Fun in the Snow/A Puppy!/Yukio's Confession

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"Happy birthday to yooouuu!!" They cheered as Rin and Yukio blew out the seven candles on the Christmas cake.
"Dad tell us the story!" Rin said watching his plate being passed to him.
"Once upon a time, a demon appeared on the out skirts of a small village-"
"No dad not that one!"
"Oh for once not that one?" He smiled now cutting a slice of cake for Yukio.
"About when we were born!" Rin said.
"Born? No way you guys grew in a watermelon!" He said.
"A watermelon!?" Rin laughed.
"That's right! It was a cold and snowy day just like this one and I was walking in the forest by a freezing stream and in the slow rivers trickling floated a watermelon! I fished the watermelon out and I heard crying from inside, I had to get you two out but the hardest decision was to cut it in half sideways or longways down the middle!"
"And you cut it long ways and found us!" Rin grinned widely.
"Uh hu."
Rin enjoyed the funny story of how they were taken in by their father but Yukio stayed straight faced unmoved by the story.
"And some of the watermelon seeds stayed stuck to Yukio's face that's why he has little moles!" Rin finished and laughed but Yukio didn't find it very funny. While Rin was contempt with just the made up stories Yukio wondered what really happened. While the children at school drew pictures of their mothers and told the class about the day they were born told by their mothers Yukio felt helplessly embarrassed when he and Rin stood in front of the class and explain the 'watermelon' story and the reason he had moles on his face. The story led to the kids making fun of them, but Rin had paid much attention to it until he saw how upset it made Yukio feel or when the making fun turned into physical bullying. Shiro was always being called to the school to pull Rin off of a child that had been picking on his brother.

After cake the boys wanted to go outside and play in the fresh blanket of snow. Only Yukio seemed to have misplaced his mittens and he remembered once getting frostbite on his little fingers and wasn't going to have it happen again.
"Don't worry," Rin said watching his brother sit on the bed giving up his search for the mittens that only the demons he could see stole away, "you can have mine!" Rin peeled off the mittens grabbing Yukio's hands and dressed them in the cloth.
"N-nii-San won't your hands get cold then?" Yukio didn't bother to pull away, he'd seen his brothers strength and though it was to protect him, even he got frightened of it and he didn't want to make him mad and possibly have that strength thrashed at him.
"No." Rin wiggled his fingers, "they don't really get cold."
"Oh.. O-okay."
They met Shiro outside clearing off the walk way leading to the house and the others digging out the drive way.
"Let's clear of the mail box!" Rin tried running through the snow that came to above his ankles. Yukio followed and began clearing off the mail box. Once it was clear Rin called out, "SNOWMAN!! Daddy daddy come play with us! Help us make a snowman!"
"Alright alright help you with the snowman..." Shiro huffed pulled away from his work snatching up some snow and balled it up and rolled it around collecting more snow until it was heavy and he let the boys run around with it until big and rounded and started making the middle piece and so on until he placed the lass ball of snow on the snowman and helped them dig up sticks in the yard for its arms and and wrapped a scarf around its neck and a hat upon its head and finally decorating the face.
"Wait Rin, why does the snowman look kinda mad?" Shiro tilted his head as they stood back to look at the finished creation.
"Because he's really fat and has skinny arms but no legs." Rin explained making everyone laugh.
"Okay good enough." Shiro chuckled with his reasoning.
"Snow angels!" Rin suddenly called yanked Shiro's arm quickly making him proceed with getting to the ground.
"Ow take it easy, ah Rin where're your gloves, your fingers are going to get so frozen that they'll fall off." He finally notice the absents of his mittens.
"I don't feel them anymore!" Rin flailed his arms in the snow, "look at the clouds!"
Yukio took a spot close to his brother laying on his back to see what was so fascinating as well as Shiro.
"Do you know what clouds are?" Rin asked.
"Hmm what are they?" Shiro asked to flatter him.
"The sun farted and the clouds are the gas." He explained.
"Child you are just... Too funny." Shiro smiled.
"Look snow fairies!" Rin pointed as small flakes of snow began to fall from the grey clouds again.
"Fairies?" Yukio said.
"Yeah! They're nice fairies who make more snow so all the children can play in it."
"And all the grown ups to work in it." Shiro sighed knowing the almost clear walk way was going to be coved back up again before he could spread the salt out.
"This is fun." Rin smiled and sniffles as his nose became runny.
"Yes it is. But I think it's time for you both to go inside because these 'snow fairies' are going to give you a cold. And freeze those fingers of yours! How about I set up the blankets at the fire place, and make some hot chocolate."
"Yeah!!!" Yukio jumped up quickly.
"With marshmallows?!" Rin asked getting up and tried not to ruin the snow angel he made.
"A whole bunch." Shiro waved to everyone else to come inside as well to join in on the 'defrost'.

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