Eevee Escape

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Sorry for no uploads in like a week. I have been working on 2 obnoxiously long assignments that I got. But good news, I'll be able to get more work out now that I've finished those. The plan is to have this story finished by the end of the year but no guarantees. Thanks for 400 reads, love u guys who keep reading this and hope you enjoy

"Come on Yamper, I know you don't want to do this either but Chloe isn't here right now is she," Ash said while dragging Yamper along. "Yano yamp," Yamper cried before letting off some electricity. Ash moved his head to avoid it. "Watch it," Ash said.

"Remind me, why did we have to come back to this school," Goh asked. "We're having a 10 year reunion or something and that includes you," Chloe said. "Isn't the reason we didn't like going to school bullies? Yet here we are going to go see those same bullies," Goh asked. "Just be quiet," Chloe said, "I think I hear something in the bush." Goh turned and prepared to throw out Scorbunny before an Eevee came stumbling out. "An Eevee," Chloe said, "are you alright?" "Ee Eevee," Eevee said weakly before turning around. Eevee seemed to noticed something because it lay behind a bush. Chloe followed and forced Goh to. That's when Chloe noticed the people outside the fence of the school. "It that who you're hiding from," Chloe asked, "ee Eevee," Eevee said quietly.

Theme Song

"What are you doing," Ash asked. "Ahhh," the people cried in front of him. "Who are you," the man asked. "A better question would be, who are you? You know, considering you're snooping around a school," Ash said. "We've lost one of our Pokémon," the woman said, "an Eevee. You wouldn't have to know anything about that would you?" The woman pointed to Ash's Eevee sitting on his shoulder. "Ahh, no," Ash said, "this is my Eevee. We've been travelling together for over 10 years and judging from the fact that it didn't have a reaction to you, it's not the Eevee your looking for." "Ohh," the man said, "ok. Well, we better keep searching." "Why is the Eevee so special," Ash asked although he already had a rough idea why, "I can help you look for it if it means so much to you." "That would help a lot sir," the woman said, "you see. It's an experimental Eevee, and it seems that regular stones can't evolve it. We tried fire, water, thunder, leaf and ice stones and it doesn't seem to evolve. So we were going to try and evolve it conventionally but then it ran off." "I see," Ash said, "well. My friends are in that school for something so I'm sure I can go look without people raising an eyebrow at me." "Thank you so much sir, your a life saver," the woman said.

Ash walked silently, having dropped Yamper off back for Professor Cerise to deal with. Now Ash had someone else to deal with. The Team Rocket scientists. Ash knew they were because he recognised them from when he was in Team Rocket. One of the things scientists were trying to figure out is how to forcibly stop evolution and from that figure out how to force evolution upon Pokémon regardless of level. Ash walked silently through the gate before coming across Goh and Chloe lying on the floor. With them was an Eevee. "Ash," Chloe whispered, "what are you doing here?" "I'm here to take the Eevee back to the scientists," Ash said, "or I would but circumstances decree that I cannot do that." "What are you talking about," Goh asked. "That Eevee belonged to Team Rocket in an attempt to perfect a Pokémon that cannot evolve in order to force evolution onto Pokémon. I would know because I worked in that department for a bit," Ash said. "That's horrible," Chloe said. "What can I say," Ash said, "we all have our edgy teen years." "So," Goh said, "what's the plan?" "I go over there with my Eevee and pretend it's that Eevee," Ash said, "Pikachu will go with you and you run as far away as possible from this place. I'll fight the scientists." "Ok," Chloe said. "One more thing," Ash said before kneeling in front of Eevee, "your injured. I can help." Ash extended his hand, placing one finger on the Eevee's forehead. Energy surged through Ash into the Eevee and its injuries faded. "What did you do," Chloe asked. "I healed Eevee a bit," Ash said, "I'm the son of a child of Viridian Forest, I therefore get some powers. Go now." Ash stood up before walking out of the school again.

"You found the Eevee," the woman cried. "Yes," Ash said, "just one more thing. Who do you work for?" "That's classified information," the man said. "He wouldn't happen to be Giovanni," Ash asked. By their shocked expressions, Ash had been right. "Team Rocket are not welcome in the presence of me," Ash said. "Who's stopping us," a voice said from behind Ash. "Joel," Ash said. "Hello Ash," Joel said, "nice scar. Was that Hudson's revenge?" Joel was referring to the scar Hudson had given him across the cheek the last time they encountered each other. "You retreated," Ash said, "or don't you remember that?" "I do," Joel said, "unlike Leaf or Emily, I care about our defeats. It proves that Pokédex holders must be snuffed out or Team Rocket cannot truly control the world." "Well, you'll find out that the results will be the same," Ash said. "We'll see about that," Joel said. "Eevee use Swift," Ash yelled. "Tangrowth use Power Whip," Joel yelled.

The Next Day:
"Do you want to come with me," Chloe asked Eevee. "Eevee," Eevee jumped up and down in excitement. Chloe threw a Pokéball Goh had given her. It spun 3 times before coming to a stop. Ash was not there as he was stressing about his next assignment. Darkrai had been spotted. And Team Rocket we're definitely going after it. The pieces were beginning to fall together in Ash's head. Why the Lunar necklace had gone missing from Dawn's grave to why Leaf hadn't been there when he, Paul and Jimmy had fought Joel. Emily and Hudson. There would be a confrontation between siblings and Ash could not avoid it.

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