Chapter Sixteen

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Grace's POV

I woke up in a prairie field full of luscious grass, full green trees and the bright sun shining down on me. I stretched my arms and searched around, wondering where I was and why I was here. I noticed I was laying on a bright blue blanket in the middle of the huge field. The field broke off into a dock which lead to a lake further away to my left. With curiosity overwhelming me, I stood up and began to explore.

The walk was fairly short, but was I got closer to the dock I began to see a figure wearing all black sitting at the edge. The sight of the person gave me butterflies for a reason that I didnât know. I reached the edge of the dock and sat next to the person.

âHi,â the figure said to me. For some reason, the their face was completely blurred out, but the rest of his or her body wasnât.

âUm, hi. Do I know you?â I responded, suddenly feeling nervous as if I were talking to my crush for the first time, which I didn't understand. I mean I couldn't even see the personâs face!

âYes,â he blatantly responded.

âWell, who are you then?â I asked. My nerves were all jumpy and my heart fluttered when he talked to me.

âI canât tell you.â

âAw, câmon, I wonât bite. You can tell me.â I teased poking the figure in the arm, trying to lighten the mood.

âNo," I he replied flatly.

I crossed my arms and humphed in frustration. His voice sounds so familiar but I canât seem to put my finger on who it belonged to.


âIan?â I asked while looking up at him. All the sudden, the blur surrounding his face disappeared and I could clearly see his piercing blue eyes and lip ring.

âHi,â he smiled at me, my heart fluttering knowing that the smile was for me.

âHi,â I said again while biting my lip. He rested his hand on my cheek while began to lean in. I looked into his eyes before copying his actions and placing my hand on the back of his neck to bring him in closer. Our lips were about to meet when-

âSHE LOOKS SO PERFECT STANDING THERE IN MY AMERICAN APPAREL UNDERWEARâ My alarm sang. I groaned in frustration and grabbed my phone to turn of my dreaded alarm. I love 5 Seconds of Summer, but I need my precious sleep in the morning, in other words, I needed to finish that dream.

I rubbed my eyes and turned to look into the mirror to be greeted with my awful bedhead. I definitely do not wake up gracefully.

I smiled as the thought of the almost-kiss Ian and I had last night and dream resurfaced in my mind again, sending butterflies into my stomach.

No. I couldnât have feelings for Ian.

I had read somewhere that your dreams are almost a replay of events that happened during that day, so maybe that was why Ian was in my dream. Yeah, that had to be it, I thought. I didnât like Ian. No way.

I shook the thoughts of Ian from my head and headed downstairs to eat breakfast. My parents were sitting at the table and reading the newspaper, talking quietly to themselves.

I was still curious to what they thought of Ian from the dinner last night but I didnât really know the right way to ask, to be honest I didn't think there was one.

Well, here goes nothingâ€Â¦

“Hey, Mom and Dad? I was kind of um, wondering what you thought about Ian yesterday,” I trailed off. I didn’t want to seem too eager to hear their opinions, but something in the back of my mind was telling me that I needed to know what they thought of him.

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