Hide and Seek

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As Emma neared her 9th month she waddled to Danny's room, opening the door to get her son.

"Danny?" She searched throughout the room finding him nowhere and thinking Will had him.

"Will, do you have Danny?" She walked to where he was with no sign of Danny.

"No, is he not in his room?" He looked at her puzzled.

"Will, I am serious!"

"So am I, Emma!" Emma started to panic, thinking the worse.

"Will, what if he is in danger, Will..." She started crying.

"Honey, calm down, he is a toddler, he likes to roam. Just stay calm, for the  health of you and the babies." Emma grew angry with him, especially since the mood swings are 100% in affect.

"Will, you're telling me to stay calm when my baby is missing?!" Emma walked throughout the house yelling for Danny, ignoring everything Will said. Emma searched every room in the house, almost about to break down she saw the coat closet door ajar and made her way over there. She walked in, turning the light on seeing two little feet under the coats. She sighed with relief and finally started playing with him.

"I wonder where my baby boy could be. Where is Danny?" She made her way closer and closer to him opening the coats to find Danny laughing.

"There he is! You scared your Mommy and Daddy half to death. Come on, let's go get some food." He took Emma's hand, walking into the kitchen.

"PB&J?" He looked up at her as she smiled down at him.

"Of course." She kissed his forehead as he climbed to sit in a chair at the kitchen table. When Emma started making the sandwich, Will walked in with a smile on his face.

"I see you found our little monster over there." He kissed her cheek.

"Yeah, he was in the coat closet, that's definitely a new place." She smiled.

"What are you cooking or making as I should say?"

"Our favorite, PB&J. I think he developed our love for PB&J sandwiches." She said with a smile as Will turned her fully around and kissed here lips when a sound followed afterwards.

"Yucky." Danny said as he bolted to his father's legs.

"Come here, Danny." He says as he lifts him up. "Kiss Mommy on the cheek." He did as he was told as Emma's eyes start to water. "I love you, Mommy." She kissed his cheek "I love you too, Baby." Will puts him back down as he makes his way back to the table and Emma places his food in front of him and watches him eat.

"Not too long before there will be three little boys." Will implied as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer, watching their son together.

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