Revenge in Kalos

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Serena walked out of the Pokemon Showcase building, stunned. She had just beat Arlia. "I did it," Serena muttered, "I did it! If only he were here, he'd be proud of me." Serena had forgotten about what she did. It was like a chunk of her memory had been removed and she couldn't remember what happened in those years. She froze. There he was. In Kalos. "Ash," Serena called out. Cold, calculating eyes bore into her. He was with 2 males and 2 females. "You," Ash growled. "Ash its been so long," Serena got teary eyed. In the light of day, Serena was kidnapped by the man she loved.

"Why'd you kidnap this woman," Goh asked. "Take a look," Ash said, "seem familiar?" "Is that the girl we saw in the alternate world," Chloe asked. "Yep," Ash said, "Serena. The girl who destroyed my life." "Ahh, You're finally awake," Black said. "W-who are you," Serena asked, "where am I?" "That doesn't really matter," White said, joining Black. "Hello Serena," Ash said. "Ash," Serena said, "it's been so long. It's good to see you." "Good to see me? That's funny, coming from you of all people," Ash said, "after what you did." "I-I don't understand," Serena said. "I just lost my uncle," Ash snarled, "I have little patience. Does this look familar?" Ash pulled out the broken pendant he broke when he was betrayed 11 years ago. Serena gasped before all her lost memories came back to her. After leaving for Hoenn, she met a girl called May and they travelled for some time, they both had a friend who was really good at Pokemon battles. Only now did Serena realise that they were talking about the same person. She went to Kanto in hopes of seeing Ash again. She met a girl called Leaf, who said she was investigating clues from her past involving her and her brother. She soon left, saying she had to return to Sinnoh to face her brother in the finals before explaining things to him. She went to Viridian City where she met a bald man who intoduced himself as Gio Vanni, soon after that her memory went blank. But now it was back. She travelled with some of Ash's friends before the night before Ash's match against Cynthia. She remembered the forest, and her betrayal. She remembered going back to Kalos and forgetting before going to Alola. She remembered training until she could beat Arlia. She remembered returning to Kalos and beating Arlia. She remembered getting kidnapped by the man she loved. "Ahhh," Serena gasped, "y-you have to believe me. It was Deoxys, Giovanni. They mind controlled me, they made me do all those things. Please, you have to believe me." "What did she do," Chloe asked. "Serena, would you be a dear and explain to Chloe as to what you did to me," Ash said. Serena was silent. "White," Ash said. "Amanda," White said. Vines burst from the ground and began to constrict around Serena. "What are you doing," Goh demanded. "What does it look like," Ash said, "she's not talking." "I-I'm the reason he didn't get to face Cynthia in the champion match," Serena said, "I'm the reason he was betrayed. I'm the reason he joined Team Rocket." "You're the reason Dawn left me," Ash said, "do you know what has happened to Dawn?" "W-what," Serena stuttered, already dreading the answer. "She's dead," Ash said, "5 years ago, at the Indigo Plateau. Shot. I'm the reason Team Rocket was powerful enough to stand up against the Pokedex Holders." Ash's head snapped back to look at Serena. He fished her Pokedex out of her pocket. "A box of joy for all the greatest boys and girls in the world," Ash said, "that was what I was told by Green anyways. You never deserved me, you never deserved this." Ash crushed it in his hand. "No," Serena cried. "Ash," Chloe yelled, "this is highly inhumane." "She deserves it," Ash said. "Please," Serena cried, "I was manipulated, It was Giovanni." "Like I'm gonna fall for that again," Ash said. "Please, l-let me say goodbye to May and Leaf," Serena begged. "How do you know my sister," Ash demanded. "Who," Serena asked. "Leaf. Leaf Ketchum," Ash said, "my twin sister." "That's your sister," Serena cried, "What happened to her?" "She died," Ash said, "I killed her." "You killed your own sister," Serena cried in horror. "You think I meant to," Ash demanded, "she was the only true family I had at the time. As for May, she was killed by Team Rocket." "What about my mother," Serena said, "she was murdered 8 years ago. Was that Team Rocket too?" "That was me," Ash said, "I killed her. You'll join her." Serena's eyes began to close as she got a glimpse at the last light she would ever see. "Good Riddance," Ash said.

6 Months Later

"Giovanni," Victoria said. "What do you want," Giovanni roared. "Ash's friend, Goh and Chloe have been sighted alone in Vermillion City," Victoria reported. "How does this benefit us," Giovanni asked. "We can use them as bait," Victoria said. "Move all of our valuable assets to Goldenrod Base," Giovanni said, "it's time we end this war with the Pokedex Holders."

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