Chapter 3: Boy Or Girl

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I knocked on the door twice before it swung open and a very pregnant Ashley Somers was revealed. She was 39 weeks today and completely exhausted. Her and Chaz hadn't been trying for another baby, which made me resent her a little, but they were excited never the less. Oliver was starting to get Only Child Syndrome so he needed a sibling.

"Thank god," She gasped and took the Slurpee from my hand, "I've been craving one for weeks but Chaz wouldn't get me one."

"What a terrible husband." I joked and she nodded in agreement, "Has he dropped yet?"

She lifted up her shirt to exposed her still high belly, "He doesn't want to leave." I smiled. Meghan was her doctor this time around and Ashley wanted anything but a cesarean. Meghan told her that as long as she didn't reach 42 weeks that she wouldn't need to have a cesarean,  but once she was past that, it was too dangerous to do it vaginally.

I put my hand on the top of her stomach, "Come out, little guy. I want to meet you." I felt her skin flutter under my palm and she flinched at his kick, "Try not to ruin your mother before you meet her."

Ashley laughed, "Yeah, please don't ruin me." Then she walked away from me and headed into the small living room. Unfortunately for them, they didn't have the luxury of a previous music career, so their house was a 3 bedroom rancher. It was small and cozy, but perfect for their little family.

"How have you been feeling?" I sat down on the love seat and she fell into the couch, "Any better?"

She shrugged, "Still unsure. I mean, I know he's almost here, but I can't imagine Ollie with a baby. I just can't. He's a brat." I smiled when she called her son a brat. At least she acknowledged it, "Like, Serrina, he's turning 11 in a few weeks and I'm having a baby. There's going to be a massive age gap. They're never going to have anything in common." She saw my frown and sighed, "Dont get me wrong, though. I want to meet him."

Her words reminded me of when we were teens and she said she wanted 2 kids. Up until she got pregnant, she still did. Now that she was actually having a second, she wasn't so sure about two kids, though it was mostly because Oliver was already a handful.

I rolled my eyes, "They're boys, Ash. They'll have plenty of things in common regardless of their age difference." I smiled, "Remember how we though Braxton and Ollie wouldn't get along because they had an age gap? Look at them now."

She nodded, "I guess, but that's less than a year opposed to 11."

"Stop stressing," I told her, "You're trying to make this a bad thing. Just be happy that you're having another baby."

She gave me a weak smile realizing how terrible she sounded, "If it's meant to be, it'll happen." I had confided in her after my miscarriage a few months ago and she had been as supportive as possible since. She pressed her palms into her eyes and rubbed them hard, "God, here I am complaining and you..." She trailed off and I wasn't sure what she was planning to say.

"I don't mind your complaining," I told her and chuckled, "It keeps me human listening to you whine about your problems."

She smiled and ran her hands over her exposed stomach, "Then should I keep going?" I laughed and nodded at her knowing she needed to rant, "I feel like I should be trading my hatchback for a minivan for the next few weeks because I can no longer fit behind my steering wheel." She smiled, "Not to mention the brand new baby stuff I have to buy. That shit is expensive."

I laughed and nodded, "I remember from Amelia."

She chuckled, "Yeah, you're lucky money isn't a problem for you guys." The way she said it made me feel a little guilty but I smiled and shrugged. She was right. We were lucky to have all Justin's money saved. Our kids would never need anything in their entire lives and they'd all have money for college. None of them would have to concern themselves with finance issues because they'd always have Justin to fall back on.

She sighed and bit her cheek, "I just want him out." Her hands poked at her stomach and it under her touch. I saw a small flutter and knew he was kicking.

"If he's out then you'll have a lot to do." I tilted my head and pulled my feet onto the couch beside me, "Do you even remember when Ollie was a baby?"

She smiled and gently nodded, "I remember thinking about how much I loved him. I never thought I'd let Chaz touch him because I wasn't sure what he'd do." She suddenly burst into laughter and once she stopped she looked at me, "I hated him for knocking me up and ended up marrying him for the same reason."

I smiled because eventually, it's the same reason Justin and I got married. The thought made me think of Taylor and I smiled even more, "I always knew you two were meant to be."

She grinned, "The first time I met him-" We burst into laughter at the memory of her awkwardness. It had been the day after Taylor was born. Everybody had crowded into my room and Chaz had been flirting with Ashley. She had told him she was gay so he would back off. It was one of my favourite memories from those days.

As we continued to reminice, Ashley made faces as the baby moved around inside her. I did my best to pretend that it didn't bother me to see her so depressed about a baby, but I didn't do well because after that she kept her mouth shut about her pregnancy.


Justin and Chaz had arrived an hour or so after I di and we all went our separate ways home. Our kids argued over songs on the radio while Justin and I smiled at their petty conversation. Amelia was happy to sing along to just about anything, but she was still siding with Braxton. When we got home, everybody was out of the car before I was. Justin looked over at me and sighed, "You okay?" He quickly asked.

I nodded and flashed him a small smile, "Yeah," I shrugged, "It's just hard to sit there and listen to her talk about the baby when I want one so bad."

He reached over and took my hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing his lips to it, "Do you think its a girl or a boy?" I could see the grin on his face was full of mischief.

"Ashley's?" I frowned, "We already know its a boy."

"No." He gasped and let out a deep laugh, "Ours. Do you think it'll be a girl or a boy?"

I stared at him and frowned a little, "It might not have worked, Justin."

He gave me a glare, "Boy or girl?"

Attempting to satisfy him, I thought about it for a second. A girl would be good because we already had some clothes that would fit her since we had saved some of Amelia's, but a boy would be a change. We only had Braxton so another boy would be nice for him.

As I opened my mouth to speak there was a loud knock on the door. I turned my head and saw Krystal glaring at us, "Are you going to come unlock the door or are you staying in the car all night?"

"We're coming," Justin told her and she rolled her eyes, walking away and leaving us alone. He turned to open his door and I spoke, making him pause.

"I want a boy, I think."

He smiled and nodded, "Me too."

My face grew a grin and I got out of the car. A boy... A girl...

Honestly, it made no difference to me. I just wanted a happy, healthy baby.

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