Chapter 19: Snort

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I thought this would be an easy thing to do. Write a message and hit send. No thought required, just a few simple words and send them off. Except, it isn't easy. I've written this message a few times already and each time I cant bring myself to send it, so instead of trying to explain myself or who I am I decided to just say the obvious; you're my sister. I want to talk to you. I want to know you. If you feel the same way, respond. If not, pretend I never sent this. Either way, thank you for existing.

I read it again and let a long sigh leave my lungs. I signed the bottom of the message and sent it without giving myself time to look for errors or second guess my words. I heard the little whoosh sound as my laptop sent the email and closed my eyes in relief. My mind finally fell silent and it felt like the first time in months that I could relax. I slowly moved the computer away from myself and stood up. In their bedrooms, I could hear the kinds doing their own things. The excessively loud pop music was Krystal tuning out the world. The electronic shooting and grenade sounds were Braxton playing a game, probably Call of Duty. Amelia was singing to herself and probably brushing out her dolls hair.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. The stench of stale pizza hit my nose and I got a little light headed. Without much thought, I lowered myself to the floor, the cool air from the fridge blowing across my face. My eyes drifted shut and I took a few deep breaths, my hand finding its way to my stomach, resting there while I fought the bout of morning sickness.

It had to have been a few minutes because, by the time I opened my eyes, the fridge light had automatically shut off and left me sitting on the cool, dark, smelly floor.

I heard a few shuffling feet behind me then a hand fell on the back of my head, small fingers stroking through my hair.

"Mommy, do you have a tummy ache?" I lifted my head and turned around to look at Amelia. She had worried eyes and a frown on her face.

I shook my head and ran my hand over her head, resting it over her ear, "No. I'm okay sweet heart." I wasn't lying. I was more okay now than I was 5 minutes ago.

"Really?" When I nodded she sat down beside me, "What are you sitting here for?"

I realized I was still holding my stomach and moved it away from my body, placing in my lap instead, "Well, I was hungry but couldn't decide what to eat."

"Oh!" She smiled and looked into the fridge for me, "What about pickles? I love pickles."

I smiled at the idea, pickles actually sounded really good right now. I leaned forward and reached into the fridge, pulling out the cold glass of dill pickles and setting it on the floor between me and my little girl. She giggled a little and clapped her hands in excitement.

I held it on the ground with one hand and and with a small grunt, I popped the lid off, placing it on the floor beside the now open jar. Amelia hadn't stopped laughing and I felt a little jealous at her innocence. It made me jealous that I couldn't laugh that easily at the simple things in life, but it also made me happy that I had such a carefree daughter I hoped she would always stay like that.

"We need a fork." She bit her lip in disappointment.

"No we don't." I was quick to respond and reached into the jar, grabbing a pickle with my fingers and holding it out for her. She laughed again before taking it between her little fingers and taking a bite.

I laughed and grabbed another one, biting into it and snorting at her. Amelia burst out laughing and snorted back. We continued to sit there, snorting at each other and eating pickles until we were both wincing from laughing so hard. I heard footsteps and looked up to see a very concerned Krystal staring down at us.

"What are you doing?" She asked with a faint laugh.

Before I had a chance to say anything Amelia snorted at her and shouted, "Pickles!"

"Do you want one?' I asked her and she quickly sat down between us, reaching into the jar and grabbing one for herself too. Amelia got right up in her face and snorted again before she busted out laughing and fell back to the floor. The sight of her sister being so carefree made Krystal laugh and she joined in, snorting back to Amelia. Amelia baffled me by laughing louder than I thought she was capable of.

I continued to laugh and snort at my kids until another pair of feet appeared in the kitchen doorway. I glanced up to my only son and raised my eyebrows at his amused stare.

"What are you guys doing down there?" Then he shook his head a little, "And why are you all on the floor?"

I smiled at him as Amelia stood up and held her half eaten dill pickle at him. Instead of words she jumped towards him and snorted, sounding like a little piglet. He stared at her for a second before shaking his head and taking a bite from the pickle she was holding. The action made her laugh again and she dragged him to sit with her in our circle.

As we all say there, eating pickles, snorting and laughing at each other, I realized none of them were asking about Justin and I hadn't even thought about him. It left a odd taste in my mouth and a sad feeling that settled like a pit in my stomach. My heart ached and it dawned on me that, until this very moment, I hadn't missed him and then suddenly, I was missing my husband more than ever.

But I wasn't alone. I was far from that. I was surrounded with more love than most people could dream about and it made the pain in my chest and loneliness in my stomach feel like a little less.

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