Don't Worry, Be Happy

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A/N: I am so sorry for leaving you all with no update, it's hard to keep up with schoolwork and in my spare time I have been updating my Jaydam (Jayma Mays & Adam Campbell) fanfiction. Hope you enjoy this chapter because I am changing it up a bit. PS I changed one of the twins names.

Emma was home alone with all the boys, she was cleaning and trying to keep her boys occupied. Emma was in the kitchen cooking for when Will would arrive home. Danny runs into the kitchen, under his mom's feet, tugging at her apron and skirt.

"Mommy?" He says.

"Yes, Sweetheart?" She kneels down in front of him to be face to face with him, knowing she wouldn't be able to do that in a while.

"When is Daddy going to be home?" She looks over to the clock seeing that it is past the usual time Will got home.

"In a little bit, don't worry, he probably has to do something extra, okay?" She smiles while brushing his ginger hair back. "Now go play, I will tell you when dinner is ready." He ran off as Emma sighed, grabbing her phone to check her messages. There was no message from Will, which scared her. She finished dinner and they were all fed, but still no Will. Around 8 at night, she was getting more and more worried, piling all her kids in her car, taking them to Will's parents. She never showed up on their doorstep, but seeing that she had no other option, Mrs. Schuester opened the door.

"Emma, Dear, what are you doing here?" She took a breath and answered.

"I need you to watch the boys, I have to go find Will." She made sure her kids were inside and turned around before there was a response out of Mrs. Schuester's mouth. She drove to the school seeing Will's car and entering the school. She made her way to his office, where she found him asleep. She entered the room.

"Will?" He looked up so confused at her with a light jacket and hair pulled up.

"Em? What are you doing here?" He looked at her, but looked at the clock. "Oh, it's late."

"Yeah, it's late! You scared the hell out of me!" She walked over to his desk, falling into his arms, and placed her arms around his neck. "Please, don't ever do that again."

"I will try not to, I was so busy with doing everything that I guess I just fell asleep." He said quietly to her. "Where are the boys?" She sat up straight looking into his eyes.

"They are at your parent's house, I had no other choice. I wasn't going to drag them around everywhere looking for you. The twins are probably asleep by now anyway." She giggled slightly, playing with his shirt collar and trying to hide a yawn.

"Oh, Em, you're tired. Come on, Cinderella." She got up off his lap, he stood up on his feet, and picking her up bridal style.
"My Cinderella isn't going to walk while she is tired and also pregnant." She smiled at the gesture while he carried her out, looking in between the car he had and their van.
"Looks like we are driving to work together tomorrow." He said and walking to their van.

When they get in their vehicle, Will drives to his parents with Emma sleeping in the passenger seat. At the sight of the house, Will pulls in carefully, turning off the car and looking over at his beautiful wife, who worried to death about him.

"Em?" He shook her lightly on the shoulder as she woke up a little. "I need you to help me get the boys." They waited a few minutes to get Emma awake and walked up to the door seeing Mrs. Schuester in the house with her door open. Upon seeing them, she opened the door with a smile.

"There you both are, Danny is asleep on the couch while the twins are asleep on my bed." Emma laughs a little.

"I am sorry I had to leave them with you so late, this one over here fell asleep in his office, but didn't tell me." She smirked at him and turned back towards her Mother-in-law. "But at least they went to sleep."

"Don't be sorry, they were no trouble at all." She smiled at the both of them, making her way to hug the both of us. Will pulls out of the hug and starts to get the boys in the car, starting with Danny in one arm and Peter in the other, while Emma just carried Mason.

When arriving home, they put the boys in their beds and enjoyed time alone, talking and thinking for the first time, feeling like the first time in forever.

"Will, is it just me or is this apartment getting smaller and smaller?" She looked over at him and he chuckled at her.

"Oh, Em." He kissed her on the forehead. "Don't worry about it, just be happy that we have another little miracle growing." He kissed her on the lips. "Now, go to sleep, Beautiful." She smiled at him and before flipping over, she looked at him asking,

"Will, will you hold me?" She said it so innocently that he couldn't believe how far she came and how much he loved her. He smiled at her and answered her.

"Of course, Sweetheart, I will always hold you." He placed his arms around her and kissed her on the forehead.

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