Last Authors Note (Hopefully)

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Okay, so here's how things are going to go for the rest of this book.

It has been very hard trying to keep up with updates on this book and having time to really finish this book without having the urge to continue writing all of my other books. And trust me... there's a lot of them. I know how I want to finsh it. And I don't plan on just ending it. It's just, I feel really bad. I have been woking on this story since my freshman year of high school. I am currently in high school, and I'm pretty sure I'm only half way done with writing this story. I am also really proud of how far my writing has come since than.

If you read the intro and then read the most recent chapter, there's huge improvement. At least, I think so. I know that many of you have tried to be patient with me, and I really appreciate it and you for being patient. And I really hate to do this, but I think it's giong to be easier for me.

I am not going to update this book untill I am fully done with this book. I am going to finish 'Sound of Glass' and update it on Wattpad when it is finished.

Again, I'm really sorry and I'll try to get this done as fast as I can.

If you want... 

- Check out my other stories

- Check out my other account ( @Acey_Demigirl09 )


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