Chapter 18: Indefinite

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I was doing a crossword puzzle in the kitchen when I saw his car pull into the driveway. Connor saw it just before I did and had already began getting Amelia ready when I put my pen down and ran my hands through my hair. I wasnt ready to see Justin right now.

Connor and I had made a plan weeks ago that if Justin showed up while the twins were at school and Amelia was home, he would get her out of there as fast as he could manage. Today was the first time we had been forced to act on it. He had her jacket on and was opening the door before Justin was even on the porch.

I heard Amelia squeal as they left, "Hi daddy!" He gave a quick hug and then a kiss on the forehead before walking into the house. Amelia kept talking to him but he was on a mission to talk to me and Connor was able to smoothly ushered her away.

Justin smiled at me and walked into the kitchen as the front door shut, leaving us alone in the silence. He looked happy and like nothing was wrong, but just the sight of him made my blood boil and a dirty taste form in my mouth. 

"You're glowing." He was so happy to see me it almost made me feel sick.

I stared at him with a slight glare then frowned at him and shook my head a little, "What are you doing here?" His smile disappeared and I bit the inside of my cheek, "I don't want to see you right now." He took a step forward and tried to touch my elbow but I pulled away from him and didn't hide my glare this time, making it very obvious how I didn't want to see him, "Don't touch me." I snapped and he took a step away along with a deep breath.

He put his keys and phone on the kitchen counter like he was planning to stay for a while and then looked over at me, "I wanted to talk."

I scoffed and tilted my head to the side, a sick smile appearing on my lips, "So now you want to talk?" I laughed and held my arm out towards him, giving him the stage then crossing it back over my chest, "Please, be my guest." I shrugged, "Go ahead. Talk." I had never heard myself so angry before and it made me feel powerful. It fueled my fury.

"Have you heard the song yet?"

I actually laughed out loud at his words. He wanted to talk about his work, not his family. I shook my head and clenched my hands into fists, "Are you kidding me? That's what you want to talk about?"

"I assume that a yes." It was under his breath and not meant for me to hear, but I did and it made me even angrier.

"Of course I have! So have the kids. What was I supposed to say to them?" I felt my voice waver and I knew it was because of the kids. The twins couldn't listen to the song without crying so anytime it came on we changed it. That made me cry too, so I couldn't even listen to it alone, "You didn't tell me the music would be out this soon."

"I tried," he gasped and made an attempt to get closer to me, "If you'd respond to my texts-"

"Your texts?" I gasped and took a step back. The last thing I wanted was him touching me, "Really?"

"Yeah, if you'd respond to my texts I would've told you." He was saying it like I was the person in the wrong, like I was the person that was making the family fall apart.

"Well, if you'd pick up the phone and call me once a month, maybe I'd feel a little motivated to reply to your texts."

"I'm sorry that I've been busy with my career. Why can't you be supportive of that? It's important to me." He was getting offended and angry, "Not all of us can make a living as a stay at home mom."

A shiver ran through my body and my chest got tight. I felt my hands relax as the words he had spat sunk into my brain. Is that what he thought of me? That I was living off him? I gently shook my head, now too hurt to bother keeping a conversation going. I had never felt so offended in my life and he was the person who was supposed to make me feel most loved. He was supposed to be my husband.

"More important than your family?" I took a deep breath and then took a small step back, "I'm not doing this right now." I turned back and began walking away from him/

My walking away triggered something in him and his voice raised to a shout, "Doing what?" He was yelling at me in rage, "Come on, Serrina, talk to me!"

Finally, I snapped and whipped around to face him, "No! I'm tired of talking!" Tears were falling down my face and I didn't bother to wipe them away. "I need you to be here, with your kids and me, not off in some studio sending texts," I was so close to him now that I reached out and gave him a hard shove. He stumbled a few feet before regaining his balance, "You need to figure out what's more important right now, your family or your career, because I'm tired of coming second and I'm tired of our kids coming second," I took a deep breath and saw the horror on his face. He was realizing how big his mistakes were and it was hitting him hard, "Oh," I gasped and nodded, "And tell your kids where you've been because I'm done making excuses for you."

"Serrina," He let out a shaky breath and shook his head, "Im-"

"No." I shook my head back at him and crossed my arms, "You don't get to apologize because I'm here doing all of the parenting work instead. I'm here assuring your children that you still love them even if I'm not sure you do. I'm here making sure your house is clean and your kids are fed all while growing another human being because we decided to have another baby. I'm here doing everything while you're off doing the same shit you were doing when you were 15 because you are having a mid life crisis in your late 20's." I bit my cheek and sighed, "You don't get to be sorry because you're not trying." My hands were shaking and my nails were digging into my palms so hard they would probably bleed, "I think you need to find another place to live for a while."

He looked mortified that I was going this far, "How long's a while?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe indefinitely." I shook my head and took a deep breath, "When you're done playing and ready to come back to your family give me a call because I won't be answering your texts." And with my final words in I stormed off to my room, slammed the door, and began to sob because I knew that if I screamed or broke something, I might never stop.

Forever Yours (Book 4 of 4) (Justin Bieber Love Story) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now