Chapter Thirty

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Ian's POV

You know that feeling you get when you wake up? That feeling of total bliss for a split second before your brain realizes you're awake and you're pounded by the bricks of your responsibilities and relationships and plans you've made or still have to make? Yeah, well today, instead of one second of that bliss, I get a whole five minutes. A whole five minutes of nothing but pure happiness and smiles. The only person that could be the cause for this was Grace, my Grace, MY Grace. It makes me smile just being able to call her mine. Ever since our date last night I've been almost incoherent to all things that rest below dark, stormy clouds and have been basking under the abundant glow of happiness. In books and movies the girl is usually portrayed as the giddy one after kisses or dates with a boy, dancing around in her pjs hugging anything within arms reach. But to be honest, guys get pretty excited themselves, although I can promise you I have yet to dance around my room hugging a stuffed rabbit and belting Whitney Houston's, I Will Always Love You.

There is a time after those numb five minutes though, when I have to get out of bed and feed myself. That is the one drawback of living alone, there's never going to be warm food ready for you unless you make it yourself. And if there is, call the police and grab the nearest object that looks like it could possibly protect you from someone who has trespassed into your house and made you a meal.

Seriously though, there was one thing that my dad did ever so often that made him tolerable and it was when he made me food. When he was sober enough to use a stove (which was almost never) he would make me my mother's famous rainbow pancakes. I know this sounds childish and all but I really loved those things, especially the blue ones (I mean cmon everything tastes better when it's blue).

Just thinking about those pancakes makes my stomach growl.

After a couple of tries I'm able to hoist myself out of bed and throw on a t-shirt that at least smells clean. I decide on making pancakes due to my daydream of the fluffy breakfast food and I make sure to grab my phone before leaving my room and heading towards the kitchen. As I walk, I shoot a quick text to the girl who's been on my mind since I woke up and will be until I go to bed tonight as she transfers herself into my dreams.

From: Me

To: Grace ;)

Hey babe, been thinking about you.

Maybe we could hang out today? I want to

see your beautiful face and talk to your dad

about that job interview at his golf course.

Text me soon love!


I smile, satisfied with my work as a new text-flirter, and hit send, knowing she'll respond soon and I might get to see her gorgeous face again today.


12:27 pm

It has been two whole hours since I sent Grace that text and I've already made pancakes, cleaned my mess and started laundry (another thing one must get good at when living alone because you can only wear a dirty shirt so many times before even YOU become disgusted with yourself.) I know she's probably busy with some school project that's due in three weeks or something but I really need her to answer me because well, I worry about her. Her parents scare even me and my dad was a dangerous, drunken s.o.b. with a great empty bottle throwing arm, which he liked to use quite often. I just need her to send me one word, just ONE WORD and I'll be fine. Ugh what is this girl doing to me? I'm afraid I'm going soft.

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