Chapter Five

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Ian's POV

As I pulled into the school parking lot, the courtyard where everyone hangs out before school was barren. I swore under my breath and realized since school had already started, the only entrance was the office. That meant they would have a record of my fourth tardy this semester, meaning they would have to call my dad asking why I was always late. Which obviously couldn't happen.

Now I was going to have to find another way in. I started walking around, searching the main building for another entrance. Suddenly I spotted an open window leading into a freshmen classroom. It was risky but if I pulled my beanie over my face enough, no one would realize it was me. At least I hoped.

I decided it was worth a shot and walked over to the window and boosted myself up, but my foot got caught on one of the crevices in the wall. I tumbled into the room, my papers flying everywhere and me, landing on my butt in front of a class of freshmen and their teacher.

"Sup, freshmen," I smiled coyly grabbing my papers and shoving them into my backpack. "Note of advice for you all," I stated, picking up the last paper. "Don't be late to class."

I laughed at their stunned faces and ran out of the room, with the teacher screaming at me to come back so she could report me to the principal. Gosh how stupid do adults think we are?

I kept running until I reached the boys bathroom. I walked inside and stood in front of the mirror, hoping that my black eye and beanie had concealed my face so no one in the classroom had recognized me.

My face was pretty bashed in, and I had no idea what I was going to explain to my posse of wannabe friends. The only person I really wanted to talk to was my best friend, Jace, but he had been suspended for a few days.

He'd taken our science teachers extra pair of boxers and hung them on the flagpole. It was a pretty cliché prank until he lit them on fire and ran around the school, setting off every fire alarm in the main building before anyone caught him.

Jace was really a bad boy, and loved it. He intimidated everyone in the school, even the teachers, but not me. I knew the real Jace Ledger, who was just confused about who he was, like me.

As I washed the rest of the blood off my nose and fixed my beanie and scratched up shoes, and strode confidently into my AP English class, thirty minutes late.

As I opened the door I was greeted by stares from everyone in the class, including the one person I had a soft spot for, Grace Thompson. She was probably the 'goodiest goodie' in our school, her being a preachers kid and all, but man was she beautiful! Not to mention smart and nice, to everyone but me of course. But I could work on that, I mean it was only the second week of school.

I was knocked out of my 'Grace haze' by our teacher, Mr. Smith.

"Mr. McCarthy, you are late. Again," he stated emotionlessly.

I kinda liked Mr. Smith. He had a no BS policy but wasn't afraid to talk back to a mouthy student, unlike some of the other teachers who just basically let you say whatever you wanted to them. Being cocky is more fun when you get a reaction.

"And?" I said sitting down at my desk. The class laughed, but then stopped after earning a glare from Mr. Smith.

"And you will get lunch detention if it happens again. Got it?" Smith threatened.

"Not like I got anywhere else to go," I mumbled truthfully, rather be here than at home.

"Anyway," Smith said ignoring my comment. "You have a partner project assignment that will be due in two months," that earned groans from the class. Except from Grace of course, she always turned her assignments in at least a week earlier than everyone else.

"It will be presented at the end of the two months in front of the entire class," Smith said, ignoring the groans. "And I will assign partners and you may not switch."

Crap. That means no Jace. Mr. Smith would have to be stupid to pair us together.

I zoned out of Smith's speaking until I heard my name.

"And lastly, Grace and Ian."

NO WAY. KEEP IT COOL MCCARTHY, KEEP IT COOL, I thought, smirking at Grace as she turned to look at me. This could be my chance to show Grace who I really was. But I had to be careful because she hated me and always has.

Thank you Lord.


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