Old Friends Not Forgotten

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"It's the weekend," Cerise said, "you have the day off. Go do whatever." "What are you gonna do," Chloe asked Ash. "I'm gonna visit my family," Ash said. "How are you gonna find them," Goh asked. "They're in the ground," Ash said bluntly. "Can we come," Chloe asked. "You want to come with me to see my dead relatives," Ash asked. "Well, yea," Goh said. The trio walked along the road to Pallet Town. They came to a stop at a graveyard. "This looks new," Chloe noted. "It is," Ash agreed, "this is my fathers work. He's come down from Mt. Silver."

Theme Song

Ash was face to face with the person he had left for dead. Green. Well, their grave. Someone had come here and buried Green and it definitely hadn't been Giovanni. Ash moved on walking to the other graves before he came to a stop at Dawn's grave. One thing was missing. The lunar wing. Which means Team Rocket was likely going after Darkrai again. "I'll return it to its rightful owner," Ash muttered, "I promise." "A promise is a hard thing to keep, you know," a voice said off to the left. "Indeed. You shouldn't make promises unless you intend to fulfil it," another voice said to the right. "Promises are dead to me," Ash said coldly, "they are for people who believe in something. There is nothing to believe in." "Is that so," the voice to the left said. "Is that why you just made a promise," the voice to the right asked. "I was speaking to the dead," Ash yelled. "Who are you," Goh yelled, "come out," Chloe cried. "Would you look at that, Ash has already replaced us," the voice to the left said. "And looks like he's replacing Dawn," the voice on the right said. Chloe blushed hard. "How dare you insinuate that I would leave my dead wife," Ash yelled before charging up an aura blast. "Hey, hey," Paul yelled stepping into view on the right, "no need for that." Pikachu and Eevee ceased hostilities but Ash did not. "Who are they," Goh asked Ash. The person to the left stood out from behind his cover. "Jimmy," Ash snarled. "Hello old friend," Jimmy said calmly. "Who are they," Chloe asked. "Jimmy and Paul. My old...," Ash paused, "associates." "Is that all we are to you," Paul asked. "That's all you ever were," Ash confirmed, "why are you here?" "Same as you," Jimmy said, "mourning the people we let die." "I think we need to catch up over some lunch," Paul said, "why don't we walk your friends back to where your staying."

Viridian Café, Viridian City:
"So," Paul said, "your staying at the place we broke into 5 years ago." "Yea," Ash said shallowly. He had Pikachu and Eevee go with Goh and Chloe as they walked back to Vermillion City. "Do they know," Jimmy asked. "No," Ash said, "so what have you been doing for the past 5 years." "In hiding like everyone else," Paul said, "I went back to Veilstone City to try and rebuilt, turns out my brothers alive. I stayed with him before getting into contact with Jimmy." "Mostly the same for me," Jimmy said, "I stayed away from New Bark Town before going back. That's when Paul found me." "We're bringing back the dex holders," Paul said. Ash looked at them shocked. "They are dead," Ash said, "we cannot bring back the dead." "We can gather what remains," Jimmy said. "There should be 11 of us left," Paul said, "Us three. Black and White. Chloe and Goh. Red, Silver and Green." "This plan is doomed for failure," Ash said, "Goh and Chloe cannot fight. Chloe doesn't even have a Pokémon and what makes you think that Black and White will involve themselves. Do you not remember why happened last time we visited them? And Gr-green I-is..." "what? Spit it out," Jimmy said. "Green is dead," Ash said, "Giovanni killed him." "Ahh yes, I remember that day," a voice said from behind them. All heads turned towards the noise. "Joel," Paul growled. "Hello Paul," Joel said, "keen to continue our battle from a few days ago?" Joel was flanked by Emily and Hudson who had a nasty scar across his eye. "Ketchum," Hudson snarled, "hey Hudson," Ash said, "how's the eye healing?" "I quite like it actually," Hudson said, "makes people even more scared of me." "Glad I could help," Ash said. "Let's get down to business," Emily said, "Giovanni wants you 3 dead." "What? Couldn't he spare to send my sister after us as well," Ash asked. "She would be sabotaging Interpol in Sinnoh," Emily said, "I must say, your twin sisters methods are... interesting. But she's no fun to talk to. All business, no fun." "Leaf wasn't always like that," Ash said, defending her, "you weren't always like that either, were you," Emily said, "I suppose betrayal can do many things to you." "Is it time to battle," Jimmy asked. "I think it's time to battle," Ash confirmed. All 6 of them got a Pokéball in hand before throwing it out. All hell broke loose.

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