Shopping With Danny

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Emma gets out of her car, struggling due to her pregnant belly growing bigger and bigger by the day, as she walks to her parents door, entering their house to find her baby boy running to her.

"Mommy, you're back!!" She picks him up, even though she really shouldn't Will would have a fit if he knew.

"Of course I am, I just went to work." She poked his nose, which made him giggle.

"Danny, is Mommy here?" Her mom asked as she entered the living room smiling when she saw the sight. "Hey, sweetheart, how was work?"

"Stressful and getting harder because of these two." She placed her hand on her stomach.

"They will be here before you know it, Emma, don't worry too much." She walked over to her daughter to comfort her.

"I better go, mom, thanks for watching Danny." Emma smiles at her.

"Thank you for letting me watch him, it's better than taking him to the daycare everyday." Rose hugs Emma and kisses Danny on the cheek as he reaches out his hands for his grandma to hug him. Emma's heart always melted when there was any interactions with her son and family. As Emma took Danny back, Danny placed his head on her shoulder with his little arms around his neck.

"We are going to go grocery shopping, how does that sound?" Emma said while putting Danny in his car seat. After buckling Danny in his seat, she gave him one of his toys to occupy him while she drove. During the drive Emma giggled at Danny with his sound effects and how cute he was being all together. Emma pulls into the parking lot, parking, and looks back at Danny, who fell asleep as she silently puts her hand over her heart. She really didn't want to wake him up, but she had to she needed groceries. Emma unbuckles him from his car sit and places him on her hip, laying his head on her shoulder, shutting and locking the car door, and finally walking into the grocery store. As she walks a man comes up behind her grabbing her waist when she turns to him Emma realizes it's just Will.

"Will, you about gave me a heart attack." Her breath was already uneven from carrying Danny and being pregnant.

"Sorry, Em, do you want me to carry Danny?" He kisses her cheek.

"Please, I love him but it's getting harder and harder." They both stop walking and transfer Danny over to Will's arms.

"How is he still asleep after that?" Will laughs.

"He is a tired little boy, Will." She looked over at her husband who was looking at Danny with all the love in world and her heart melted all over again. Will and Emma walked hand in hand into the store as Emma grabbed a buggy, of course cleaning the handle first and Will placing Danny into the seat.

"Em, let me push it, okay?" He looked at her for a response.

"Alright, only because I know you won't take no for an answer." She smiles as she makes her way around Will to walk beside him. As they were shopping there was a familiar voice that spoke.

"Mr.Schue?" They both turned around to see the one and only Rachel Berry.

"Rachel? What are you doing here?" Will was smiling while greeting her.

"I needed a break, plus, I never got to see your son." Rachel looks around Will to see Emma and Danny. "Oh, he is so adorable, Hey, Ms.Pillsbury. Wow, Mr.Schue you already have another one along the way? That's amazing!"

"Yeah, things happen I guess." Will laughs as Emma gives him the stare.

"It's nice to see you, Rachel, I haven't seen you in a while. Actually, I haven't seen you since you graduated." Emma looked down, but her attention was thrown back to Danny who started crying from being woke up from his nap. Emma did understand how uncomfortable it would be to sleep in a Shopping Cart when your head was dangling, which was why she was holding it, but when her attention was casted to Rachel, the plan flopped. Emma picked up Danny, laying his head on her shoulder like usual as Will's attention went straight to her.

"Em, I told you, you shouldn't be holding him." Will grabbed Danny from Emma's arms as she just shook her head and looked at him when Rachel piped in.

"It was nice to finally meet little Daniel Finn and see you both again, I will be here for a week so call me if you need anything."

"Alright, Rachel, thank you."  Will continued to carry Danny as Emma pushed the Shopping Cart getting everything they needed. Emma was quick to find everything and they left to go home. Emma put Danny to bed and then started putting groceries away with Will trying to distract her with kisses.

"Will, I love you, but I need to put this stuff up. It bothers me when things are just laying out." Will hugs her around the waist, kissing her cheek,and letting her finish up. When everything was put away Will took her hand and guided her to their bedroom where Will was spooning Emma wrapping his arms around her until they both fell asleep.

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