An Epic Dynamax Duel

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Sorry for not a lot of updates. I have been focusing on school and haven't had a lot of time to work on stuff but I'll try and get out what I can. Thank you for 200 reads. Enjoy the chapter.

"This is a Pokémon World Coronation Series Master Class battle between Champion Lance and Champion Leon," the refs voice boomed over the loudspeakers, "the battle will be 1 on 1. Trainers please send out your Pokémon." "Dragonite," Lance yelled, "draaaaa," Dragonite cried. "Go Charizard," Leon yelled, "Charrrrrr," Charizard cried. "Battle begin," the ref yelled. "Dragonit use Thunderbolt," Lance yelled, "draaaaa," Dragonit cried, "Charizard use Flamethrower," Leon yelled, "charrrrrr," Charizard cried. "Wait," Ash muttered, "who is that?" "That's Leon," Chloe said, "he's the champion of the Galar region and specialises in dynamax Pokémon." "I fought him before," Ash said, "7 years ago. At the Pokémon Masters Tournament." "Well, that could be the case because this tournament was made to replace the Mastera Tournament due to its failure," Goh said, "he barely came in the top 30 in that," Ash said. "What did you come then," Goh asked, "Leon is considered the greatest champion to ever live. Many people refer to him as Prodigy Leon instead of Champion Leon." Ash scoffed, "prodigy? I stomped on him when I was 18, a 6-0 wipe. He didn't even get close to defeating me. The dead did better." "Impossible," Goh muttered, "what did you come?" "The tournament didn't finish due to Team Rocket but the place I finished was like 5th or 6th," Ash said, "you can go on the website and look at it. It's still up." "Dragonite use Hydro Pump," Lance yelled, "Charizard use Dragon Pulse," Leon yelled. "Lance isn't using his powers," Ash muttered, "he could easily win this battle right now." "What," Goh asked, "why wouldn't he." "I'm not sure," Ash said, "he's a child of Viridian Forest so he can speak to Pokémon and make them extremely powerful but I'm not sure why he isn't doing that."

Theme Song Play

"Time to heat things up," Leon yelled before returning his Charizard to its Pokéball, "Charizard, dynamax!" Charizard began to glow red and increase in size before the light faded and before them stood a giant Charizard with fire steaming out of its mouth. "I think it's time we did the same Dragonite," Lance yelled before returning Dragonite to its Pokéball, "Dragonite, dynamax." Like Charizard, Dragonite began to glow red and increase in size. "Charizard use G-Max Wildfire," Leon yelled, "Dragonite use Max Wyrmwind," Lance yelled. "Use Max Lightning," Leon yelled, "use Max Hailstorm," Lance yelled, "use Max Overgrowth," Leon yelled. "He's right," Chloe said to Goh, "I just checked, Ash placed 5th. Leon placed 28th." "Don't they say that Leon is undefeated," Goh asked, "undefeated since he became champion," Ash said, "I assume it's undefeated since he became champion. When I met him, I don't think he was champion." "Charizard use G-Max Wildfire," Leon yelled. A fiery dragon shot from Charizard's mouth before it hit Dragonite. The dragon flew off before coming back down to hit Dragonite again 2 more times. "Dragonite use Max Geyser," Lance yelled. The attack hit Charizard directly. Both Pokémon decreased in size and went to normal. "Dragonite use Dragon Rush," Lance yelled, "Charizard use Thunder Punch," Leon yelled. "Dragonite use Hydro Pump," Lance yelled, "Charizard use Flamethrower," Leon yelled, "use Dragon Pulse." Dragonite was hit directly and collapsed. "Dragonite is unable to battle, the winner is Charizard so the match goes to Leon," the ref announced. Lance and Leon met in the middle of the stadium. "It was a good battle," Lance said, "one of the best I've had yet," Leon said. "Ladies and Gentlemen you are witnessing the birth of a legend. Let's see what he can do," Lance yelled before raising Leon's hand in the air. Ash left with everyone else and went to go get food. Ash saw a turtle Pokémon that he had never seen before walking past, suddenly the Pokémon began to glow red and increase in size. Before Ash stood a giant Pokémon. "Dredddd," Drednaw cried before launching a Max Strike at Ash. "Eevee use Shadow Ball," Ash yelled, "Pikachu use Thunderbolt." Shadow Ball held off the attack while thunderbolt hit Drednaw directly. "Nawwww," Drednaw cried in pain before shooting a Max Geyser at Ash. Ash extended his hands before creating a shield around him, Eevee and Pikachu blocking the attack. Lance and Leon had rushed out of the stadium. "Incredible," Leon said in amazement, "I've never seen aura in action in person before." "That's Ash Ketchum." Lance said, "him and I go back a while. I knew his parents before he was born but those were different times." "Shouldn't we help him," Leon asked, "he's more than capable of taking down a dynamax Pokémon," Lance answered. Drednaw stopped its attack. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt," Ash yelled, "Eevee use Shadow Ball." Drednaw was hit with a combination attack before going down. It began to glow red before decreasing in size. "Ketchum," Lance yelled. Ash's head turned towards the voice. "Oh, great. It's you," Ash said. "Have we met before," Leon asked, "I don't know. I meet a lot of people," Ash replied, "I only remember people if they're important to me or if they did something to annoy me." "Leon, this is Ash," Lance introduced, "Ash, this is Leon." "Nice to meet you," Leon held out his hand. Ash ignored him. "Why are you speaking to me," Ash asked Lance, "what do you want?" "Can't I just introduce one of my friends to another," Lance asked innocently. "We are not friends Lance," Ash said angrily, "you tried to kill my family." "Is that true," Leon asked, "unfortunately, when I was in a different place," Lance replied, "so, you're Leon. The prodigy. The champion," Ash asked, "that's me. Leon, champion of the Galar region," Leon replied. "I couldn't care less about your useless titles," Ash said, "it doesn't matter if your champion. It just means that you failed at your job." "What do you mean," Leon asked, "isn't it your job to protect the region and by default the world," Ash asked, "the regions are protected," Leon said. "Clearly you've been living under a rock," Ash said, "the regions are not safe. Giovanni is back. He will kill everyone who gets in his way. So tell me champion, what have you been doing to stop him?" "Giovanni? Isn't he the one who attacked Lumiose City 7 years ago," Leon asked. "That would be the one," Ash replied, "were you in Lumiose when he attacked," Leon asked, "unfortunately," Ash said. "You participated in the Pokémon Masters Tournament," Leon asked, "what did you come." "I can't remember. It wasn't that important," Ash said. "Ash. Ash Ketchum," Leon muttered, "you're apart of Team Rocket!" "He was," Lance corrected, "he helped bring them down 7 years ago and tried to stop them at the Indigo Plateau 5 years ago." "I regret fighting in that battle 5 years ago," Ash said, "why," Leon asked, "because I lost everything," Ash said. "Ahh, young Leon," a voice said from behind them. They all turned to be faced with a middle aged man in a suit. "Lance, Ash. I'd like you to meet Chairman Rose. He's the Chairman of the Pokémon World Coronation Series," Leon said. "You've grown so much Leon. I remember when I first endorsed you. You were so young, just 14. Then you went to participate in the Pokémon Masters Tournament where you were unable to win but you were so extremely close," the Chairman said. Ash scoffed, "close? He barely came in top 30." "And who might you be," Chairman Rose asked, "Ash Ketchum," Ash replied, "and what did you come in that tournament?" The Chairman asked, "fifth, I believe," Ash said, "and I remember the top 8 being miles ahead of everyone else. I'd know because I was related to most people in the top 8." "Interesting," the Chairman said, "well, I'll be the judge of that. I'd like to see you battle Leon if you don't mind." "I don't," Ash said coldly. "Wonderful," the Chairman said, "let us go to the stadium then. You will battle there."

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