Chapter Seven

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Ian's POV

I stood in Smith's classroom after the bell rang, waiting for Grace to stop talking to him so I could speak to her in private. I wanted to act civil this time, she'd been the girl of my dreams since the fourth grade and I couldn't screw things up. She obviously didn't like me already.

She and Mr. Smith were whispering back and forth while they both snuck glances at me. I only caught certain words in their conversation like, 'help him' and 'must be a mistake.'

I just stared at the ground as they talked, trying not to look hurt by their words. I looked back up after a few seconds and saw Grace walking hurriedly out of the classroom. She looked pissed, and I knew that it probably wasn't a good idea to follow her, but I did anyway.

She stopped at her locker and I casually leaned against the other ones, trying to look as sexy and intimidating as possible. But, my efforts were shot down by her blue eyed- piercing stare as she slammed her locker in my face.

"Can I help you?" she asked clearly still annoyed.

"Well I want you to know that you won't get to do all the work on this project," I started.

'No Ian, that sounds too snarky, be nice' I thought. But my lips kept moving, as they normally do against my asking.

"Well I'm not looking forward to this, just so you know," she glared.

'Wow what I said must have been pretty bad,' I thought angrily at her stinging words.

"Well I am little miss goody two shoes," I said out of anger, narrowing my eyes at her unintentionally.

'Real mature Ian, real fucking mature!' I yelled inside my head. 'I'm such an idiot.'

"Here's the deal," Grace started oblivious to my internal screaming.

The rest of her words were blurred together as I tried to form a clear thought to all of this to somehow fix it all. I could tell what she was saying was pretty bad though. People were starting to stare...

This is where my bad boy veil helped. When normal Ian was too flustered to form a coherent thought, my back up kicked in.

Bad boy Ian, I mean, I smirked at her.

"Whatever you say, babe."

'Wow I am a jackass...'

"Don't ever call me that. Ever," she said, masking her hurt with more anger.

I wanted to cuddle her in my arms and hug her tight but 'bad boy Ian' had a different plan.

"K, Grace" it said, the words coming out of my mouth harshly. She just looked at me with hurt in her eyes, grabbing a piece of paper to write her address and number on. Never saying a word, she handed me the paper and turned to walk away. Before she could get too far, I grabbed her hand.

"Wait," I began. 'Ian, what the hell are you doing?' I thought.

"Wait, what?" She questioned, glaring at me.

I could only speak four words as she looked into my eyes, even if they were filled with anger, they were still beautiful. I could stare into them forever.

"I-I'll text you tonight," I stuttered, but she only yanked her arm back and turned to walk away.

Real smooth, Ian.

"Fuck, I fucked it up again," I said under my breath, trying to contain myself my anger and self hatred.

How am I going to fix this?


I rode home in my car, the music blasting but the sound of my thoughts were even louder.

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