Chapter Thirty-One

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Grace's POV

"I chimed in, haven't you people ever heard of," I sang quietly to myself in the basement while folding my last pieces of laundry in the laundry room.

"Grace! Come here!" Mom yells from up the stairs.

"Coming!" I yelled, grabbing my wicker basket with freshly cleaned clothes and walked out of the laundry room. I got to the base of the stairs when the house started shaking violently, throwing me to the ground with clothes flying everywhere.

"Grace! Get up! Quick!" I hear a voice yell. I looked up the stairs to find Ian at the very top holding out his hand, but he's too far away to reach as I stumble up the stairs, one at a time.

"Ian! Help me!" I screamed as the house was crashing down around us. I suddenly jumped up out of my nightmare, breathing heavy and trying to figure out where I was.

"You're such a heavy sleeper, it took five minutes of shaking you to wake you up! Now, it's time for breakfast, you've got a long day of chores ahead of you," my mom says while standing next to my bed and looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," I grumble as she sighs heavily and walks out the door. I turn to grab my phone off my side table, when I feel that it isn't there. I start to panic and throw my blankets off my bed and throwing drawers open to get my phone, I still haven't told Ian about being grounded.


I don't have my phone, Dad took it yesterday.


Oh my god, I need to get a hold of him, what if he needs help with something? What if-

"Grace! Hurry up!" I hear a voice yell from downstairs."I said I was coming! Hold on!" I yell back in frustration. What part of 'coming down right now' don't they understand? I change into a plain t-shirt and track shorts with Nike crew socks and my Nike free runs, throwing my hair up into a ponytail and head downstairs. If I have any idea of what they'll make me do, it'll be a lot of physical exercise.

"Morning, sunshine," Dad greats my from behind his newspaper. I just mumble in response.

"So, Grace, in punishment for last night," Mom starts, "I'm giving you a list of chores to finish before you go to bed. If they're not done, you'll have even more to do tomorrow. They need to be done well and correctly or else they'll be redone."

"So I'm Cinderella basically, then, right?" I snap at her.

"Watch your tone, young lady. Remember that your actions are the reason you're doing this until it's done," Dad says. I roll my eyes and ask for the list.

All I see when I have the list in my hands is task upon task, each involving physical labor.

"Eat breakfast and then get started. You have the whole day."



I'm only done with a third of my chores, and I'm about ready to pass out. How do athletes do this much physical activity? This is torture!

So far, I've been cleaning for around 4 hours and all I can think about is Ian. What if he's in trouble? What if he's been trying to get a hold of me?

I need to find a way to get into my parent's office to get my phone to at least check to see if he's tried texting or calling.

God, I hope he didn't text something embarrassing or flirty-like. If my parents saw that, I would only be grounded for longer.


Hour 6 of x so far, and I'm almost halfway done. I've figured out that the list of chores I have to do all snake around my house in order of room to room, and I'm almost to the office. If I can get in there, which I can't now because Dad's on the phone, then I can just check my phone and see if Ian is okay.

Is it normal to be this worried about someone you're not even dating?


Hour 7.5 out of x, and I'm now two thirds of the way done. I'm inching my way slowing through the list; I even skipped lunch and dinner, much to my parents protest. But, they're making me do this, and I'm going to get this done.

My hands now a different shade from the rest of my body due to the bleach in the cleaners, I'm a sweaty mess, my hair has cleaning supplies in it from my ponytail falling out nearly a hundred times, but I'm still going strong.

I just need to get to the office.


The last room on my list is the office. I finished every other chore besides this, and I even got a lecture from Dad about not checking my phone. He said he left it out on his desk, and will know if I check it, but apparently 'trusts' that I won't do it.

Parents really don't understand teenagers.

I walked into the office and grabbed my phone of the desk to see that there was multiple messages and missed calls from Ian.

From: Ian<3

Hey babe, been thinking about you.

Maybe we could hang out today? I want tosee your beautiful face and talk to your dadabout that job interview at his golf course.

Text me soon love!-Ian

From: Ian<3

Grace my aunt came

From: Ian<3

She's taking me back to Washington

From: Ian<3

Grace please answer your phone I need to talk to you

I started freaking out and saw that there was a voicemail. With shaking hands, I pressed the listen button.

"God, Grace, Jace said that you got grounded, but my aunt is here. She came back to bring me to Washington, and she said the flight leaves at 6:30. Please call me or text me, I need to at least say goodbye. She's packing up all my stuff now and is dragging me to the airport soon. Christ, Grace, I need to hear your voice and hold you, I'm breaking inside right n-"

The voicemail ended and I started sobbing. I grabbed my phone, and ran as fast as I could out the door to get to Kate's house because I knew she had her car tonight. I heard my parents yelling after me but I didn't care.

I got to her street, where I saw her sprinting to her car.

"KATE!" I screamed. "Ian's flight leaves in 50 minutes and I need to get to him!" I yelled, jumping into the passenger seat at the same time she got into the driver's seat.

"I just got Jace's message. We need to get you to Ian." She said, and gunned the engine to the airport.


Hi everyone!

There's only a few chapters left and it's honestly so sad, Ian and Grace have grown so close to us.

Thank you guys for sticking with us for so long, you guys are the best and we love you so much<3

Also, keep your eyes peeled for a possible new story coming up;)

All the love,

5soscrazyy & lukeysgirl03

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