Chapter 21: Sister

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~ 19 Weeks Pregnant ~


The coffee in my cup was getting cold and the nerves in my stomach were out of control. The plan was to meet in a local Starbucks at 4 o'clock. She got out of school at 2:30 and it would take an hour to get here from school. It was almost 4 now and I had been waiting here since 3.

Almost a week ago, Kylee and I had made the plan to meet and talk. It was still crazy for me to think I had a half sister and even crazier that my father was alive. I assumed a long time ago that he had died. I guess it was easier than thinking he had made a new family somewhere, but now that I knew that he had started a new family and he wasn't dead, it was obvious that him being dead was a cop out.

The bell on the door rang and my head shot up. A woman with jet black hair and a very hipster outfit walked in, followed by a man who was very similar in appearance. They walked up to the counter and I felt a little flutter in my stomach.

I was really starting to show now and it took a lot of effort to hide my bump. I was grateful for the change in weather because it meant my layering up didn't seem so out of place. Next week I would hit the halfway mark and I still hadn't told my kids. The twins were starting to catch on that something was off, but Amelia was oblivious, even with a bear hug around my waist every morning. I think she just assumed I was getting fat.

The baby kicked again and I found my hand hovering over my stomach. The bell on the door rang again and I didn't have to look up. Somehow, instinctively, I knew it was her.

When our eyes met I was shocked at the resemblance we shared. She had pale blue eyes and wavy hair that was only a shade or two lighter than mine, but the ends were a cool blonde in a pretty balayage. Her face was round but her chin came to an elegant point and her plump, slightly pink, round cheeks made her pretty face look youthful. She was wearing a pair of high waisted jean shorts and a plaid shirt, carrying a skateboard at her side. She must have thought the same thing because she just started at me for a few seconds before stumbling over to the table I was sitting at. Before she sat down she paused and I heard her voice for the first time.

"Hi," she whispered and then held out her hand, "I'm Kylee."

I stood up and stared at her. She was a little bit shorter than I was but our heights were almost the same, "I'm Serrina." And I shook her hand.

When we sat down across from each other, neither of us spoke. Both of us were so amazed at the idea of a sister that we had no words. I didn't know what to talk about with a sister.

"So," Kylee began, "I'm 17 years old. I'm in my last year of High School. I use to have a Leopard Gecko but Dylan's rabbit ate it last year. My favourite singer is Miley Cyrus and my favourite TV show is Friends. I would eat my moms lasagne for every meal if she let me and I've never drank alcohol." She took a deep breath and crossed her arms, "I know you hardly know me but I'm your sister. I want you to know me and I want to know you."

I sighed and felt tears pricking the back of my eyes, "I'm 26 years old. I have 3 kids. I've been married since I was 21 and although it was my best decision, it was also my worst." I took a deep breath and leaned forward, "I got pregnant for the first time when I was 14 and by the same time the following year I was pregnant again." I saw her eyes widen a little. I knew my age was a thing kept quiet by the media when me and Justin had Taylor, "I hate cooking more than I hate cleaning. My favourite movie is A League of Their Own and my favourite food was my moms homemade spaghetti bye I haven't made it since she died."

Kylee slowly nodded and let out a long sign, "I'm sorry about your mom."

I shook my head, "Don't be. It was Cancer. She died almost 11 years ago."

"I'm still sorry." She said again, "I can't imagine what I'd do if my mom died." Then she took a quick breath and continued talking before I could cut in, "My mom wants to meet you. So does my dad - or our dad. He thought your mom would've made you hate him after he left."

"She didn't," I quickly cut in, "She told me that he was a good person. He just wasn't ready to be a dad." My mom was only 15 when she got pregnant with me. My dad was only 16. She had told me over and over how much her parents had pressured them to get married and how he wanted to, but a baby was too much. He wasn't happy, so he left.

"I told him about you." She said, "He was surprised that I found you. I told him who you were, who you were married to." She smiled, "You should've seen his face when he started doing research into who you were. When he found out you had kids," She laughed and shook her head, "He just about died when he found out you had kids."

I smiled, "I don't blame him." Then Taylor filled my head, "I was only 14. I just about died myself."

"Was it that dangerous?" She seemed captivated by my dramatics, "I saw it in the magazines and stuff but I was only a kid. My sister was all kinds of jealous of you though."

"You have a sister?" I had another sister? Right... she was in the photo Connor had shown me.

She nodded, "Yeah, Dylan." She smiled then shrugged, "She's okay. She's 22 and thinks she's the shit because she's graduating college in 3 years instead of 4." Her words made a smile curl onto my face, "Then she tells everybody that she has a Bachelor of Fine Arts when everybody knows the degree is garbage." She kept talking like everything she said had intense importance to me and maybe one day it would, but right now it just made me sad because I knew she had the family I had always dreamed of. She kept babbling and the more she spoke the less I listened. Eventually, though, she said something that caught my attention, "Do you want to come over? I'm sure Dad would love to meet your kids." She was no longer saying my dad, "He mentioned it to me the other day. Your kids should grow up knowing their grandfather, don't you think? Everybody needs to know their grandparents, I mean-"

"Kylee!" I had to cut her off and I realized my voice had come as a shout instead of a firm whisper like I had intended causing a few eyes to settle on us, regardless, it shut her up, "I don't know him. I know he's my dad but I know nothing about him." I saw a pained look fall across her face, "I'm sure hes a great guy - I'm sure you're all amazing people, but please, try to understand that I cant introduce my kids to a family of strangers and expect them to understand."

She shook her head, confused, "Then why'd you meet with me?" She sounded so hurt that it made my chest tighten, "If you don't want to meet your family why agree to meet me today?"

"That's not it." I was talking to her like she was one of my kids, "I want to meet them, but I don't think I'm ready just yet." Her face softened and she gently nodded, "I'm still getting used to the fact that my dad actually wants to meet me and that I have a sister," I paused and corrected myself, "Two sisters. Put yourself in my shoes and you'll know why I need some time."

She continued to nod and I could tell she was beginning to agree with me, "Then we wait." She sighed, "When you're ready to meet everybody just let me know."

I nodded, "Deal." We sat there for a few more seconds before she let out a long deep sigh and stood up.

"I better get going. I've got homework." She smiled and held out her hand to shake again but I stood up and hugged her, hoping my layers would disguise my belly. She seemed shocked that I was hugging her but after a few seconds of hesitation she hugged me back. It was an odd feeling, hugging my sister. 

"Okay," I said stepping back, "Ill keep in contact." And when I met her eyes she was wearing the biggest smile I had ever seen.

"So will I." Then she laughed, "Talk to you later Sis."

A small laugh escaped my lips and I nodded, watching as she left the shop and dragged her skateboard behind her. Once she was out of sight, I sat down and pressed my hand to my belly. The baby was kicking like crazy and all I could do was smile.

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