Friends from Unova

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"Where'd you go with your friend," Chloe asked. "Pallet Town," Ash said. "Why did you go to Pallet Town," Parker asked. "I'm from Pallet Town," Ash said, "all that's left of it is a grave site." "Do win all your battles," Parker asked, changing the subject. Ash ate a spoonful of cereal. "No," Ash said, "I've lost before. Losing is part of becoming a better trainer. Part of battling is always knowing your own limits." "What do you need us to do today dad," Chloe asked. "I thought you 3 could take a trip to Unova," Professor Cerise said, "explore a bit. Enjoy yourselves."

"This is your captain speaking, we will be landing in Castelia City in 15 minutes, please fasten your seat belts," the captain said over the intercom. "Where are we going first," Goh asked. "I always wanted to visit the BW Agency ," Chloe said, "it's right here in Castelia City. What about you Ash?" "I ,uhh, have some business in Opelucid City then I have to go visit some old friends from Flocessy Town," Ash said, "you 2 can explore the city then when I get back we'll go to BW Agency." As soon as they exited the airport Ash turned to them. "I'll see you in a few hours," Ash said before throwing a Pokeball in the air and flying away on his Unfeazant. 

"Opelucid City," Ash said, "been a while since we've all been here." "Pi Pika," Pikachu agreed. "Ee eevee," Eevee wondered. "I was wondering the same thing," Ash said. Ash knocked on the doors to the gym. They creaked open. "Drayden, sir," Ash said, "it's good to see you again." "Likewise, Ash," Drayden said, "she's waiting for you. You know the way." "Thank you sir," Ash said. Ash followed the dimly lit path all the way to the battlefield. "I knew you'd come," the woman on the other side of the battlefield said. "You know me well, Iris," Ash said. "This is an official Pokemon World Coronation match both trainers are to use 2 Pokemon," the flying rotom said, "trainers begin." "Go Samurott," Ash yelled. "Go Dragonite," Iris yelled. "Use Razor Shell," Ash yelled, "Use Dragon Rush," Iris yelled. "Ice Beam," Ash yelled, "Flamethrower," Iris yelled. "You've improved from last time I saw you," Ash said. "It's been 7 years," Iris said, "7 years of training for me to beat you. Draco Meteor!" "Protect," Ash yelled. "Dragonite, return," Iris said, "you worked hard, you'll get your chance. Go Haxourus." "Axew evolved, ehh," Ash said. "Use Dual Chop," Iris yelled. "Megahorn," Ash yelled, return. Go Emboar." "Use Aqua Tail," Iris yelled. "Use Heat Crash," Ash yelled. "Use Stone Edge," Iris yelled. "Use Head Smash," Ash yelled. Emboar broke through the Stone Edge, hitting Haxourus directly. "Use Wild Charge," Ash yelled. "Use Aqua Tail," Iris yelled. "Block it," Ash yelled, "now use Arm Thrust." "Haxourus," Iris cried. "Haxour," Haxourus said with swirls in its eyes. "Haxourus is unable to battle," the flying rotom said, "Emboar wins, Trainer Iris please send out your final Pokemon." "Go Dragonite," Iris yelled, "use Dragon Rush." "Use Head Smash," Ash yelled. "Dragonite is unable to battle," the flying rotom, "the winner is Emboar so the match goes to Ash of Pallet Town, Kanto. Due to this match there has been a change in the rankings." The rotom flew off. "Thank you for coming all this way to battle me," Iris said. "Don't mention it," Ash said, "I already needed to come to Unova for some other business." "Is it about Black and White," Iris asked. "Yea," Ash admitted, "I'm here to ask them for help. It's the only way to stop him. If all dex holders unite." "If you're here to see them, I guess you should know something," Iris said, "ever since the world found out about the fiasco at the Indigo Plateau 5 years ago Black and White always suspected that Giovanni would be coming for them next. All the buildings around BW Agency are secretly owned by the company. They have security everywhere. It's to make sure that Giovanni or anyone under him can't break in." "How do you know this," Ash asked. "Mr. Drayden told me," Iris said, "he was their bodyguard for a while. He only ever told me, and now you know." "I have my ways," Ash said, "some expensive security guards won't keep me out. Just one more thinh, Iris." "What is it," Iris asked. "Stay away from Team Rocket," Ash said, "It's my families problem not yours. Too many of our friends have been killed because of it." "She died as well," Iris said, "didn't she? This is why you're telling me this." "Yea," Ash said hollowly, "she'll be avenged soon enough." 

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