The Cop

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Been a while since I last uploaded. I went to Sydney to see family, may have gotten Covid and now I might be stuck in Sydney. Last Sydney lockdown went for like 3 months so not ideal. Enjoy the story

"Where are the other dex holders," White asked. "This is half of us," Ash said, "I'm pretty sure Paul and Jimmy are travelling together, Gary went to look for remaining dex holders, Silver I'm not sure, and Red, well, no one knows where he went. Probably Mount Silver." "So 10 Pokedex Holders," Black said. "Not sure Goh and Chloe count," Ash whispered, "and Gary won't be much help. He is a decent trainer, but he won't cut it against Giovanni." They were in the main room. Black, White and Ash were eating breakfast while Parker sat with them asking them questions. Goh and Chloe were standing behind the kitchen counter speaking in hushed tones. "So you all fought in the Pokemon Masters Tournament," Parker said in wonder. "I didn't," Black said. "Stuck in a rock," Ash muttered, "that must've sucked." "How does that work," Parker asked. "A Beyheeyem apparently," White muttered. The professor and his wife were out shopping. His assistants were in the research lab, researching. "Do you trust them," Goh asked. "We can't judge whether or not to trust them," Chloe said, "it's not our fight." "Yea, I guess," Goh said, "I'm still mad that Ash held me by the throat and they didn't do anything. In their own house." "That was your own fault," Chloe said. "How was I supposed to know his aunt was dead," Goh asked. "Firstly, you insulted his aunt. Secondly, he told us she was dead when I first met him," Chloe said. "Forgot," Goh said sheepishly.

"So what's our plan to take down Giovanni," White asked. "I'll have to get in touch with Jimmy and Paul," Ash said, "we'll go from there. Silver, I can find and Red, I know where to start looking. But I have to help them with their research." Ash pointed to Goh and Chloe. "I'll help them until Giovanni is dead," Ash said. There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it," Chloe said. Blake was standing there with his interpol uniform on. Ash and White shot up out of their chairs, Ash stood in the hallway ready to run out. White stood with a gun held out, pointing at Blake. "Who are you," Chloe asked. "Officer Blake of the International Police," Blake introduced himself, "I currently lead that organisation." "What do you want," Chloe asked. "Senior White, put that down, I mean no harm. Senior Black, good to see you were freed from the light stone," Blake said, "Junior Ash, you're under arrest."

"Where's the warrant," Chloe asked. "What," Blake said, confused. "You can't arrest him without a warrant," Chloe said, "it's against the law." "Well, firstly, I'm apart of the international police. We can do a lot more stuff than your average cop," Blake said, "secondly, I wasn't really asking." "Have you forgotten what it means to be a Pokedex holder," White asked, "what would Whitely think?" "Is that supposed to do something, hurt me in some way," Blake demanded, "Whitely didn't mean anything to me, it was always just apart of my job. Extend-o hand cuffs." Ash grabbed it out of midair before yanking it towards himself. It pulled Blake along who dived for Ash. Ash kneed him in the jaw before taking off into the hallway. "Secure the perimeter," Blake yelled into his comms, "no one leaves." Blake dived, grabbing Ash's foot making them both trip over. Ash kicked Blake in the nose before being forced to face him. "I'm not the lonely Team Rocket executive anymore," Ash said. "You're still the same to me," Blake said, "a tool, a weapon. That's all you'll ever be. No matter who you serve." "I don't serve anyone," Ash said, "I just want to avenge Dawn. My only purpose may have been to serve as a weapon but unlike you, I have emotions. You couldn't see that you were a weapon, you still can't. I could, I did." "I'm not a weapon for interpol," Blake said, "I'm the head of the organisation." "Yet you still go on missions," Ash said. "I go on mission to bring in murderers like you," Blake said."By unnecessarily putting civilian lives at risk. That is why you fail, Blake. It's just you and your International Police. You have no concern of the people, you don't care what you leave behind. You ignore laws, you kill people who don't tell you what you want to know," Ash said, "in destroying a monster, one must be careful not to become a monster." "Enough from you," Blake said, "you think you have a right to lecture me, you're hands aren't clean." "We were both weapons for greater powers," Ash said. "Enough," Blake yelled before charging. Blake threw an uppercut. Ash stepped back to dodge. Blake threw punches to Ash's chest. Ash blocked. Blake threw a side punch, leaving his side exposed. Ash quickly threw a punch at Blake's exposed side, hitting him in the head with the punch. Blake stumbled back, clutching his head. "Come on Ash," White yelled from the hallway, "you need to get out of here." Ash ran past Blake and as he was about to turn, Blake tackled him into another room. The room he was staying in. "You think you have a right to lecture me," Blake yelled, "you think you know how much shit I go through. Every day, I'm reminded of the only two people who managed to walk away from the International Police. The Ketchum twins, you and your sister. The only people I could trust to be as good at my job as I am, and they both betrayed me for each other. To go pursue one another. I'm forced to go on these assignments because no one else is good enough to do so." Ash got into a fighting position, Blake did the same. This time Ash attacked first, sliding under Blake's legs before kicking him in the back. Blake anticipated this and grabbed Ash by the ankle before throwing him out the window. Blake jumped down after. Ash looked around the property. Ren and Cryssa were nowhere to be seen, Chloe was furiously talking to someone, Goh looked like he was having a panic attack, Parker stared in wonder as Black and White kept on interrupting the Interpol officers, slowing them down. Ash lay on his back, winded. Blake stood over him. "I give you one option Ketchum, bring Giovanni in alive," Blake said, "he'll be tried for all he's done. After that you're free to leave, I won't come after you but I find out Giovanni's dead, I'll make sure you never visit Dawn's grave ever again."

Silver trudged up the snowy slopes of Mount Silver. How anyone stayed at this place for an extended time he had no idea but he spotted the lone man standing at the mountains peak. A red and black outfit. (FireRed and LeafGreen outfit) "Hello Silver," Red's voice croaked like he hadn't spoken in a while, "why have you come." "It's time we end this," Silver said, "once and for all."

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