Galar! Again

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Been so long since I've uploaded.  I can't really make excuses, I had people over and then Legends Arceus came out so idk. I'll try upload, no guarantees.

"Why are you leaving," Black asked. "Going to Galar," Ash said. "That isn't a good idea," White said, "what if he attacks?" "It's been barely any time between our last meeting, I'll be surprised if he does. I'm only gone for a few days. Relax," Ash said before walking out the door carrying a suitcase.

"Are you sure this is a good idea," Red asked, "we don't need his help." "You are the only one who doesn't want his help," Silver said, "deal with it." "I didn't choose to be here," Red said, "you dragged me along." "Like it or not we need his help," Jimmy said, "no matter how much we don't want to." "You still blame Ash for Marina," Paul asked, "get over yourself." "Enough," Silver said before knocking. White opened the door. "Junior White," Silver said, "what a surprise." "Senior Silver," White said, "what are you doing here?" "Where's Ash," Red asked. "On a plane to the Galar region," White said. "We plan to end it today," Paul said, "come with us." "I have to go get someone," White said.

"I was wondering when you'd show up," Giovanni said, "I thought, perhaps that Leaf's intel was wrong. But perhaps all those years in the International Police is a good thing." Leaf stared blankly, like she was soulless. "That's what betrayal does to people," Giovanni said, "perhaps I will get revenge on you 2 for betraying me." Giovanni pointed to Jimmy and Paul. "It was hardly a betrayal," Paul said, "you knew from the start." "Not the start," Giovanni said, "I had my doubts, but you truly proved yourselves. The reason I told Ash that you were traitors was because I found out who Jimmy's parents were and I learnt what happened the day before Ash's battle against Cynthia was supposed to take place. I didn't care that you were speaking to your seniors. I'll finish this the place it all started. In Viridian City."

"Are you ok," Chloe asked. "Yea," Ash muttered, "just a bad feeling." "You get plane sick," Goh asked, "I don't usually fly on planes," Ash said, "usually my Pokemon take me everywhere. It'd work because before I met you two, I had stayed in Kanto and Johto and went to Sinnoh once." "So you're just sick," Chloe asked. "I don't know," Ash said, "I'm going to the bathroom." Ash stood up and as he walked past the row behind him he was pulled in. Ash looked up and Joel was staring at him. "You," Ash said. "Me," Joel agreed. Ash went to pull out his pistol. "Are you crazy," Joel demanded, "I'm not that dumb to pull a gun on someone in a plane." "What are you doing here," Ash demanded. "Take a guess," Joel said. "You're keeping me here," Ash said, "correct," Joel answered. "Why you of all people," Ash asked. "You know why Giovanni can't be here, same goes for Victoria," Joel said, "as for the other 3. Leaf was denied the right to come due to the fact that she'd probably kill you on sight, you took Hudson's eye out, enough said and Emily loves you, for some strange reason. I'm not sure why. I don't even think you know why." "No," Ash agreed, "she knows that I love someone else." "Did you and Emily ever do..." Joel asked. "She kissed me once," Ash said, "7 years ago. She refereed one of my matches and I confronted her. She kissed me and I wasn't sure what to do." "Well, me and her are the only ones who don't want you dead," Joel said, "Giovanni, Hudson and Leaf are self explanatory, and Victoria is still mad because you nearly killed her, even if it was a test." "Why are you here," Ash asked again. "You already answered that," Joel responded, "I'm keeping you here. Or more precisely, I'm keeping you in Galar." "You mean," Ash said, "today of days." "It was planned," Joel said, "Giovanni's a master manipulator. He's providing Chairman Rose with resources." "Resources," Ash asked, "for what?" "You'll find out soon enough," Joel said. "You say Giovanni's a master manipulator, yet you can't see his work on you," Ash said. "I realised we were being manipulated long ago," Joel said, "Hudson, Emily and I, we were stolen as children, Team Rocket is all we've ever known. I'm not sure how they feel, but I've realised the evil Giovanni is." "Then what are you waiting for," Ash asked. "The right moment," Joel said, "I believe you needed to go to the bathroom." Ash got up and stumbled towards the bathroom, shaking his head. Joel was willing to betray Giovanni. "What took you so long," Chloe asked. "Plane sick," Ash muttered before sitting down in his seat and drifting off.

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