First Christams/Birthday

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Since the twins were born the 27th and money was tight Shiro combined the two holidays of the month together, on Christmas Rin and Yukio's birthday would be celebrated as well. By now the boys had somewhat gotten the hang of putting food in their mouth.

"Another video for the memory!" The camera turned on and started recording. The two boys in their high chair was given a whole cupcake each. Rin's hands splat the cupcake and squished it into the tray and looked at his frosting covered hand curiously and waved it about making a mess of crumbs everywhere.
Yukio however was a little hesitant on touching the new food and looked around watching everyone else eat and picked up the cake slowly putting it to his mouth and took a mouth full of frosting his eyes went wide with the sweetness on his tongue and tried to take in more frosting.

Once the cupcakes were devoured or smushed and was more in Rin's hair than in his mouth Shiro gave them a quick bath, which lead to opening presents. There were tiny shoes and little outfits that they would be able to soon grow into, and new warm winter pajamas that Shiro dressed them in, Yukio's was yellow with paws and a hoody of a lion cub, and Rin's was blue with a bear hoody. Once he rocked them soundly to sleep he put them carefully in the crib and went to his room. 'So far taking care of these kids haven't been all that bad.' He thought to himself with a smile still remembering the faces of the twins when they got the sugary taste of cake.

The phone in the kitchen rang at least three times before someone answered it. Who ever was calling at 9pm was out of their mind and he wasn't going to worry over what it was about because he knew the boys wouldn't sleep all through the night and he'd have to wake up again. Only the phone call ended up being for him.

"Hello?" He pressed the phone up to his ear to be greeted by Mephisto's voice on the other end.
"Merry Christmas!~" he chimed.
"What ever, whatta ya want?" Shiro grumbled knowing very well the demon didn't celebrate the holiday for it's actual meaning.
"Aw, so grumpy.." He sighed, "always business first, I can't call you just to say 'Hi.' Or ask how your holiday went?"
"I'd assume so late at night it would have been more important..."
"Well good because it is! Now you know Shiro you aren't getting any younger and you're only human. I assume that you've already calculated the math and know that by the time they're in high school you'll be in your fifties."
"Hey! If you called to just remind me that I'll get old I'll shove your stupid phone where the sun doesn't shine. I thought you said it's important!!"
"The importance is Shiro you don't have to keep them for so long. If within a set number of years you can prove to me that they're stable and more like human children than demon ones, then I can place them in a good home with a family where they--"
"Why would you say that!? You want to take them away from me?!"
"... I'm only trying to help you out... Are you seriously saying you've already grown attached to them?"
"Trying to help me out?! What's in it for you, you won't do anything for anyone else unless it'll benefit you! I held them and rocked them to sleep, I feed them and care for their needs, I took them in and made a promise at their mother's grave, ME, not you!"
It was silent on the phone, and in the monastery but tension from the priests in their rooms wanting to listen in on what the conversation was, grew.

"You're stubborn y'know that...?" Mephisto's voice finally broke the silence, "But that's what I've liked about you from the start."
Shiro said nothing he was fighting back the urge to hang up on the chairman and go back to bed.
"Very well Fujimoto, I understand. Your fate is sealed by your choice, I'm looking forward to see how it all turns out."
"What ever. Don't call me at night just to piss me off.."
"Fine, fine. As you wish." He chuckled, "well good night then."
"Bye." Shiro growled slapping the phone back on the receiver and stomped off to his room to cool his temper.

He reflected on what Mephisto had said, wanting to take the boys and put them in adoption. Even in his doubts of being a good guardian to them never once did he think about giving them away. He walked back into the room where Rin and Yukio slept in their new pajamas, they looked so cute. His hand reached in the crib touching Yukio's face softly and then to Rin hearing their steady breath in their sleep calmed his nerves.
"It doesn't mater how old I get, I'll always be here for you both." He whispered softly smiling as he watched them sleep for a minute then made it to his room slipping his glasses from his face and placed them on the side table under the lamp finally getting to bed.


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