Chapter 23: Keeping My Mouth Shut

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I tugged on the blazer and rolled my shoulders back. Scooter gave me a hard smack on the back and then pulled me into his shoulder, "This interview is going to make or break your career. You know that, right?"

I rolled my eyes and pushed away from him, annoyed that he felt that was a necessary thing to say, "Yeah, I know. Thanks for the positive attitude." The only thing on my mind was Serrina. She had told the kids about the baby and Amelia had been feeding her names. I hated that I wasn't there to come up with names too, and an interview was honestly the last thing on my mind right now, but I was told that it was now or never and if I wanted a music career, it had to be now.

I could hear people on the other side of the dressing room door and sighed. Unfortunately, that meant I would have to go on stage soon. There was a light rap at the door and then it cracked open. A young blonde girl poked her head in and although she looked terrified, her voice was strong and firm as she spoke, "Me.Bieber, were ready for you on set."

I nodded and looked at Scooter, "Wish me luck."

He gave me a supportive smile and gently shook his head, "You won't need it." Then he gave my shoulder a squeeze and sighed, "Kick some ass our there."

I snorted at him but smiled and shook my head. My feet felt weighed down as I followed the blonde towards the stage. She had a nice butt.

"So this is a live interview. Make sure you don't say anything you'll regret because we can't edit it out. Take your time thinking but also don't take too long. We only have a 10 minute slot for you so make the most out of your time. If you waste it on babble and don't mention your music we can't restart. Keep that in mind." Then she stopped and turned around to face me. Now that I was close to her I could see she definitely had lip injections and fake eyelashes. I had a sad feeling that her ass was probably fake too, "Do you have any questions before we get to makeup?"

I gently shook my head, "Don't think so."

"Good." Then we walked through another door and I was flooded by people who were trying to brush shit - correction, makeup, on my face. "We have five minutes here then we go onto the green room."

The five minute makeup rush felt like an hour and by the time they were all done it felt like I had a thin layer of glue on my face. The blonde girl grabbed my arm as soon as I had a foot of space around me and she dragged me off to a new area. This room had a long table with a massive assortment of food and a few neon lights, none of which were on. I could see what they read. Stage. On Air. Applause. Quiet.

"We go live in a few minutes. When we do you've got to be silent. Even the slightest whisper can sometimes be heard on stage."

I nodded, "How long will I be here waiting?"

She shrugged and looked at the Apple Watch fastened on her wrist, "10 minutes?"

I crossed my arms across my chest and let out a long sigh. I couldn't stop thinking about Serrina. I wanted to be at home, holding her hand and helping the kids come up with names. I wanted to be there to massage her feet when they got sore from standing all day. I wanted to be there to tuck my kids into bed and kiss Serrina's swollen stomach before pulling her to my chest and falling asleep with her in my arms.

"Mr.Bieber, were ready for you on set."

I snapped out of my thoughts and found myself in the centre of everybody's attention. A hand found my upper arm and a random person guided me to the side of the stage and told me to wait for my cue. I listened as the host, a woman named Leslie Knight, spoke about me: my past music, my absence from media, my family, and then my comeback music. Finally, she called my name and somebody whispered GO in my ear. That was the cue.

I took long strides to get to the interview chair as fast as possible and shook Leslie's hand before sitting down. Once we were both seated and the crowd had settled down she spoke, "Wow. Justin Bieber. You're back."

I looked into the audience and saw that most of the crowd was women close to Serrina's age. I looked around and nodded, "I am. I'm back."

The crowd hooted for a second and it made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"How was your... break? You were gone for a few years. Would that be considered a break?"

Again, I nodded, "Yeah, I was with my family for 6 years. That's a long time." I laughed a little and then sighed, "It was really nice though. I was able to spend time with my kids while they grew up and I'm excited to have them see this side of me."

Leslie was grinning from ear to ear, "that's so great to hear. I'm so glad, as I'm sure everybody else is, to hear how happy you and your wife are. It's not often you see such happiness in famous couples." Her words made my heart ache and I was thinking about Serrina and the baby again, "What about your youngest? Amelia? She's 5, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, Amelia just turned 5. She's a great kid."

"Will you be letting her listen to your new music?"

"I don't think I have much of a choice," the audience laughed like it was a joke, "Serrina is already playing it for the next one so Amelia is probably listening to it too."

The crowd fell silent for a second and it made me freeze. I messed up. Shit.

"Next one?" Leslie was leaning forward in her seat. Not only was she my first interview after making a comeback, but now she was the place where I was announcing my wife's pregnancy. "Will you still have time to make music with another baby on the way? That's what you stopped for the last time, right?"

Fuck. This was going to get spun around. The media was going to make me the bad guy, "No." I had to lie... Serrina was going to hate me, "We talked about it a lot and decided that now was a good time. The kids are excited and ready for a new baby so it's even better that I do my music now. It gives them more time to be with their new sister."

"It's a girl?" Leslie was getting the best interview of all time because of my fuck ups, "Do you have a name planned out?"

As I opened my mouth to reply I saw a few whispers in the crew then a signal to cut the show.

"Oh, okay." Leslie sounded genuinely upset, "It appears that we've run out of time for today. Catch Justin's new music as soon as it comes out by watching his twitter for announcements.  Until next time, enjoy life and don't forget to smile!"

The on air sign turned off and the crowd erupted in whispers. I saw scooter shaking his head to the side of the stage and I knew that I had gotten myself into a lot of trouble because I couldn't keep my fat mouth shut.

Forever Yours (Book 4 of 4) (Justin Bieber Love Story) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now