The Final Battle

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"So you actually decided to show up," Giovanni said without turning around. He was staring at the grave of Silver which was put there by Red in the time since his death. Victoria sat on a camping chair off to the side. Leaf was there as well, walking around the grave site, stopping every now and again. "You remind me of Ghetsis," Black said, "once a good man, blinded by ideals." "You mistake both Ghetsis and I," Giovanni said, "neither of us were good men." "Perhaps not anymore," Black said. "How noble," Victoria laughed, "you were trapped in the Light Stone by Ghetsis, yet you still defend him." Today Victoria made herself look like Sird. "You look puzzled Ash," Victoria said, "perhaps wondering why I chose to appear like this? Well, I first met the Pokedex holders in this form, so I will destroy them in this form." "Leaf convinced you to wait here for us," Ash said, "at Pallet Town, because she want's to kill me in a fair aura duel in our home." "Well done brother," Leaf clapped, "you finally figured it out. I'm so proud of you." "I figured it out long ago," Ash said, "I'm not stupid, Leaf." "Wonderful," Leaf laughed, "let's get on with it then." Leaf discarded her clothing, revealing her international police body armour beneath. Ash did the same. The wind started picking up, before a Team Rocket helicarrier was visible in the horizon. Everyone watched before it landed. "Now," White yelled into her Pokegear. Suddenly 2 attacks came from the distance and blew up the helicarrier. Joel, Hudson and Emily walked out of the burning helicarrier followed by 10 grunts. Paul and Jimmy flew down and landed next to Ash. "You're still outnumbered," Giovanni said. "Aero use Hyper Beam," a voice yelled. Giovanni was thrown back by the attack. Chaos broke loose.

"Audino use Hyper Voice," Emily yelled, "Altaria use Dazzling Gleam." "Nancy use Light Screen," White yelled, "Barbara use Tailwind." "Audino use Hyper Voice," Emily yelled, "Altaria use Draco Meteor." "Nancy use Reflect," White yelled, "Barbara use Protect." "Hurry up and fight me," Emily yelled, "or are you scared?" "Draco Meteor is a powerful move, but it also takes a toll on the Pokemon," White said, "Nancy use Ice Beam, Barbara use Dark Pulse. Both on Altaria." This caught Emily off guard and Altaria went down, Emily was put at a disadvantage. "Go Nidoqueen," Emily yelled. "Nidoqueen, poison ground type," the Pokedex read. "Audino use Hyper Voice," Emily yelled, "Nidoqueen use Stone Edge." "Nancy use Scald," White yelled, "Barbara use Brave Bird." Mandibuzz was about to hit Nidoqueen before being struck with Stone Edge. "Barbara return," White said, "Go Solly." "Audino use Thunder," Emily yelled, "Nidoqueen use Sludge Bomb." "Solly use Lucky Chant," White yelled, "Nancy use Scald." "Shielding your Pokemon instead of offensive pressure," Emily said, "a cowards move." "Call it what you want," White said, "Nancy use Scald, Solly use Focus Blast." "You Pokedex Holders always manage to impress me," Emily said, "Hyper Voice." "No," White yelled. "I had my Audino use Endure," Emily said. "Return," White said, "Go Darlene, Go Dorothy."

"Bisharp use Psycho Cut," Victoria yelled, "Salamence use Dragon Pulse." "Tula use Bug Buzz," Black yelled, "Costa use Rock Slide." Bisharp use Iron Head," Victoria yelled, "Salamence use Thunder Fang." "Tula use Thunder Wave," Black yelled, "Costa use Blizzard." "Impressive," Victoria said, "you seem to be able to predict my every move and attack based around it. Given a few years you could've been more powerful than Giovanni." "I learnt a thing or 2 over the years," Black said. "What years," Victoria asked, "you've spend nearly half your life trapped in the Light Stone, you didn't even get your revenge on Ghetsis. The only reason you stand before me is because your friend saved you." Black said nothing. "Got nothing to say," Victoria yelled, "fine. Bisharp use Throat Chop, Salamence use Surf." "Costa use Low Kick," Black yelled, "Tula use Thunderbolt." "Ack," Victoria cried, "no wonder you're a Pokedex Holder. Go Banette, Go Ninjask." "Tula use Thunder Wave," Black yelled, "Costa use Blizzard." "Banette use Double Team," Victoria yelled, "Ninjask use Agility." "Waterfall on Ninjask," Black yelled, "now use Thunder Wave." "You used Waterfall to get me into a position where I would be unable to dodge Thunder Wave," Victoria noted, "now the speed of my Ninjask is cut in half. No matter, Banette use Shadow Ball, Ninjask use X-Scissor." "Rock Slide," Black yelled, "Thunderbolt." All 4 Pokemon seemingly fainted at the same time. "I suppose I should explain," Victoria said, "I had Banette use Destiny Bond so it would take down Galvantula and I gave my Ninjask a Focus Sash to hold. Ninjask was most likely to be faster than your Pokemon even with Paralysis so it used Final Gambit at the last second taking your Carracosta and my Ninjask out." "You would sacrifice your own Pokemon just to try and beat me with those dirty tricks," Black yelled. "Dirty tricks," Victoria laughed, "that's the best compliment you could give Team Rocket." "Go Brav," Black yelled, "Go Musha." "Go Persian," Victoria yelled, "Go Starmie."

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