The Multiversal Mess pt.2

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Happy New Years everyone for yesterday. Tried to get it out for new years but didn't work out. Sorry. Hopefully 2022 doesn't suck as much as last year. I plan to start working on this story more but no promises. Hopefully I will finish it by February.

They walked in groups to Sandgem Town. Goh and Chloe, Both Ash's and Leaf, Dawn and Serena. "Why'd you attack Serena before," the other Ash asked, "what did the Serena do in your world?" Ash was silent, thinking how to answer. "I haven't seen Serena from my world in 11 years," Ash said, "she had a crush on me. I knew that, truth was unlike you. I didn't like her that way, Dawn and I had a special bond. A bond that couldn't be replicated. When Serena realised that I wouldn't go out with her she went to Dawn's friend, Kenny. Kenny had made a deal with Team Rocket's leader, Giovanni which would end up with me at Team Rocket and Kenny with Dawn and money. It was the night before I was set to battle Cynthia, that's when their plan went into motion. Using my father, Red. Giovanni used him to attack Cynthia, knowing I would be framed. Serena would try to force herself on me to look bad in front of Dawn. All my friends would turn their backs on me, so I left. If not for Paul, they never would've found out the truth." "So what are you going to do next time you see the Serena from your world," the other Ash asked. "Same thing I did to Kenny," Ash said. "What did you do to Kenny," the other Ash asked. "Kill him," Ash said, "I snapped his neck and threw him off Prism Tower. I won't be so merciful to Serena." "We're here," Dawn said, "downstairs is where they store all the Pokemon eggs." They walked down, to the Pokemon Centre's basement. Dawn picked up a blue and white egg. "This is what remains of Piplup," Dawn said, "it seems unusually empty." "Professor Rowan, what are you doing," a voice from above said. "The professors here," Ash asked. They raced back to ground level and outside. Professor Rowan was there loading Pokemon eggs into a truck. "Leaf," Ash whispered, "you can sense it, can't you." "Yea," Leaf whispered back, "get ready." "What seems to be the matter," the real Professor Rowan asked as he came down the street. "Now," Ash yelled. Ash and Leaf hit the imposter Rown with an aura blast and they were heard hitting the side of the truck. When the smoke cleared, the weird Jessie with armour was on the ground. "Jessie," Meowth cried, "aahhh." Meowth lunged at Ash. Prepared, Ash skilfully slid under Meowth, who was in the air and grabbed it by the leg before slamming it against the ground. Leaf then blasted it with aura, sending it crashing into the truck. Jessie was now standing. She grabbed meowth before jumping into the back of the truck before banging on it, signalling James to drive. "Who were those weird Team Rocket people," the other Ash asked, "I've never seen them before." "I cannot ask this of you, but I must," Professor Rowan said, "they said they were headed for Mount Coronet which means they will be going to Spear Pillar. They must be planning on catching Dialga and Palkia. You must stop them, the fate of every world is at stake." "We don't have Pokemon," Dawn said. "I have some friends," the other Ash said, "we'll catch up. Just go." "Spear Pillar," Leaf muttered, "this place is a lot cooler in legends." "Well that's pretty easy," Ash said, "the portal to the crossroad between Palkia and Dialga's realm is right there."

With Ash, Leaf, Goh and Chloe:

"It's back," Leaf said, "the red chain is back." "What is the red chain," Chloe asked. "That thing," Ash said pointing to the red chain which has created a ring around Dialga and Palkia, "Cyrus used it to control Dialga and Palkia to create a new world. I'm not sure what Team Rocket wants with it." "Hey," a man shouted, "you're not Team Rocket." "Go Crobat," another man shouted, "use Brave Bird." "Go Garbodor," the first man shouted, "use Sludge Bomb." "Eevee use Double Edge," Ash yelled. "Pikachu use Thunderbolt," Leaf yelled. "Eevee," Eevee cried but stopped as it forgot it's attack and was hit. "Pika," Pikachu cried but stopped as it forgot it's attack as well. "Garbodor use Thunderbolt," the first grunt yelled. "Crobat use Air Slash," the second grunt yelled. Ash and Leaf both put up shields. "Use Giga Impact," both grunts yelled. Ash slid under the Crobat as it tried to attack him while Leaf jumped out of the way from Garbodor. "Flygon use Rock Slide," a voice yelled, "Togekiss use Air Slash," another voice yelled. "I brought some friends," the other Ash yelled who was on the back of the Flygon. "Is that me," Goh cried. "Deal with them," a voice boomed. All eyes followed the voice. A man in heavy armour was standing on a hill. "We take him out," Ash said, "he's controlling the red chain. We take him out and we release Dialga and Palkia." "Flygon use Dragon Rush," the other Goh yelled, "Crobat use Brave Bird," the second grunt yelled. "Togekiss use Air Slash," the other Chloe yelled, "Garbodor use Sludge Bomb," the first grunt yelled. "Girrrr," a roar came from the ground. A hole opened up in the ground and Giratina came through. "So," the armoured man said, "you've arrived." "Girrrrr," Giratina roared. "Dialga, Palkia," the man commanded, "attack." "Dialllll," Dialga roared as it used Roar of Time, "Palllllll," Palkia roared as it used Spacial Rend. "Tinaaaaa," Giratina roared as it used Shadow Ball. Pink beams shot from where Spacial Rend and the first shadow ball clashed creating more portals. Blue beams shot from where Roar of Time and the second shadow ball clashed turning all the Pokemon hit by the beams into eggs. "Pikachu, Eevee," Ash and Leaf cried as they were turned to eggs. "Flygon," the other Goh cried, "Togekiss," the other Chloe cried. "Giratina," Ash yelled. Giratina turned to face Ash before nodding in understanding. "Giraaaaa," Giratina roared. "You've met Giratina before," Goh asked. "Several times," Ash said, "but that's not important." "What do we do," Chloe asked. "We do nothing," Ash said, "Leaf and I can do something." "We can help," the other Goh said. "Every world is at stake," Dawn said, "we want to help." "No," Ash raised his voice, "I already lost all I had once, I'm not doing it again." "Jesus Christ," Leaf yelled, "get out of your fantasy that you're the only person who's lost something, everyone has. You're not the only person who has lost something. Because if we fail, everyone fails and that's on us." "Fine," Ash said, "help Giratina distract Dialga and Palkia." "What will you do," Goh asked. "Go for the armoured man," Leaf said, "he holds the Red Chain which means he controls Dialga and Palkia. If we take him out Dialga and Palkia should be able to break free." "How are you gonna get through all of the grunts guarding him," Dawn asked, "you don't have Pokemon." "Neither do they," Ash said, "come on, Leaf." Ash ran for the armoured man. Leaf followed. They were intercepted by the grunts. "The boss is doing something very important for the benefit of Team Rocket," one of the grunts said, "we will not let you interrupt him." They all threw out their Pokeballs and they all immediately turned into eggs. "Your boss can barely control Dialga and Palkia, much less their power," Leaf said. "We don't need Pokemon to beat up some kids in over their heads," another grunt said. Ash and Leaf powered through them effortlessly. Their training from being high up in the International Police came in handy. Soon enough all the grunts were on the floor, groaning. Ash and Leaf ran but they were stopped by Jessie and James. "I don't know who you think you two are but you've interfered too many times," Jessie said, "do you not know who we are?" "The living incarnation of incompetence," Leaf asked. "That's just rude," James said, "we are Jessie and James, Team Rocket admins." "Only admins," Ash scoffed. Leaf gave him a look, 'just go with it,' Ash mouthed to her. "We are part of the Three Beasts from our world," Leaf gloated, "only the best behind Giovanni himself can be apart of the Three Beasts. Giovanni doesn't care who becomes admin.""The Three Beasts system hasn't been in effect since the original Pokedex holders were killed," James said. Ash and Leaf looked at each other before charging. Jessie and James got into fighting stances before Ash and Leaf switched targets and diving on Jessie and James, confusing them both. They hit their heads on the ground and were out cold. Leaf and Ash ran up to the armoured man. "Who are you," the man asked. "What remains of the Ketchum family from our world," Leaf said. "Ahhh," the man said, "I once knew a Ketchum." "Let me guess," Ash said, "you killed him?" "No," the man said, "my father killed him." "Who are you then," Leaf asked. "I guess you deserve to know," the man said, "you made it this far." He removed his helmet before dropping it on the ground and turning around. "Am I who you expected me to be," the man asked. "Uncle Silver," Ash and Leaf cried in shock. "I am Silver," Silver said, "son of Giovanni. You are in the way, so I will deal with you." Ash and Leaf got into fighting positions. Silver lunged at Ash. Using aura, Ash boosted himself backwards. Leaf grabbed Silver by the legs before slamming him to the ground. Ash jumped on him with his elbow sticking out but Silver rolled out of the way then kicked Ash in the nose. Leaf feinted his face before punching him in the stomach then kicked the back of his knees causing them to buckle then kicked him in his chest causing him to stumble before Ash grabbed him and slammed him into the ground WWE style. Silver groaned before standing up and ripping his armour off. Leaf charged at him and Silver was expecting it. He blocked all of her attacks before punching her in the side of the head. Leaf crumpled to the ground. Blood was pouring where she was struck. Ash slid under Silver's legs before kicking him in the back, making him stumble. Ash charged an aura blast before firing it. It bounced harmlessly off Silver. "That won't work," Silver said, "the aura disruptor prevents aura powers from working in my presence." Silver grabbed Ash's leg before slamming him against the ground. Suddenly, a golden portal opened in the sky and Arceus came through. Silver took something from his belt. How had Ash not noticed that before, a master ball. "Your mine," Silver muttered before throwing the ball at Arceus. The ball bounced off of Arceus harmlessly. "Impossible," Silver muttered, "why didn't it work?" "You fool," Ash coughed, "the Red Chain is used to control Dialga and Palkia because it would be impossible to catch them in Pokeballs. Arceus and Giratina cannot be controlled by the Red Chain meaning you can't catch them." Arceus charged up an attack before firing it at Silver, dicintergrating him instantly. Silver's death caused the red chain to break as the person controlling it had died. "Arceus," Ash yelled. Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus all turned towards Ash. "You must fix this," Ash said, "these are because of the actions of one man, don't let his choices decide that fate of humanity." "I will grant you your wish," Arceus's voice rang, "but I am disappointed in you. You have changed from the pure hearted boy I once knew." "I am sorry I failed you, Lord Arceus," Ash bowed. Leaf stood up from behind Ash. "What are you doing," Leaf asked. "Making things right," Ash said. "Arceus gave you one wish," Leaf said, "are you sure you aren't going to use it to bring Dawn back?" "No," Ash said, "it's not what Dawn would've wanted." They were engulfed in a flash of white light. When Ash could see again, Goh and Chloe were next to him and Eevee and Pikachu had just transformed from eggs along with Greninja. "What just happened," Chloe asked. "Did we just save the world," Goh asked. Ash said nothing, he just smiled. "Thank you Leaf," he said.

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