Chapter Nineteen

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Grace’s POV

I followed Jace out to the parking lot, nervous to head over to Ian’s. No, nervous was an understatement. Would he think I was weird for worrying too much? Would be stop talking to me? Oh Go-

“Grace?” Jace waved a hand in front of my face, interrupting my internal panic attack.

“Hm?” I asked focusing back at him.

“You going to get in or what?” he laughed at me. I turned a beet red and headed to the opposite side of the rusty old pick up truck to get inside.

“1975 Ford F-250,” I said to myself while glancing around the vehicle. Inside were worn down black leather seats, cup holders filled with empty soda cans and everything was covered in some sort of dust or dirt.

“She’s my baby,” Jace said while patting the dashboard and opening up the passenger side door. I slid into the seat and he hopped into the drivers side.

He put the key in the ignition, and the truck roared to life, as we headed out of the parking lot.

“You know, Ian’s mentioned you before,” Jace told me while watching the road.

“Really? Hopefully good things,” I laughed nervously. Oh God. I was way too worked up for this.

“Well, yeah. But I can’t tell you what he said, it’s a secret” he told me.

“A secret,” I repeated. “What do you mean a secret?”

“Something I can’t tell you?” Jace responded.

“Well, yeah, but why can’t you tell me?” I asked him.

“Well if I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret anymore, now would it?” he raised his eyebrows and smirked. I huffed in frustration and crossed my arms. The rest of the ride consisted of small talk about school, or my feeble attempts to get Jace to tell me what Ian said about me. Of course, he said no every time.

“Well, here we are,” Jace said, pulling into the driveway and putting the car in park. I looked at the facade of the house to see a typical suburban house. A little rundown, but it blended in to the rest of the small, one stories surrounding it. I became more and more nervous thinking about what could go on inside to make Ian miss school and about what Ian could think of me coming all this way when he probably just has a cold.

“Hey, you okay?” Jace asked, putting a hand on my shoulder from outside of the car. I hadn’t even noticed he got out in the first place.

“I don’t know if I can do this,” I admitted.

“Why not?” Jace asked with sincerity in his voice. I just played with my fingers and shrugged in response.

“You like Ian,” Jace said while leaning back into the driver’s seat. I was honestly surprised about him figuring out since I had only first talked to him half an hour ago. Most things like this go right over guys’ heads.

How’d you figure that out?” I asked. “Oh my God is it that obvious? Oh, no, no n-”

“Hey, relax,” Jace cut off my rambling. “And I’m not stupid. I could tell by the way you talked about him or how you got really nervous coming here. No, you weren’t being obvious, I’m just… really observant,” Jace told me.

“Okay, that makes me feel better,” I breathed out a sigh of relief. “You know, you’re actually not how I thought you would be.”

“Meaning what?” Jace asked me.

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