shiro brought him up on his hip while in the water as well.
"Don't worry they're only getting the toe jam from your toes. They only hade peanut butter in their sandwiches this morning." Referring to the trick sandwich Ninghong gave him this morning with a lot of peanut butter and no jam at all.
"Ew!" He laughed wiggling his toes and waving at the fish.
"Look I caught one!!" Rin held up a big gold fish wiggling about in his arms, "can we keep it!?"
"No we can't keep it, for one just think of how lonely it would feel with out the other fish. They would miss the open lake to swim in, and it's family. What if it's a mommy fish and she has babies somewhere or following her, and you take her away?"
"Maybe there's a Shiro fish? And he'll adopt the fish as his own, like you dad." Yukio smiled with water specks on his glasses.
"Well let's not take away the mommy anyway, I'm sure if that Shiro fish could be spared he'd thank us very much. Hehe.."
Rin set the fish back in the water and watched it swim away quickly to group with the others.

"If you had a problem with your sandwich you should have gotten out of bed old man. I don't care how much you show off if a man can't get out of bed he's the hero that comes too late." Ninghong over heard him as she held Chi over the water and set him down to splash the cool water at Shiro to get his attention.
"Aye! Show off? I wasn't showing off, but thanks for taking an interest~ I'm not sure I'm into the younger and naive girls who can't put together a sandwich though." He smirked splashing her back.
"Ah you sound just like that stupid elf at the TCA!" She growled blocking his splash raising her arms and also to hide a deeply flushed face and proceeded to splash at him again.
"No that's the worst insult ever, my remarks are clearly better than his!"

The three boys; Rin, Yukio, and Chi watched as the two adults got into a teasing argument and splash fight and ended in a fit of laughter but Ninghong still denying that she was beginning to think of him as a friend.

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