Chapter Twenty Three

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Grace’s POV

After taking nearly an hour and a half to get ready, I trudged downstairs, still unprepared to face my parents. Of course it was wrong of me to lie to them about where I was last night but there was no way they would ever allow me to go over to Ian’s if I asked. Even if it was just for the project.

I silently walked into the kitchen, praying to myself that for whatever reason they wouldn’t see me walk in.

“Morning sweetie,” Mom greeted me with an unusually large smile on her face.

“Uh, morning?” I responded, unsure how I should be acting. This was the same woman who nearly had steam blowing out of her ears last night. I glanced over at Dad and could tell that he was overly excited for something this morning as well.

“How did you sleep?” Mom asked me, clearly faking all happy emotions towards me.

“Pretty good I guess,” I told them while trying to be cautious about my word choice.

“So we’ve heard that homecoming is coming up soon…” Mom trailed off.

“Uh, yeah I guess so. I don’t think I’m gonna go though,” I shrugged. You know unless Ian asked me… but you know I’m grounded from him so that wouldn’t go too well...

“Oh, but honey you have to! It’s your first year as an upper classman!” Mom yelled at me.

“Why don’t you go with Shane, honey?” Dad asked me while looking over the top of the coffee cup he took a sip from.

Figures. They were always trying to set me up with that ass.

“Shane? Um, I don’t really know,” I told them. Shane was a long term childhood friend of mine that I’ve known since we were both starting preschool, and our parents have been friends for even longer than we were alive. He’s attractive, I’ll admit that, but does his title as “Varsity Wide RECEIVER” by being a total jerk.

“Oh but honey, he’s such a sweetheart! Not to mention that you’ve practically been joined at the hip since that one day in kindergarten when you scraped your knee and he helped you, don’t you remember that, sweetie?” Mom sighed happily while clapping her hands together. just rolled my eyes, not in the mood to argue considering I wanted my “Ian privileges” back.

“I’ll think about it I guess,” I said with yet another shrug. The rest of the morning went exactly the same, with Mom and Dad practically poking and prodding me with a prison shank at the idea of going to homecoming with Shane, even though I was internally gagging.

He could be nice enough yeah, but he also seemed to sleep with practically everything that moved. But even if I told my parents that, they’d still prod at me even more, anyone to them was better than the one I wanted the most.


“So she goes, ‘Oh really? I thought you were supposed to wear a trash bag to school. You know, it really fits your personality.’ And the poor girl ran off crying to the bathroom,” Kate fumed while throwing her hands up in frustration.

“That’s terrible. Why would she say something like that?” I asked Kate.

“Because she’s a trashy little bitch, that’s why,” Kate growled. She was in the middle of ranting to me about how much she hated the school’s ‘Queen Bee’, Georgie Richards. She’d been treating everyone badly since the fourth grade and had continued to drive a freight train through every girls hopes and dreams for seven years. Including the time she made Kate get a pageboy haircut and me dye my hair pink.

Consequently, she’d been sleeping off and on with the boy that was approaching me now, Shane Turner.

“Hey, I need to ask you something. Alone,” he asks me abruptly with Kate fuming next to me. Kate’s always hated Shane, ever since he spilled apple juice on her in the second grade and told everyone she peed her pants. Whether or not it would be considered ‘holding a grudge’, she always thought he was a ‘cocky bastard’, or at least that's how she put it.

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