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"Will, are you sure your parents can take care of all three of them?" Emma asked

"Em, they have before what makes this different?"

"Well, the fact that they are wilder during the day than any other time of the day."

"I am sure they can handle it, Professor Dollface." He kissed her lips. "Don't worry about a thing they are going to be fine." Even though Will said this a lot, it still didn't convince Emma very well, but she smiled anyway. 

"Are you excited to see baby number 4?" She asked him with a smile bigger than life.

"Of course, I am, miracle #4.  I always love seeing our babies, even if they are at home being wild for my parents." He poked her on the nose, which caused her to scrunch up her nose. "I love when you scrunch up your nose, it's so cute."  She blushed at him.

"I am just really excited to find out the gender today." She stated when Will parked in a parking spot.

"I am secretly hoping for a girl, I love our boys, but I need a little princess." He said looking over at her. "But if it's another boy, I will be just as happy." He kissed her on the cheek and got out of the car. He helped her out of the car and into the office.

*after the appointment*

"A baby girl, finally." Emma smiled. "With all of the little boys, I finally got a little girl." Will was silent, afraid he would cry in public if he said anything.

"I saw you tearing up when we saw her today." She smiled.

"It's hard to believe that I am getting a little girl, We are having a little girl. She will look just like you and be petite and so adorable." He gasped. "She is going to be a Mini Emma." He smiled.

Emma laughed. "Calm down, Will. She isn't even born yet and you're already trying to put labels on her. I hope she is nothing like me because I am a complete mess." She sighed as Will tilted her chin back up.

"Em, you're the most amazing girl I know and I wouldn't want my daughter to be anyone but like you. Your big, bambi chocolate eyes, your cute tiny nose, your smile, your laugh, your hair, and even your like quirks. If she took everything after you, I would be the happiest man in the world for having two amazing girls in my life. My daughter and my beautiful wife. Don't try to change my mind, okay?" He kissed her and started wiping the tears off her face.

"That was so sweet, Will, Thank you."

"Anything for my amazing, beautiful wife. My Queen, we are having a princess and going to spoil her rotten." He smiled, tapping Emma's nose.

"I know, I am so excited for when she gets here." She looked up at him with a huge smile and got in the car to pick up the boys. Will couldn't contain his excitement when he got there. They walked in the house seeing their 3 sons running around. Will started laughing.

"Em, you were right. How do you deal with them?"

"Easy, but I will have to do it at home." She smiled. "It's called different toys and TV shows." Just then Will's mom walked in the room.

"Oh, how did it go?" She smiled. They both looked at each other.

"It went perfect." Will said with a smile and a tear in his eye.

"You're so sensitive." She smiled. "Can I see the sonogram?" Emma nodded and handed it to her, when she saw the arrow that said what the gender was.

"A girl?! I am going to have granddaughter?!" She was exclaiming with joy she hugged the both of them. "I can't believe this, that's amazing. I figured you would just have all boys since you already had 3, but Will changed the gender finally." Emma laughed at that line, when his mother went to go find her husband to tell him the news.

"Who knew she would react like that?" He laughed slightly and shook his head.

"She wanted her as much as we did. By the way, I am not leaving without the sonogram." She smiled then said the last part seriously with Will laughing at her.

"Don't worry, we will. After we get these wild boys in the car." He kissed her and picked up the twins, while Emma just took Danny's hand.

"Mommy, I have to say goodbye to Grandpa and grandma." Danny said running to find them and hugging them and running back. They took them to the car and buckled them in.

"Will, I will stay with the boys, you go get the sonogram." After 5 minutes he came back with it and went home. They told the boys that the baby was a girl, Danny was excited but with the twins they didn't seem to care. They arrived home and had a lazy afternoon until they went to bed. Knowing that tomorrow is just going to be a busy day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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