Chapter Twenty Six

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Ian's POV

I think I have officially gone crazy.

I hadn't thought about anything else but Grace for the last 24 hours and I had written about 100 different text messages to her but never sent one of them. My unhappiness had been drowned out by guitar melodies and hardcore rap songs, only to resurface when I would switch the radio stations and a bit of 5 Seconds of Summer or Green Day sneaked its way out of my speakers, reminding me of her once again.

I'd spoken to Jace quite a lot today, he'd been my rock these past few months since Grace Thompson had found her way into my life and me into hers. But even Jace was unreachable right now because he'd asked some cute new student, Hazel I think her name was, to homecoming. Figures too, Jace was always quite the ladies man and this girl didn't know anything about his past. So he was free to do whatever he liked because she was part of his fresh start.

I'd like a fresh start, that'd be nice. But at the same time I wasn't ready to trade everything I had for a clean slate. Jace was though, he wasn't tied down by love.

Love. I hadn't thought of that word since my mom died but it was obviously true. I knew I loved Grace but I'd just never really acknowledged it, it was just something I knew was in the back of my head but never wanted itself to move to the front.

Huh. I love Grace. I LOVE Grace Thomson.

And then it hit me. I knew how to save us. I knew how to repair the relationship that was the only one I would ever care about fixing.

Now all I needed was a tie.


I was a full hour-and-a-half late to this damn thing and as I pulled into the school parking lot I was second guessing myself.

'What if she didn't like me back?'

'What if I'd already ruined my chances with her and there's nothing I can do?'

'What if I find her and that douche Shane has his tongue down her throat?"

I shuttered at the thought of that last one. And hurriedly walked towards the door.

"Ticket please sir?" one of the freshman science teachers asked me at the door, holding out his hand.

"Oh..." I mumbled, turning red almost instantly. I knew I had forgotten about something. "I kinda don't have one of those..."

"That's alright, that'll be $35."

My red face quickly changed from red to a ghostly pale as I worriedly fished through my pockets to only come up with a few pennies and a gum wrapper.

"About that... " I started, grinning awkwardly. This guy was only a freshman teacher, he wasn't familiar with the upgraded genius of my junior level brain.

"No buts mister its a ticket, $35 or the highway."

I opened my mouth to say something rude but then I realized this guy wasn't worth it and I was wasting precious time. "Ok thanks bro," I said nonchalantly and started walking back to my car. I didn't have enough time to go back home and grab my wallet, the dance would be over by then. I was weighing my options when I heard some screams by the door. Apparently some girl had left the dance to grab something from her car (most likely alcohol) and the teacher wouldn't let her back in because her ticket was inside in her purse which she so stupidly left behind. She was throwing quite a fit too, so much that all of the teachers outside were focusing on her.

I seized this opportunity to sneak in through one of the windows. I hoisted myself up to crawl inside like I had done so many times before. But all those other times I hadn't been wearing a suit. I tumbled inside hearing the sickening sound of more than one thing ripping.

"Great. Just great," I muttered walking through the double doors into the gym without bothering to survey my tattered suit. I just tied my jacket around my waist and thanked God I wasn't wearing my penguin boxers. I looked around hoping was that Grace and Shane hadn't left yet.

I checked the clock on the wall which was catching some light from the many different colored ones strobing and flashing to the beat of :"My Sweet Summer" by the Dirty Heads. I had about a half hour to find her and save our relationship. Things weren't looking good, but I knew these were the situations people like me strived in,ones when everyone, even fate, underestimated me.

I walked headfirst into the crowd of teens headbanging and twerking and tried my best to avoid any of the horny girls who were grinding on anything that moved. After about ten minutes of searching through the massive crowd I heard my name being called out near the back of the room.

"Grace?!" I yelled quickly walking toward the voice.

"No you idiot it's me," Kate said, her face becoming more clear as I got closer. Funny enough seeing one of my least favorite people made me really happy at the moment.

"Kate! Oh am i happy to see you! Where's Grace?"

"That's what I was going to ask you! She left when I was slow dancing with Newt. I thought she'd just gone to the bathroom but that was twenty-minutes ago. Shane was drinking before we got here, I'm afraid he's got her," Kate whimpered. Her date, who I assumed was Newt, hugged her tightly, trying his best to comfort her. All I could think about was how I should be holding Grace like that right now.

"Let's split up," I suggested, mostly because if Shane really did have Grace, I wanted to find them myself so I wouldn't feel bad about beating the pulp out of that asshole.

"Ok I'll look around the parking lot and the closer buildings, you check the one's across campus. I nodded and hurried away to the far end of the school.

I didn't get very far before I heard high-pitched wails and the words "NO SHANE STOP" over and over again. It was Grace's voice.

I rushed to the sound of the voice and found them behind the performing arts building at the very back of the campus facing the faculty parking lot. Shane's movements were sluggish and sloppy as he tried to force himself on Grace, hinting he was obviously drunk as hell.

The fire of hatred I felt for Shane quadrupled as I saw him try and take advantage of my Grace, the only girl I loved. I stepped closer and closer until I was out of the shadows and then said the first thing that came to my mind, stopping Shane dead in his tracks.

"Get the fuck away from my girl."


oh hey i guess we kinda just updated? sorry it took so long.

hope you like it and gosh I really hate shane....

love you guys!

dream_catcher02/ 5soscrazyy

twitter/insta: @5soscrazyy

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