Chapter Eleven

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Ian's POV

"Bye Grace," I said smiling and shaking the last bit of flour out of my hair.

"Bye Ian, this was... fun," she said, smiling back at me.

"Yeah it was. Well see you tomorrow, babe," I teased. She just laughed, rolled her eyes, and closed the door behind me.

I felt like the happiest man in the world as I started on my ten minute walk home. The sun shined brighter, the children laughed louder and everything seemed to be, at least for a moment, perfect.

And then it ended.

I stepped inside my house and was thrown into the wall by my dad. His eyes were bloodshot and his breath smelled of old milk and cheap beer.

"Where the HELL have you been?" he slurred loudly. "School got out six hours ago and I needed the car to go out and get beer. You made me wait six hours for beer, do you think I can wait that long?" he snarled.

I laughed haughtily. "You only care about the car dad? Nothing about where I was? Nothing about if I'm okay?" I spat.

"Don't take that attitude with me asshole, of course I don't care where you were, you can't get me beer," my dad muttered as he held out his hand. "Keys?"

My eyes welled up with tears as I searched my pockets for the keys. Wanting to get away from him as soon as I could. All these years I had always thought, deep, deep down, that my dad still cared about me. Through all the beatings and swear words, there was still a trace of the man who taught me to hit a baseball and tie a tie for my sixth grade graduation. But instead, I was left with this drunkard who inhabited my dad's body.

Digging through my last pocket in my sweatshirt, I pulled out a gum wrapper and a wadded up chemistry quiz I'd failed.

'Where are my keys?' I thought. Then the realization hit me. I had driven the car to school but Kate had driven me to Grace's. Meaning my beat up black 1968 mustang was still sitting in Lakeside's parking lot with the keys in glove box.

"Shit!" I yelled running out the door and towards my high school. Leaving my hungover dad still standing in our living room, with his hand out stretched, waiting for me to hand him the keys. His slug brain, currently drowning in alcohol, too slow to process I had just run out of the house.


As I ran into the parking lot I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw my car, still parked in the far left corner. I ran up to it and pulled open the door, searching through the glove compartment and grabbing my keys. It was a miracle no one had stolen them, but being a bad boy who can beat up anybody does have its perks.

I jumped into the drivers side and shoved the keys in the ignition, still fuming about what happened earlier with my dad. I just wanted to get home as soon as I could so I could give him the keys and leave. I would probably just crash at Jace's for the night, I didn't want to be anywhere near my dad for a while, plus Jace's mom was pretty cool about letting me stay there spontaneously.

As I pulled out of the parking lot I passed by a park with a family playing in the field next to it.

"Noel, give it back!" I familiar voice screamed, laughing and chasing another figure around the perimeter of the grassy area.

"Grace?" I mumbled to myself. I squinted my eyes to get a better look and sure enough the entire Thompson family was running around playing football in the park.

I sat there for a while, sitting in my car that was parked along the curb, just watching them scream and laugh. Enjoying their happiness from a distance.

"Dad!" Grace yelled as he tackled her into the end zone.

"Point for the ladies of the family!' Mrs. Thompson said high-fiving Noel.

'So this is what a real family looks like,' I thought, pulling away from the park with tears threatening to spill from my eyes. 'Why can't I have that? Why did I have to get stuck with a drunk dad and a dead mom?' I thought angrily hitting the steering wheel as I pulled into our driveway, setting off the horn.

"Oh shut up," I yelled at the car, twirling the keys in my hand as I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

I was blindsided by my dad's fist, ramming my head into the front wall, covering my hair in drywall from the hole I had just made.

"Took you long enough," my dad screamed, colliding his palm with my cheek, five starring my face. "What gave you the impression it was okay with you to just leave? I needed beer, not your teenager crap. Now go up to your room so I don't have to look at what a piece of shit you've become," my dad said turning around and waddling back to the kitchen drunkenly.

"That's it, I've had it!" I said breaking down and grabbing my dad's shoulder,

slamming him against the wall so he faced me. "You have deprived me of the life I want to have. Mom died and instead of handling it with strength, you give into weakness and beer. You're such a coward," I spat.

"I have to be the adult in the house and I'm only seventeen! I have my entire life to take care of my family but instead I've had to spend my time as a teenager looking over my dad who is about as useful as a newborn! I've had a job since I was fourteen, I buy groceries, balance checkbooks, watch our spending habits and sometimes go without eating to make sure we can still live in this house. And all you do is sit on your drunken ass and watch reruns of 'Wheel of Fortune'. Well I'm sick of your shit! I'm going to college next year and you can bet on your next six pack that after I leave I will never come back to you again. I'm done trying to help you Dad, I'm done taking care of you. You treat me like shit and don't even care about me. You have the car keys, now you don't need anything else, including me," I yelled in his face, grabbing my sweatshirt and backpack from the coatrack and walking out of the door, starting on my thirty minute walk to Jace's house.

I only looked back once, and when I did I saw my dad's figure standing in the door. He seemed to be crying, but a few seconds later he wobbled on his feet and fell backwards, passing out in the entryway.

"Bye dad," I whispered, finally giving into the tears and letting them pour down my face.


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