Family Reunion

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So I feel like I need to address this. Some people have been asking me about Dawn and regarding her death. She's dead and not coming back. Her being dead is going to be a major plot point in this story so if you don't agree with it I'm not changing it and I won't. She's dead. Btw thanks for 1000 reads on The Return. Enjoy the chapter

With Ash, Goh and Leaf:
"What are you doing here," Ash asked coldly. "Is that any way to speak to your sister," Leaf said, "considering you want to kill me I think it is well justified," Ash said. He has set me on you," Leaf said, "who's he," Ash asked sarcastically, "I think we both know," Leaf said. "Why don't you use his name then," Ash asked, "because your friend doesn't know who he is," Leaf said. "If you want I can go wait outside while you 2 sort out your problems," Goh said. "No, no one leaves." Leaf said, "he's made that very clear." "How'd you get in," Ash asked. Leaf pulled out a key. "The same key we've both had since we were 11," Leaf said, "you and father are idiots for not changing the lock." "We were a bit preoccupied," Ash said, "well I'm not here just to avenge myself. I'm doing it for mother as well," Leaf said. "I had nothing to do with mother's death, I was in Johto with Dawn," Ash said. His voice caught on Dawn's name. "How is Dawn," Leaf asked. Ash said nothing but just glared at the wall behind Leaf. Leaf looked behind her. "What are you looking at," Leaf demanded, "do I have something on my face?" "No," Ash said shakily, "Dawn's dead. Giovanni killed her. She was buried in Pallet Town with all the other dead Pokédex holders." Leaf looked taken aback by the fact that Dawn was dead. She masked it quickly. "I'm sure sh had it coming," Leaf said. "Why do you blame me for mother's death," Ash asked, "it was Giovanni." "You said it yourself, Ash. You weren't there, how would you have known that Giovanni killed mother," Leaf demanded, "father said so," Ash said, "and you just believed him," Leaf asked, "it made the most sense that Giovanni killed her," Ash said, "and I don't have blank evidence. I was there when he killed Dawn. I was there when he killed Green. And many other attempts to kill people I know." "Well I'm sure what father didn't want you to know is that he left to go fight Giovanni and couldn't defeat him letting Giovanni kill Yellow before they left," Leaf said. Ash clenched his fists. "The fight you imagine happening in your head will not go the way you think," Leaf said, "you lay a hand on me and I will fulfil my mission that I have been trying to complete for 11 years." "You've been hunting him for 11 years," Goh asked, "no, my mission has been to kill him for 11 years. I've been hunting him for 5 years," Leaf said, "when my brother was apart of Team Rocket he was protected by them. When he left things changed. I ditched the Interpol when I found out my brother joined them and I joined Team Rocket." "So right now I'm standing in the same room as a former International Police officer and current Team Rocket member and a former Team Rocket member and current International Police Officer," Goh asked. "Well," Ash said, "two former International Police Captains. I got fired." Leaf put her hand over her mouth to stop her from laughing, "you. How'd you get fired," Leaf asked between laughs. "You know with my death and all," Ash said slightly embarrassed. Leaf began to laugh harder again. Ash used the distraction to sucker punch Leaf in the face before grabbing her head and slamming it against the car. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt, "Eevee use Double Edge," Ash yelled. "This surprised Leaf's Pikachu and Eevee and they were knocked back and covered in smoke. "Get in," Ash yelled before jumping in the drivers seat and using his aura to grab the keys. Ash waited for Goh to get in the passenger seat before using aura to make the garage door open before slamming the gas and speeding off. Leaf was in hot pursuit. Ash took a hard right nearly crashing into another car but managing to turn. "Who was that," Goh demanded, "we're you not listening," Ash said, "that's my psycho sister who's apart of Team Rocket that wants to kill me and my father but mostly me. I haven't seen her in 5 years and haven't spoken to her in 11. Any other questions?" "Who's Dawn," Goh asked, "personal," Who's your father," "personal," "who's your mother," "personal." "Is there anything about your family that isn't personal information," Goh asked, "I haven't seen my father in 5 years and my mother died 5 years ago," Ash said, "there, that's not personal." "That would be more personal than telling me the names of those people," Goh said, "no it's not," Ash said, "my father despises me and think I'm an embarrassment and me and my mother weren't that close. That's all there is." Ash looked in the rear mirror and realised that he couldn't see Leaf. He looked to his left and managed to break just as Leaf would've slammed into them but instead ended up slamming into another car. "Hold on," Ash said before speeding past Leaf off the highway. Leaf followed. There was a red light ahead and oncoming cars coming their way. "What are you doing," Goh yelled as Ash sped up. "Hold on," Ash said before drifting in front of the oncoming traffic and avoiding them. Leaf didn't attempt and Ash caught her eye as they sped away. "You went past the exit we should've gotten off," Goh said, "you want me to lead her right to us," Ash demanded, "no, sorry," Goh said. They spent the rest of the car ride in silence.

When Ash and Goh arrived back at Cerise Laboratory things were significantly different. All the people were gone except 4 people. Professor Cerise, a woman who looked to be in her 40s, another woman who looked about Ash's and Goh's age and a boy who looked about 13. Ash assumed it was the Cerise family due to them all having maroon hair. Ash let Goh go in first so he could do the talking. "I'm back," Goh said, "and I met someone." Ash walked in and stood next to Goh. "Excellent," Professor Cerise said, "why don't you come down to the research area and we can discuss." Professor Cerise began walking away, the younger maroon haired woman followed him. Goh followed and Ash was about to follow but was stopped by the young boy. "Can I help you," Ash asked, "your Ash Ketchum," the boy said. Ash nodded. "I watched your battles," the boy said, "which ones," Ash asked, "I've had a lot of them." "The Pokémon Tournament," the boy said, "how were you able to make the quarter finals without losing a single Pokémon in the elimination rounds." Ash knelt down so he was the boys height. "The key is trust," Ash said, "if you don't trust your Pokémon to make a big offensive move in a battle then you will never know if it will work." "But in most of your battles I saw, you never really gave your opponents room to attack," the boy said, "if you are able to keep up pressure in battle it will stress your opponent out where they will start to fall apart. But if you're the one being constantly pressured then the key is to get the attacking Pokémon away from yours. You can do this by trying to strike the attacking Pokémon in between attacks. This may force them to change their strategy and this can lose someone the battle if they can't come up with stuff on the spot. Why do you want to know all this," Ash asked, "oh it's because of his dream," the woman said for the first time since Ash met her, "he dreams of becoming a Pokémon master. You've been a big inspiration for him. Travelling the different regions, collecting badges, challenging all the leagues." Ash was about to say something but Goh came up, "Ash you really are needed down there," he said. "Well I guess I'll tell you more about battling later," Ash said, pausing to indicate the boy to tell Ash his name, "Parker," the boy said, "my names Parker." "Well I'll see you around Parker," Ash said before following Goh.

"Unbelievable." Professor Cerise said, "not only did Ash battle Lugia but you both got to ride it. And you managed to defend against it." "Not the first time I've had to," Ash said. "Can I see your Pokédex Ash," Professor Cerise asked, "yea," Ash said getting it out his pocket, the maroon haired woman snatched it away from him before handing it to Professor Cerise. "You haven't met yet but this is my daughter Chloe," the Professor said, "pleasure to meet you," Chloe said, "yea," Ash said shallowly. "Incredible," Cerise said as he plugged Ash's Pokédex into the monitor. He scrolled through marvelling at all the Pokémon he went past. "Hold on," Goh said, "go back." Cerise scrolled back coming to a stop on Mew. "You've seen Mew," Goh demanded, "yea," Ash said, "a few times actually. Why?" "My dream is to catch every Pokémon in the world starting with Mew. Mew will be my first catch," Goh said, "if you can tell me where Mew is that would make my search so much easier. I once met it when I was little and I've wanted to catch it ever since." "Slow down," Ash said, "there are several things we need to establish. I am not telling you where to find Mew. There is only one in the world so it cannot go to you, catching Mew as your first Pokémon is extremely unrealistic goal. Do you plan to just throw a Pokéball and hope for the best. After all Master balls were made illegal for this exact reason." "You would stop my goal to protect Mew," Goh asked, "my family owe our lives to Mew on several occasions," Ash said, "I can't let it be caught no matter how much someone wants to catch it." "Incredible," Cerise said, "this will increase my research tenfold. You've completed 40% of the national dex." "My aunt Crystal completed the Pokédex," Ash said, "incredible," Cerise said, "do you think I could meet this Crystal?" "No," Ash said bluntly, "she's dead and her Pokédex got buried with her." "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that," Cerise said, "well it's been a long day why don't you all go upstairs and rest up. From tomorrow you 3 are my research fellows. Travelling the regions to study Pokémon."

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