Here We Are

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*Author Note: The details I add don't come from Glee since the only times we saw Emma was when she said she was pregnant in season 5 and then episodes 7,12,&13 in Season 6. Please note that the characters belong to Ryan Murphy and Fox. After this chapter, this fanfiction will go to third person.*

Will came home after that week away from me and the first thing he did was hug me and kiss me immediately, he didn't care about the people around us watching every little thing we did. After our passionate kiss we put our foreheads against each other, looked into each others eyes, and smiled our biggest smiles.

"I missed you, Em."
"I missed you too, but I was okay because every now and then I thought about our little creation and just knowing I had a piece of you with me made me smile."
"You're so adorable." He kissed me again and we just stood their holding each other's hands until one of his hands let go of one of mine and placed one on my stomach. I smiled as I saw a tear escape from his eye and roll down his cheek.
"Come on, Will, Let's go home."

We get home and all I want to do is cuddle with Will and watch a movie, like Cinderella or Ever After. When we actually walked into our apartment hand in hand he leads us to the couch and makes me sit down then he lifts up My Fair Lady and Ever After.

"Which one, Em?"
"Ever After."
"Alright, my beautiful wife." He smiles and turns away to put the movie in, then makes his way to sit right next to me. He grabs a blanket and covers both of us while I cuddle into his arm and place my head on his chest. I looked up at him at the same time as he looks down, and kissed.

Third Person POV:
A few hours later Will wakes up to find Emma sound asleep in the same position, as they were when they first started the movie, so he carefully gets up and picks Emma up bridal style taking her to their room. Will lays her down on her side of the bed and then makes his way to the other side of the bed so he can lay right next to her. He leans over and kisses her forehead and says,
"Goodnight, my beautiful Emma."

The next morning Emma wakes up to find herself in bed, which she had no idea how she got there, and when she turned over the other side of the bed was empty. Emma laid her head back down until she heard Will singing, her face lightened up, got up, and ran to the kitchen. When Emma got there she hugged Will, Will looked down at her with his loving eyes and asked,

"How is Cinderella?"
"I am good, now that you're here. I thought yesterday was a dream then I heard you sing."
Will chuckled a little, "Em, I won't leave again if you don't want me to."
"No, it's okay Will, I love you, I need to let you have your freedom. Plus, I know you love me and this baby so."
"How is the little one today?"
"Good, I can't wait for it to be here though."
"Same, Em, same."
"Oh, are you going back to work monday?"
"Yeah, I better since I missed a whole week. Does anyone know about the baby?"
"No, not yet. I figure I would wait until I start showing, you know."
"Haha, Alright sweetheart. What do you want to do today?"
"Can't we just cuddle and have nap time?"
"Gee, I like pregnant Emma."
Emma play slaps him and smiles.
"I love you, Will."
"I love you too."

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