Chapter 29: Come Find Me

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I ripped the headphones off my ear and slammed them onto the mic. My hand moved up to my hair and I ran it through, "Fuck." I spat.

"Dude," Scooters voice echoed around the studio, "Take a few minutes. Your thinking too much."

I shook my head and flailed my hands towards him, "Taking a few minutes isn't going to make me think less." I crossed my arms and shook my head, "I told you, today isn't working for me."

Scooter groaned and ran his hands over his face, "We can take a few minutes and think. Remember, we still have a deadline for this album. We pushed it back twice. If we do it again they might drop us."

"Jesus, Scott. We aren't pushing it back." I left the studio and swung open the door that led to the mixing room, "I just need a break. I have a lot on my mind."

"Just go home." He snapped and the look on his face made me flinch, "Im not going to sit here and listen to you bitch about how shitty your life is. Either fix it and grow up or move the fuck on and find somebody else to tell your problems to."

I shrugged and grabbed my jacket off the couch, "Alright. Bye." He didn't say anything as I walked out of the studio and into the hall. I was almost outside when a familiar face literally ran into me.

"Oh," Her voice, the one that had once made me smile was like nails on a chalkboard, "Fancy seeing you here stranger. I thought you were still recording."

I moved around her and sighed, "Remi, I'm kind not in the mood to talk today."

"Cool," She was following me, "We can just hang out." I had stepped outside and began to lift my hand for a cab when her arm intertwined with mine, "Where are we going?"

I watched as a cab passed and shook my head, "Aren't you supposed to be in the studio?" I flailed my arm around more and a cab pulled into the pullout lane.

"I mean, technically, yeah, but I can't record until you've done your parts." I pulled my arm out of hers and climbed into the cab. She was either completely dense, mentally deficit, or couldn't take a note, because she climbed into the car beside me and kept talking, "Not that it really matters, you know? Not like my part is any different if you haven't done yours yet. Its a duet, right?"

"Remi," I cut her off before she could keep babbling, "Your voice is lovely, but I'm not in the mood to talk today, so if we could not talk that would be great."

She looked at me for a few seconds before a small grin appeared on her face and she nodded.

The rest of the cab ride was in silence. When we got to my hotel she followed me like a shadow, only a step behind as I walked up to my room and unlocked the door. As soon as the door was shut, I tossed the key on the small bar. I was lucky with the suite I had gotten. It was an actual suite with a kitchenette and small bedroom. There was a small sofa and tv which is where I decided was a good place to go. Remi followed, sitting beside me so closely that she was almost on my lap.

"TV?" She asked, the remote already in her palm. I didn't have time to speak before the TV was turned on and the volume turned up loud enough to drain out my thoughts.

It must have been thought out on her end, from the clinging to my side to the loud TV. She swung her leg over my lap and was straddling me in less than a second. she moved like she had been trained to seduce men, the way her hands trailed up and down my chest, lingering a few seconds too long at my belt, then moving back up to my neck and hair, tangling her long fingers in it before bringing her lips to mine, at first a gentle graze, then a soft kiss.

I couldn't move. I was frozen in place, my hands pressed to the couch fabric under her knees.

Her lips moved gracefully over mine and I let her take control, my body too numb to push her off.

Her tongue shoved its way into my mouth and grazed the inside of my teeth. I could feel my heart racing.

The hand she hand on my neck was sliding back down my torso to unbuckle my belt. I could hear it clicking against her fake nails but didn't do anything to stop her. Once it was unbuckled, she moved to take off her own shirt. It wasn't difficult for her. I wasn't holding her down.

She tossed it to the floor and then pulled one of my hands out from under her leg, pressing it to her boob and moving my fingers around to grope her.

They were a lot smaller than Serrina's.


I ripped my other hand from under her and flipped her onto her back. She moaned a little and smiled into my mouth. She bit my lip and I groaned in discomfort. The hand she had previously used to unbuckle my belt was now moving down to my jeans.

She let out a loud moan when I pushed down on her boob, probably rubbing her nipple on her bra fabric. I took control and clasped my mouth over hers, holding her breath in and swirling my tongue around hers. I moved my mouth off of hers and shifted it down to her neck. I grazed my teeth over it first, then, resisting all urges to keep going, I bit her collarbone. Hard.

"Ow!" She screamed and pushed me off of her. I didn't resist and sat up straight. I bent over and grabbed the shirt she had thrown on the ground. As quickly as I could manage, I balled it up and threw it in her face. The only downside to it was that I didn't get to see her reaction. She moved it out of her vision and stared at me, confused, "What the hell!"

I held up my left hand and pointed at my wedding ring with the other, "How many times do I have to tell your that Im married?" I stood up from the couch and crossed my arms, "Go home Remi. Join a fucking dating site. Tinder if you're that desperate."

"Excuse me?" She was now sitting up, holding her shirt to her chest to cover the bra that she had been so willing to show five minutes ago.

I sighed, "Do I have to spell it out?" I wasn't raising my voice but I could tell she was pissed, "I have a wife. I have a family. I don't want to fuck you."

She stood up and pulled her shirt on, "You left your wife." She was trying to hurt me, "You aren't welcome in your family's house." Then she gave me a head to toe look over, "And your very obvious boner suggests that you do wanna fuck me." Then she rolled her eyes and straightened her clothes, "So when you wake up and realize that you're a desperate divorced man, come find me."

Then I watched as she stormed out of my hotel room and slammed the door behind her.

Forever Yours (Book 4 of 4) (Justin Bieber Love Story) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now