Gary Oak

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A bit awkward. I forgot to put a title for this chapter so it was called Untitled 17 for a few hours but that's fixed. A bit of a short one but the next few chapters are going to be build up for the finale. Story should end around 30ish chapters

"What happened that day," Goh asked. "You're going to have to elaborate more," Ash said, "I don't know which day you're talking about." "Leaf told me some stuff when we were in that alternate world," Goh said. "I don't want to talk about it," Ash said, "I don't like thinking about that day." "Because you were wrong," Goh asked. "I never said that," Ash said. "So you believe you were right," Goh asked. "I never said that either," Ash said. "What don't you want us to know," Goh asked. "What sort of question is that," Ash scoffed, "that's like me asking questions about your parents and asking why you don't want to answer questions." "Fair point but you've always to Chloe and I that Leaf is bad," Goh said, "I want to know why." "She is trying to kill us," Ash said, "how does that not explain it?" "But why is she trying to kill us," Goh asked. "Because of what happened 13 years ago," Ash said. "But what happened 13 years ago," Goh asked. "I killed her," Ash snapped before calming down, "at least I thought I did." "No wonder she want's to kill you," Goh said, "how is she in the wrong as well if she want's to kill you because you did something to her?" "Because she attacked me," Ash said, "she attacked first, I retaliated in self-defence." "Why would she attack," Goh asked. "Because Leaf knew the truth," a voice from the doorway said, "she knew the truth about our family and Ash refused to believe it. It's because of you and Leaf that I didn't know my parents for a long time. It's been a long time Ash."

Theme Song

"What happened to my parents," Gary asked. "Wouldn't you like to know," Ash said. "I deserve to know," Gary said. Ash scoffed. "You don't deserve to know anything," Ash said, "you barge in here demanding answers and expect me to tell you?" "He's coming for you," Gary said. "Of course he's coming for me," Ash said, "Giovanni's been after me for years." "Not Giovanni," Gary said, "Blake. That's how I found out where you were. He told me that all of you that were at Indigo Plateau faked your deaths so if I found you, I'd find my parents." "Have you been to Pallet Town recently," Ash asked. "Not in a long time," Gary said, "I was in Galar for a long time, I just got back recently." Ash sighed deeply. "Let's go for a drive," Ash said.

"What are we doing here," Gary asked, "Get out," Ash said. "Are those graves," Gary asked. "The grave of every Pokedex holder confirmed to be dead," "Are my..." Gary was cut off. "Go see for yourself," Ash said. Gary ran towards the gravestones. Ash followed. Ash found him kneeling in front of the graves of Green and Blue Oak. "H-how did t-they d-die," Gary choked out. "Blue was killed by Sird at the Indigo Plateau 5 years ago," Ash said, "Green was killed here, in Pallet Town, 6 months ago." Ash walked over to Dawn's grave. "This belongs to you," Ash said before pulling the Lunar Wing Leaf stole and placing it next to the picture of Dawn. "Thank you Ash," Gary said. "It was the least I could do," Ash said. "What will you do now," Gary asked. "End it," Ash said, "It's time to finish what our parents started so many years ago." Gary nodded. "What will you do," Ash asked. "I'll search the land for the remaining Pokedex holders," Gary said, "when I'm finished I'll return to Galar to help Professor Magnolia with her research. Kanto holds nothing but pain for me now." "This is goodbye," Ash held out his hand. Gary shook it. "Goodbye, old friend," Gary said before walking off into Viridian Forest.

"What will you do sir," Victoria asked, "Leaf is not completely loyal to you, what shall we do?" "She will have her chance to prove her loyalty," Giovanni said, "but for now I think it's time for me to pay a visit to our friends in Unova."

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