Aftermath and Acceptance

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"All these supposed charges you've laid down cannot be proven," the Judge said, "Officer Blake, the only charges that we can press against Mr. Ketchum are the following; Property damage 7 years ago, murder of Kenny 7 years ago, murder of Trip 7 years ago. We cannot incarcerate the defendant for being a member of Team Rocket. Although it is a criminal organisation, we cannot arrest members for just being members. And for him to warrant a life sentence in Cinnabar Prison, at least half of the charges would have to be truth." "I'm sure he knows that he did them," Blake said. "Yet you have no way to prove that," the Judge said. "I do," Ash said. He began speaking, proving that every crime Blake had put down as evidence was true. "Well, Mr. Ketchum," the Judge said, "I don't know why you would want to prove yourself guilty, but you will spend a life sentence in Cinnabar Prison. Please step through the door, the press would like to speak with you." 

The flashing cameras is what annoyed Ash the most. "Do you regret joining Team Rocket," one reporter asked, "are you married," another asked, "how'd your family find out," another asked. "My family is dead," Ash yelled, "jeez. No comment to your other questions." "Why'd you join Team Rocket," a reporter asked, "why not just stay and continue to battle. Like you were doing before." "I was forced into Team Rocket," Ash said, "my family were already entangled with Team Rocket well before I was born." "That's enough questions," Blake said before pulling Ash into a van. Ash looked at the bridge he was on. It connected Cinnabar Island, along with the Sevi Islands to mainland Kanto. "You're going to spend the rest of your life here," Blake said. "I was already told that, officer," Ash said sarcastically. The van came to a stop as Blake grabbed the shackles preventing Ash from using aura. Ash was marched through the prison, inmates watched as he was placed in a cell under heavy guard. 

1 Year Later

Ash had gotten used to his routine. This cell was specifically made for him, made to sustain his aura powers. If he wasn't trapped in it, he'd feel honoured. Sleep for 16 hours since he was not allowed out of his cell, a meal every 12 hours, a sink, a bed and a toilet.  Nothing had changed. He hadn't seen anyone since the incident 1 year ago. Not even Blake, but he knew Blake was stationed here. For some reason today felt different. There was a knock at the door, signalling Ash that his food had arrived. Ash opened the hatch and pulled his food through. There was a small note in the corner. "Get ready and duck," Ash read aloud. Just as Ash finished reading the wall leading to the outside exploded. Leaf was standing there with her arms outstretched. There was a scuffle behind the locked door leading to the prison. The door opened and a guard stepped through. "This uniform is so disgusting," the guard said in a Russian accent. "Emily," Ash asked. "Hey," Emily said. "Hurry up you 2," Leaf yelled. They reached the car. Paul was in the drivers seat. Hudson and Joel were flying around on their Metagross and Hydregon respectively. "Paul, move," Ash said, "I'll drive." "Go," Emily yelled, "Altaria use Ice Beam." Leaf jumped in the back and Paul jumped in the passenger seat. Ash glanced at his rear mirror. Blake was in the car right behind them. "Paul," Ash said, "it's Blake, get out there." Paul climbed onto the back of the car. "Go Electivire," Paul yelled, "Thunder." The car Blake was in exploded. "Return," Paul yelled. Blake managed to climb out of the burning car. The officers who were with him weren't so lucky. "Goodbye Ketchum," Blake said, "I'll catch you. In a different life." Blake collapsed as he was badly injured from the explosion. 

They stopped in front of the grave site. Pikachu and Eevee were back on his shoulder, where they belong. Joel, Hudson and Emily waited at the car. Paul also waited at the car, he had already said his goodbyes to the dead. Leaf was walking around the site stopping every now and again to say some words. Ash spoke to himself again, "I'm sorry that never trusted you. I'm sorry for all the grief that I caused you. But I thank you. Both of you. Green, when I was little you taught me the honour of Pokémon battles and how to battle honourably and I thank you for all you taught me. And Blue I thank you for posing as my mother for all this time, you gave me someone to love someone to care about even if it was fake." Ash walked over to the next grave. "Uncle Silver," Ash said, "I'm sorry I wasn't there. If I was there, you might be here with us now. I'm sorry. Goodbye. Ash walked over to the next graves. "Godmother, Godfather. Crystal, Gold, I always felt more at home in your house than my own," Ash said, "Our time together was short but I enjoyed every bit of it. Goodbye." Ash looked at the photo of his extended family together. All happy, before Team Rocket destroyed their lives. "Jimmy," Ash said, "I'm sorry, for everything. For Marina, for Prism Tower and I'm sorry for what happened here. I failed to do anything. Goodbye cousin." Ash walked to the next graves. "Mother, I'm sorry for everything, for not believing in father and walking out on you that day," Ash said, "we were never close, it was because of Team Rocket and myself. I refused to let myself get close to you because of father. I love you, Goodbye." Ash glanced at the photo which lay on his mothers grave. A photo of the Ketchum family. It depicted Red holding Leaf and Yellow holding Ash. Ash felt a tear roll down his cheek.  Ash took one step to the left and came face to face with the grave of his father, Ash spoke this time with determination because he needed to let his father hear some stuff even if he really couldn't, "I'm sorry I never forgave you. I didn't understand the sacrifice you made all those years ago. And I understand now. I understand that you always cared for me, and when you finally came back into my life you acted that way you did so when you eventually died it wouldn't hurt as much. I'm sorry, Red Ketchum, the Fighter." Ash had one last grave to visit, but he wasn't sure he was ready. He walked over to it and just stared for a while before placing a picture of himself knowing that a piece of Ash would always rest with her no matter where he went, he began with saying, "I'm sorry I didn't believe you 7 years ago. I'm sorry I killed your friend Kenny. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you being apart from you for those 4 years. I'm sorry for failing to protect you when it mattered most. I love you. I always have. Since the day I met you in Sinnoh. I'm thankful for all the happy memories we shared and I'm happy you were able to find peace. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Thanks to you I have found redemption. I have returned."

The Return Series Fin

20th of April, 2021 to 19th of February, 2022

It's been a hell of a run boys, but it's over. What a time it's been

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