Return to Pallet Town

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With Ash:
Ash trudged towards Pallet Town. It held too many bad memories for Ash to call it his home. It was the place where he found out that so many of his friends had been killed. He was supposed to be meeting Green. Ash had been in the area so he agreed. He looked down on Pallet Town. All that was left was some ruins of houses, Professor Oak's lab and a graveyard. Red's idea was coming together. "Pi Pikachu," Pikachu asked him, "nah, they won't be a problem. They shouldn't be at least," Ash said, "ee eevee," Eevee said, "if it's important they'll come," Ash said. Ash had arrived. He was at Pallet Town for the first time in 5 years. He still vividly remembered the last time he had been face to face with those high up in Team Rocket. Giovanni, someone he had once considered a father figure. Ash back then didn't even remember his father and he had just been abandoned by the people he considered family. Victoria was a bit of a strange case. She had been nice to him when he was new but as time went on he saw her less and less. Joel and Hudson, people he considered friends. At the time at least. They reminded him of Jimmy and Paul. Then there was Emily. He had mixed feelings for her. For one he wasn't sure what to think of her and she kissed him 7 years ago. He had let it happen because he was confused about his feelings. He didn't know who to trust. Finally there was Leaf. She had not participated in the battle 5 years ago. She was off doing her own things with Blake in hot pursuit but she was his sister. She was the person he was most confused about. Ash arrived at the lab before walking in. Green stood at a desk tying furiously. "Ketchum," Green nodded, "What did you need me to come here for," Ash asked, "this," Green said pointing at the laptop that was on his desk. "A laptop. You brought me here to give me a laptop," Ash asked quickly losing patience. "It's more than that. Silver helped me design it. It can track anyone in the world plus has lots of other features," Green said, "oooh," Ash said. "and Team Rocket are bound here any minute. Wait, no. They just arrived," Green said. On queue several cars could be heard outside. "You need to take this and go to Professor Cerise. You know the building we stayed at 5 years ago," Green said. "Yea, yea," Ash said. "I told him in advance you were arriving today," Green said. "What about you," Ash asked, "I'll buy you time," Green said, "I'm not leaving you," Ash said angrily, "we've already lost too many people." "You have to go," Green said, "I'm not leaving you," Ash insisted. There was pounding at the door. "They're here," Green said, "you must go Ash. Please." Ash looked at Green and realised that he was not changing his mind. "There's a car in the other room. That's your escape," Green said, "go." Ash ran out of the room and found a green Ferrari. "Of course it's green," Ash muttered before finding the keys and getting in. He placed the laptop in its case on the passenger seat before opening the garage. The garage was camouflaged so Ash was not blocked in but as soon as he began driving Team Rocket grunts took notice and began driving after him. He saw Giovanni walking up the hill to Oak's lab and he saw Green standing outside waiting for Giovanni. "Goodbye uncle," Ash murmured before punching the gas. Only then had he realised who was blocking him. 3 black SUVs were in front of him. Emily in the middle one, Hudson in the left one and Joel and the right one. They began to drive towards him. Ash began to reverse before turning so his car wasn't facing them and began to drive. This allowed him to look once again at Green who was now engaged in a fierce battle with Giovanni. Suddenly one of the SUVs slammed into the back of the car. "Pikachu, get on that," Ash yelled. Pikachu let off a Thunderbolt frying the car that Joel was in and also freeing Ash. Ash turned his car around to face them once again. Ash pushed down on the accelerator before drifting and slamming the back of his ca into the front of Hudson's. This caused Hudson's car to slam into Emily's. Ash sped off. In the rear mirror Ash saw a blazing fire behind him separating him from Emily, Hudson and Joel. He looked over at Green and realised that had been him. Green had protected him from the others attacking him with their Pokémon. Ash looked over at Green who was on the floor, blood streaming down his face, lying against the steps leading up to the lab. Green looked directly into his eyes and told him without words, go. Ash sped off.

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