Chapter 14: Hot & Cold

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I knew Serrina was home because her car was in the driveway and the bedroom light was on. She spent all her time there if the kids weren't home, and today, they weren't. Braxton and Krystal were at school, and, like every Friday, my mom had Amelia for the day.

I unlocked the door and crept in. I was filled with an odd sensation. I bought the house but it no longer felt like mine. It was almost unwelcoming.

"Justin?" Her voice made me jump and I turned to see her. The sight of my wife made me realize how much I had missed her, "What are you doing here?"

I took a deep breath and shrugged off my jacket, like I belonged in the house that had become all hers, "I had a break from work. I wanted to talk."

She raised her eyebrows and made a face that made me feel sick, "Oh, now you want to talk?"

I took a few steps towards her and held my hand out in a surrender, not wanting to fight, "Yeah," I bit my cheek and resisted the urge to kiss her, my eyes still lingering on her mouth, "I know what I did and I'm here to own up to it."

She slowly nodded and walked across the room, settling into a bar stool and staring at me. I walked into the kitchen and stared at her from across the counter. Her hands were perched under her chin and she was staring at me.

"I want to talk too." She told me then sighed, "You start." Her arms fell to the counter and crossed in front of her chest.

I slightly cringed, preparing myself for another fight, "I need to talk to you about my music." I almost saw her roll her eyes but she held back, "You know how much it means to me."

"And you know how much my family means to me." She sighed and reached into her lap, "I want to support you, Justin. Really, I do." She shrugged a little and shook her head, "But I can't if my kids are suffering because of it."

I nodded, finally understanding what she meant. She was right. I couldn't remember the last time I tucked my kids into bed. I couldn't remember the last time I helped make dinner with them.

"I know you want to do this job. I know how much it means to you." She reached over the bar and held my hand, "And I love you. Anything that matters to you matters to me, so don't think that I hate your job."

"I never thought that," I quickly replied and leaned over the counter to lean towards her, "I know you support everything I do. It's what makes you so special."

She gently nodded and l felt her hand squeeze mine, "Do your job. Love it, but come home and say goodnight to your kids too." Then her hand slipped out of mine and the emptiness in my hand almost made me miss what she said, "Especially with another on the way."

My eyes widened and my heart started to race. I stood up totally straight and looked all over her face for signs of a lie, "Wait," I gasped, "Really?" The smallest smile twitched at her lips and she nodded sending my already excited mind into a frenzy of love and excitement. I ran through the kitchen and was standing in front of her in seconds before throwing my arms around her waist and lifting her out of the chair she had been sitting in. Her laughter filled my ears and for a second it felt like nothing had changed and we were still carefree teenagers, only caring about each other, our baby, and love.

Then we weren't.

"Justin," She mumbled, her hands finding a firm place on each of my shoulders and I put her down on the ground. If I had known her any less, I would have missed the emptiness in her eyes when our skin lost contact, "You need to spend more time at home."

I quickly nodded and reached out to hold her hand, locking our fingers and rubbing the back of her hand with the ball of my thumb, "Of course." I lifted her hand to my mouth, "How far along are you? It's got to be a way along, right?"

She shrugged, "I have no idea. I have an appointment for next Wednesday."

"I'll be there." I told her and for a split second, she looked at me with suspicion, "I'll take the day off work and I will be there. What time?"

She smiled gently at me and brought out linked hands to her chest, "12." Then she lifted my hand to her lips and kissed my knuckles, "We can go get breakfast first."

I nodded and pulled my hand off of hers, "That sounds amazing."

She laughed and looked across my face. I thought she wanted to kiss me and then she moved like she was going to, but she took a step back and our mouths never met. I took the suddenly awkward moment to reach out and rest my hand on her stomach.

In the centre of my palm I could feel it was sticking out a little bit, the exact way you'd expect it to. I could tell she was almost into the second trimester if she wasn't already and her entire face was glowing the same way it always did during her pregnancies.

I looked from her stomach to her face and the smile I gave her made her lips curl up too. A small laugh slipped out of her lips and she lowered a hand and rested it over mine.

"We're having a baby." She whispered and then again, I threw my arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground. She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck, this time not in an attempt to support her, but embracing me. She held my head close to her heart as she laughed and I kept a firm hold on her, wanting the moment to never end.

When we finally parted she kept a hand on my shirt, gently holding on as if to keep me from leaving, "You know," she began and looked up at me through her eyelashes, "I-"

My phone began to ring and she stopped talking. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered before I even realized I had done it and suffered my wife's glare as I said, "Hello?"

"Justin, we need you at the studio." Fuck. Scooter.

I groaned, "Yeah, I'll be there soon." Then I hung up and looked down at my wife, "I have to go."

The feeling we had created was now gone and the look she gave me was cold and empty, "Don't let me stop you."

I began to nod then bent over to kiss her forehead. She didn't pull away but she didn't move closer. As I reached for my jacket I could hear her walking and by the time I turned back she had vanished. "I love you." I whispered into the now empty space, knowing I had caused it and that I now had to deal with it.

Now I had Wednesday to look forward to.

Forever Yours (Book 4 of 4) (Justin Bieber Love Story) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now