Chapter Twenty Eight

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Ian's POV

"Ouch Grace, that really stings!" I whined as she dabbed a cold, soapy towel on the cuts and bruises Shane had given me. That dude really was an ass, but I couldn't figure out what really made so angry at him. I mean sure, I liked Grace and everything, but I don't think I had realized the full effect she had on me, until now. Most boys are oblivious to the way we feel about girls. That's just how we are, but I thought I had my feelings for Grace pretty figured out. I guess they were a bit more complicated than I had thought.

I can't imagine her with any other guy and I don't t want to. I know I have to do something fast before someone else tries to steal her from me, but at this point I'm all out of ideas.

"I'm sorry but I have to clean these so they don't get infected," Grace said knocking me out of my thoughts with her cute little smile and eyes filled with worry for me.

It was weird to have someone look out for me and care about me like that. I mean no one had really given a shit about me since... well since my mom was still alive. I felt a pang of sadness in my chest. I missed her so much, and what makes it worse is that the more I hung out with Grace and the more my feelings grew, the more I wanted to share it with someone. I wanted to talk it out and get another opinion on things. I wished that person could be my mom. Jace was shit at advice and it wasn't like my dad was ever sober enough to understand even 20% of what I was saying. Sometimes in life, you just need a person, and my mom had been my person, but I had lost her.

"You look...Better I guess," Grace said tilting her head to the side to get a better look at my cuts.

I turned to look at the smudged, cracked bathroom mirror to see that most of the blood was gone and there were only a few minor cuts on my cheeks and nose. The worst part was my black eye, but that would heal in a week or so, plus I was pretty sure the one I had given Shane was twice as big.

I turned back to Grace, smiling at that thought. "It's a better job than I would've done." Grace giggled and started picking up all the towels and cleaning the mess we had made trying to put my face back together. I really am a burden, I thought to myself.

"Why do you put up with me?" I blurted out. Goddammit Ian, you need to work on keeping thoughts inside your head, I scolded myself.

"What do you mean?" Grace said putting the rest of the bloodstained towels in the sink and giving me a confused look.

Hmmm... what did I mean? I thought about my answer for a few seconds before answering her.

"I mean, why do you hang out with me and stick around me even though you've seen almost every aspect of me?" Grace looked at me with an unreadable expression. Did I really want to know the answer to this question? What if she couldn't answer? What if this made her realize she could leave and forget about me right now? I opened my mouth again to tell her to forget it but she had already started speaking.

"Ian I never 'put up with you.'..." she began. "I hang out with you because I love being around you."

Love. She'd said she loved being around me. My heart started beating quicker and quicker and all I could think was, what if she feels the same way? What if she likes me too? There was no possible way for that to be true... was there?

I didn't really listen to anything else she said, I tried to, but it seemed like everything was blurred by the possibility of her liking me back. I did manage to hear the last few words in her speech and I knew I had to tell her. I had to! Worst case scenario I ruined everything we had, but at this point I was too excited to care about the negative effect this could have on our relationship.

"You send shivers down my spine and sparks through me when we touch, and you make me feel like no one else ever has," Grace confessed.

I wrapped my arms around her pulling her closer to me, keeping our lips merely centimeters apart. It took all I had not to kiss her right there, but I had to tell her everything first.

"I've liked you since freshman year, and I never thought we would end up here. You make me crazy and I've never felt like this before, but fuck, I feel like I can't live another second without you," and then just like that, I kissed her.

I had imagined kissing Grace Thompson for so many years, but none of my fantasies could compare to the actual event. It was perfect, everything was perfect, she was perfect, we were perfect.

And just like that, me, Ian McCarthy, and Grace Thompson went from two of the most different people in the whole world, to a we.


Holy heck we actually updated.

Its been a while I know, but thank you all for your paitience and support for our past chapters. This is one of the last chapters we have planned until the ending but we aren't finished yet! Get ready for some major cliff hangers and plot twists before you find out where Grace and Ian and all of our other characters end up.

Right now our story, Accidentally Saved has over 12.3 thousand reads. That's so much more than @lukeysgirl03 and I ever imagined we would get on this story and it makes us so happy that everyone loves and thinks positivley of what we have written. Thank you all so much

-5soscrazyy/ dream_catcher02

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