Meet Your Grandson

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"Danny, baby, can you pick up your toys before we leave?"

"Yes, mommy."

"Thank you, look at you being a good little boy." Emma kissed him on the forehead.


"Yes, Em?"

"What time are we leaving?"

"In a few minutes, why?"

"Just making sure. I want to make sure I have everything on my checklist."

"Of course."

"Hey, Mister! It's better to be prepared then to be sorry." She winked at him as he grab her from behind and kissed her cheek.

"Will!! Not in front of the baby!"

"Oh, he doesn't mind me loving on you."

Just then Danny looked up at them and started crying for Emma.

"He does too! Look what you caused Mr.Schuester! When will you learn he does mind?!" As Emma picks Danny up placing him on her hip, slightly bouncing him, and pushes his head down to lay on her shoulder.

"Danny, Shh baby. We are going to go get in the car, how does that sound?"

"Okay, mommy."

That name still made Emma's heartmelt. She never thought she would be a so called "mommy" but here they were. As Will puts all the bags in the car, Emma makes her way to the car with Danny and buckles him into his car seat.

"Danny, do you want one of your toys?" Emma asked him as he thought he finally said,

"teddy bear."

Emma smiled at her son as she gets in the front of the car, digs through one of the bags and finally finds the toy.

"Here you go, sweetheart." Danny grabbed onto the teddy bear and started cuddling it. Emma kisses Danny on his forehead and rises up out of the car to see Will on the other side smiling at her.

"You ready to go, Em?"

"As ready as I will ever be."

"Alright, let's hit the road."

Emma shuts Danny's door and climbs into the front seat and shuts her door at the same time as Will shuts his door. Before leaving Lima and heading to their vacation they planned on stopping by Will's parents house. When they finally arrived at Will's parents house Will looks over at Emma as Emma looks at him noticing how nervous he has become. Will has never told his parents about their grandson, they were just as distant as Emma's parents and Will knew that Danny wasn't safe around his mom always being drunk, but here they are in front of their house getting ready to tell them about their grandson. As Will gets out of the car Emma stays back getting out of the car to unbuckle Danny from his car seat and make her way behind Will. Emma picks up Danny and places him on her hip walking to the door when Danny looks up at Emma.


"Yes, Danny?"

"Where are we?"

"You will find out soon enough. Don't worry about a thing mommy and daddy will be here the whole time, okay?"

"Ok, mommy."

As Danny places his head on Emma's shoulder she finally makes it to the door where Will waited for her. As Will knocked on the door, so he didn't scare his parents, there were footsteps then the door opened. Will grabbed on to Emma's hand and there stood Will's father. He looked shocked, but happy.

"Hey, Will, Emma, oh and who is this?"

"That's what we are here to talk about. Is mom here?"

"Yeah, come in and I will go get her."

Will and Emma make their way in the house, noticing how long it's been since they have been in here last. Will then whispers to Emma,

"my mom better be sober, that's all I have got to say."

As they finally sit down on the couch Emma moves Danny to her lap, facing him sideways and laying his head on her chest and then Will's parents walked in.


"Hey mom"

"So what is this about?" Will's mom asked.

"Well, I never told you this but this" he pointed to Danny in Emma's arms "is your grandson." As Will said that Emma lifts Danny's head up, facing him toward Will's parents.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"I was afraid. Mom you are never sober, you should understand I don't want my kid around that."

"You do have a point. I am sorry, Will. I will become sober if that means I can get to know him. You and Emma did a good job with him, he is so mildly mannered."

"Thank you, Mrs.Schuester. I am actually glad we came...."


"Daniel Finn, mommy was talking. What do you need, Danny?"

Danny cuddles into Emma.

"Oh, he just wanted attention from his mommy." Will's dad implied. Emma smiled and put her arms around Danny.

"He looks like the both of you, if that's even possible. He is just so cute!"

"Thanks, Mrs.Schuester. I am glad that you took this news well."

"Of course, I always wanted a grandchild."

"Hey, Danny. This is your grandma and Grandpa say hi."

He shyly lifts his head and says,


"Hi, Danny, what are your interests?"

He then perks up at the question and says,


Will and Emma laugh as Will's parents look shocked.

"One day I hope he grows out of that and into music."

"Will, I always knew that." Emma giggles and Will sticks his tongue out at her.

"We better go.. We are headed for Florida for our vacation. We will call you all and send pictures. Love you mom and dad."

"Love you Will! Nice to meet you little Danny." Will's mom shakes Danny's hand as Will and Emma walk out the door. When Will and Emma make it to the car they smile at each other and know that what they did was a good idea.

"Let's go to Florida, Em."

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